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These days it is found that school students hardly have any sports. Is it because they have no interests in sports? It may not be true. They often say they have  1  more important things to do.
What are these important things? Exams! They have to  2  themselves ready for all kinds of exams and tests in school. So many of them almost become bookworms ( 书虫 ). In the past, they could do  3  they liked in summer holidays, but now they have to  4  all their time preparing for the exams. So  5  have kept them away from going in for sports.
Because of the pressure from  6  their parents and teachers, they  7  to work harder and spend most of their time on books. As for the students themselves, they don't want to  8  the exams. So it is necessary to give up their school sports and give all their spare time to their studies.
It's true that a good education cannot go  9  physical training and that if a quick mind hardly goes along with a strong body, you can  10  do anything well, and then how can you make great success in life?
A.some thingB.somethingC.everythingD.nothing
A.eitherB.bothC.neitherD.none of


小题2:考查短语get ready for……,为……准备好。故选C。
小题6:结合下文their parents and teachers可知选B,两者都。
小题7:考查短语have to 不得不。故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Some day little cars may take the place of (代替) today’s cars. They are good for our earth. If everyone    26    such a little car in the future, there will be     27    pollution in the air. There will be more parking places in the cities, and the street will be      28    crowded(拥挤). Now the space for one car of the usual size can hole more than one such little car. Driving will be     29   , because these little cars can go only 50 kilometers one     30   . The future cars will be fine for going around the city, but they will not be     31    for going far away. The little car needs only two batteries(电池),     32    battery for the motor, and the other for the horn(喇叭) and the lights. If we still     33     the big cars along with the small ones; we will need to     34     two kinds of roads. Some roads will be used for the big fast cars,     35   other roads will be needed for the smaller and slower ones.
A.betterB.more dangerousC.saferD.faster
A.thinkB.park C.sellD.like
A.build B.putC.openD.find


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Water, it’s a problem for the whole world. A bottle (瓶) of water may not seem like much to us,  1  it can help the people who live in drought-hit (遭受旱灾的) areas in China.
  In the past few months, many places in southwest China have 2     a serious drought. There has been very little  3 since last autumn. More than 20 million people are 4   trouble finding safe drinking water.
  After learning about the drought, many people around the country helped by  5   away water, money and other resources (资源) to the people there.
  Last week, the Young Pioneers and the Communist Youth League in China called on (号召) each student to give one bottle of water to the drought-hit area. In Xi’an, 900 students bought over 1000 bottles of water 6     their pocket money. They also wrote their  7   on the bottles. “I hope you get more rain there. I hope you are happy.”
  A bottle of water isn’t much, but thousands of bottles will be very  8  . The serious drought has also made students  9  the importance of saving water. One student said, “I have decided to take a shower twice a week  10   every day to save water.”
A.boughtB.experiencedC.studied D.missed
A.rain B.wind C.snowD.sunshine
A.causing B.makingC.havingD.bringing
A.ByB.in C.forD.With
A.plansB.notesC.wishes D.dates
A.instead B.instead of C.except D.because of


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mr White works in an office. He’s very busy and has no time to have a good rest. Every evening, when he comes back from his office, he’s always tired and wants to go to bed early. But his wife often has a lot of interesting things to tell him after dinner. She doesn’t stop talking until she falls asleep (入睡). But it’s usually too late and Mr White has to get up early in the morning when she is still sleeping.
One day Mr White felt terrible and couldn’t go to work. He decided to go to see a doctor. Mrs White went to the hospital with him. Before her husband said what was the matter with him, the woman told the doctor all. The doctor wrote out a prescription (处方). When Mrs White took the medicine to the doctor’s room, the doctor said to her, “The bottle of medicine is for your husband and the pills (药片) are for you. ”
“For me?” the woman said in surprise. “I’m fine. I don’t need any medicine!”
“I don’t think so, madam,” said the doctor. “They are sleeping pills. Your husband will be all right soon if you take them. ”
小题1:Mr White ______.
A.has time to have a good sleep
B.is busy but he can have a good sleep
C.isn’t tired and doesn’t like to go to bed early
D.doesn’t have a good rest
小题2:Mr White’s wife ______ every evening.
A.works lateB.writes things C.keeps talking lateD.watches TV late
小题3:Mr White has to get up when his wife is sleeping in the morning because ______.
A.he can’t fall asleepB.he has to go to work
C.he doesn’t want to sleepD.his wife asks him to get up
小题4:One day Mr White couldn’t go to work because ______.
A.he was illB.his wife was ill
C.his wife didn’t let him goD.he didn’t want to go to work
小题5:The sentence “Your husband will be all right soon if you take them. ” means Mr White will soon be all right if ______.
A.Mr White takes the pills
B.Mr White takes the bottle of medicine
C.Mrs White takes the pills
D.Mrs White stops talking too much at night


