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6.-Jenny,is this bike     ?
-Oh,no,it's not     .(  )

分析 -詹妮,这辆自行车是你的吗?

解答 答案:A 根据空格后没有名词,可知两个空都需要名词性物主代词.yours、mine名词性物主代词;you为人称代词;my为形容词性物主代词;I为人称代词.故选A.

点评 本题考查名词性物主代词.名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的区别:形容词性物主代词后要加名词.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.Music makes our life colorful,and helps us to relax._______,English songs can also help us learn English.(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.-Did it take you a lot of time __________ English last weekend?
-No.I went to the countryside to see my grandfather.
A.practicing speakingB.practicing spoken
C.to practice speakingD.practice spoken


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.下列单词划线部分哪一项与其他三项读音不同?(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.-Hi,Tom,why do you look so tired?
-Because I ______ last night to finish my homework.(  )
A.stayed upB.made upC.put upD.looked up


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Over a year ago,Liang Bo was just an ordinary college student studying music.Now,after nearly 80 days of competition,he has become"The Voice of China."
The lucky young man was the winner of the firstseason of The Voice of China,the most popular TV talent show last summer.Hecaptured(虏获) the heartsof audience(观众) with hispassionate(激情的) rock'n'rollperformance at the show's final on Sep.30,2012.
Fans describe Li ang's voi ce as"natural,clear and touching."Although he seems cool on stage,he can quickly turn on the power once he starts singing."His performances makeyou imagine things.When I listen to his singing,I see pictures and think ofstories."said Na Ying,one of the four judges on the show.She was also Liang'stutor for the competition.
The 21-year-old boy was born in Changchun,Jilin.Like many young Chinese,he fell in love with music through playing the guitar.Liang got his first guitar as a birthday gift when he was in the middle school.He would spend days and nights practicing."I can't live without my guitar,"hesaid.
"I d on't like talking much but I carry great passion inside me."Liangsaid.There is no better way to let it out than through music like rock'n'roll.Many compare Liang to famous Chinese rockers including Xu Wei,Wang Feng andZheng Jun.But the young man doesn't want to stand in others'shadow(阴影)."I respect those rockers,but I'mnot going to copy them.I will be who I am."he said.

86.What was Liang Bo before the competition?An ordinary college student./He was anordinary college student.
87.How many judges are there in the TV talent show?4/Four.
88.Does Liang Bo come from Changchun?Yes./Yes,he does.
89.Which was the most popular TV show in summer in 2012?The Voice of China
90.Who was Liang Bo's tutor in the competition?Na Ying..


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.-I would like you to talk about the Great Wall.
-I'm sorry,but _________ Jack _________ I have been there.(  )
A.either; orB.neither; nor
C.both; andD.not only; but also


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.If farmers          trees and forests,giant pandas         no where to live.(  )
A.cut down; haveB.will cut down; will have
C.will cut don; haveD.cut down; will have


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.Samaranch,who is            old friend of Chinese people,died on April 21,2010.(  )