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I really love my job because I enjoy working with small children and like the challenges and awards from the job. I also think my work is important. I wasn’t an excellent student because I didn’t do much schoolwork. In my final term I started thinking what I might do and found I didn’t have much to offer.
I then found myself a job, looking after two little girls. It wasn’t too bad at first. But the problems began when I agreed to live in. I would be there if my boss had to go out for business in the evening. We agreed that if I had to work extra hours one week, she’d give me time off the next. But unluckily, it didn’t often work out. I was getting very tired. Because I had too many late nights and early mornings with the children.
One Sunday, I was in the park with the children, and met Megan who used to go to school with me. I told her about my situation. She suggested that I should do a course and get a qualification(资格证书)if I wanted to work with children. I didn’t think I would be accepted because I didn’t take many exams in school. She asked me to phone the local college and they were really helpful. My experience counted for a lot and I got on a part-time course. I had to leave my job with the family, and got work helping out at a kindergarten.
Now I’ve got a full-time job there. I shall always be thankful to Megan. I wish I had known earlier that I could have a success, even if I am not top of the class at school.
小题1:What do you think of the writer when she was a student?
A.An excellent studentB.A hardworking student
C.A bad studentD.A lazy student
小题2:What is the writer’s first job?
A.A cleanerB.A babysitterC.An assistantD.A teacher
小题3: When staying with the two girls’ family,the writer ________.
A.was paid for extra work
B.often worked long hours
C.got much help from her boss
D.took a day off every other week
小题4: Why did the writer leave her first job?
A.She found a full-time job.
B.She was fed up with children.
C.She decided to attend a part-time course.
D.She needed a rest after working extra hours.
小题5:What has the writer learned from her own experiences?
A.Less successful students can still have a success.
B.Qualifications are necessary for a job.
C.Hard work makes an excellent student.
D.One must choose the job she like.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Xia Ming was worried about his study, so he wrote a letter to a magazine.
Dear editors,
I’m a slow student in my class. Most of my classmates are much better than me. So I get very stressed out. It’s difficult to keep on working hard and it’s really not fun. And I think although I spend much time studying for the tests. I can’t get good grades. My father gives me some help sometimes. He tells me not to worry about it. But what do you think I should do?
Xia Ming
Two readers read the letter from the magazine and here are their answers:
Dear Xia Ming,
Many famous people are not so good at the age like you. Edison, the famous scientist, had a bad headache for his studies when he was a 12-year-old boy. But everyone knows that he did a lot for the people in the world. And Newton had the same story like him. You should take it easy, then try your best. I believe you can do better.
Dear Xia Ming,
When you are feeling stressed out, just smile and take a deep breath(深呼吸), you should believe tomorrow is another day.
Mr Unsmart
小题1:Xia Ming worried about ______.
A.his classmatesB.his lifeC.his studyD.his father
小题2:Thumbelina gave ______ examples in the letter.
A.one B.twoC.threeD.four
小题3:Thumbelina wrote about those famous people _______.
A.to make Xia Ming feel better
B.to make Xia Ming laugh
C.to show how much she knows
D.to show that she dislike them
小题4:Which is NOT true?
A.Xia Ming doesn’t have fun studying at school.
B.Xia Ming’s father always helps him with his study.
C.Smiling can reduce the pressure.
D.Edison is famous in the world.
小题5:“Tomorrow is another day.” tells us ______.
A.it’s the weekend tomorrow
B.Xia Ming can get good grades tomorrow
C.tomorrow is different from today
D.there are hopes in our lives


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Soon computers and other machines will be able to remember you by looking at your eyes! The program works because everyone’s eyes are different. So in the future you won’t have to remember a number when you want to use a machine or take money out of a bank. You’ll just have to look at the machine and it will be able to tell who you are.
The eye-recognition(眼睛识别 program has already been tested in shops and banks in the USA, Britain, Spain, Italy and Turkey. Soon this technology(技术) will take the place of all other ways of finding out who people are.
However, scientists are also working on other systems. Machines will soon be able to know you from the shape of your face or hand or even your smell! We already have machines that can tell who you are from your voice or the mark made by your finger.
Eye-recognition is better than other kinds because your eyes don’t change as you get older, and don’t get dirty like hands or fingers, and even twins have different eyes. So the eye-recognition program can be up to 94% correct, depending on how good the technology is. However, some other programs may only be 51% correct at present. In Britain, it was found that 91% of people who had tried it said that they liked the idea of eye-recognition.
In the future your computer will be looking you in the eye. So smile!
小题1:Where has the eye-recognition program already been tested in a few countries? In_______.
A.shops and banksB.shops and schools
C.banks and schoolsD.schools and hospitals
小题2: How does the eye-recognition program work?
A.You look at the machine and type a number.
B.You need to speak and then look.
C.The machine looks at your face.
D.You look at the machine.
小题3: We already have machines that can tell who you are from ________.
A.your eyes or your smell
B.your voice or the mark made by your finger
C.your face or your voice
D.your face or your hand
小题4: Which of the following doesn’t belong to the advantages of the eye-recognition program?
A.Your eyes don’t change as you get older.
B.Eyes don’t get dirty like hands or fingers.
C.Everyone’s eyes are different, even twins have different eyes.
D.We can’t see anything without eyes.
小题5: What problem could there be with the eye-recognition program?
A.Some eyes are the same.B.Eyes can change.
C.It is not always correct.D.Eyes can get dirty like hands.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you like drinking Coke? As a symbol of American culture, Coca-Cola is liked by many people, especially young people all around the world. But from now on, perhaps it will be hard for students in the US to get it on campus. A new agreement will end almost all sales of high-sugar fizzy drinks in US schools. The agreement allows only unsweetened juice, low-fat milk and water in primary and middle school vending machines(自动售货机)and cafeterias. Former American president Bill Clinton helped the American Heart Association and the beverage industry(饮料业) to come up with the agreement. He suffered from a weight problem and has had a heart operation since leaving the White House. He takes the agreement as “a bold step forward in the struggle to help 35 million young people lead healthier lives”.
Rising childhood obesity(肥胖)has become a big problem in America. A federal report noted that obesity has tripled among teenagers in the past 25 years. It called for new limits on the marketing of junk food to children. Soda is a particular target because of its caloric content and popularity among children.
Britain has already taken similar steps to fight obesity. A recent study shows that people in the UK are much healthier than the people in the US. However, it’s better late than never. Now American schools are trying to make new rules to guide the students to choose healthy drinks. American schools say goodbye to Coca-Cola.
小题1:What kind of beverage is NOT allowed to sell on campus?
A.High-sugar fizzy drinks.B.Unsweetened juice.
C.Low-fat milk.D.Water.
小题2:What does the underlined word “tripled” in the second paragraph mean?
A.Became as much.B.Became twice as much.
C.Became three times as much.D.Became four times as much.
小题3:What is the writer’s attitude(态度)towards limits on junk food?
小题4:Which of the following statements is WRONG?
A.Coca-Cola causes students’ obesity.
B.Coca-Cola makes people unhealthier.
C.Coca-Cola isn’t very popular in the world.
D.Coca-Cola is bad for our body.
小题5:Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Say “Goodbye” to Coca-Cola
B.The Junk Coca-Cola
C.Coca-Cola in China
D.Coca-Cola in the World


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Wind is the great maker of waves. There are exceptions (例外), such as the tidal (潮汐的) waves sometimes caused by earthquakes under the sea. But the waves most of us know are caused by winds blowing over the sea .
Now let’s learn some physical (自然地理学的) things about it. A wave has height, from low point to high point . It has length (长度)--the distance from this high point to that of the following wave. The period of the wave means the time it takes for succeeding high points to pass a fixed point. None of these things stays the same--for all depend upon (依靠)the wind, upon the depth (深度) of the water and many other matters.
The water that makes up a wave does not advance with it across the sea. Each drop of water turns around in a little circle with the passing of the wave, but returns very nearly to its original position (原先的位置). And it is lucky that this is so. For if the huge groups of water that make up a wave really moved across the sea, sailing would be impossible. If we want to find the speed of a wave, we may use the following way : Speed =" wavelength" × frequency (频率).
Here, wavelength is the distance between two high points , frequency means the number of cycles per second
小题1:What causes waves?
A.Earthquakes and nothing else. B.Only wind.
C.Wind causes most waves. D.Wind causes some waves.
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The water of a wave moves away across the sea.
B.The water of a wave remains almost at the same place.
C.The water of a wave goes with the passing of the wave.
D.The length of a wave means the distance from the top of a wave to the bottom.
小题3:The speed of Wave 1 is 100 cm/s, frequency 10. The frequency of Wave 2 is 300, while its speed is twice that of Wave 1. Which of the following is right?
A.The wavelengths of the two are equal.
B.The wavelength of Wave 1 is 10 times longer than that of Wave 2.
C.The wavelength of Wave 2 is longer than that of Wave 1.
D.The wavelength of Wave 1 is longer than that of Wave 2.
小题4:Where can we find this passage?
A.music magazineB.fashion magazineC.scientist magazineD.sports magazine

