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小题1:Xu Song, a 27-year –old young man , is_____________(认为) as a talented singer .
小题2:We are having a party to celebrate Betty’ s               (二十)birthday.
小题3:—Dad, perhaps you can buy an iPhone.
— What bad __________ (建议)it is! You know I only support Chinese products.
小题4:— Do you know the Chang’e -3 moon rover(登月车)Yutu landed on the moon_____________(成功)?
—Of course ! We are really proud of that!


小题1:considered 考查动词的语态。句意: 徐松 27岁的青年人,被认为天才的歌手。Be consider as 被认为。。
小题2:twentieth 考查序数词。句意:我们正在举行聚会来庆祝贝蒂20岁的生日。
小题3:advice 考查名词。句意:爸爸,你也许能买个苹果手机。太糟糕的建议了。你知道我只支持国货。What adj +不可数名词 +主语+谓语,感叹句。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:We have three m________ a day. They are breakfast, lunch and supper.
小题2:They took quite a f_______ photos in Guizhou.
小题3:I d_______ playing computer games. I think they are boring.
小题4:I exercise t________ a week, every Wednesday and Friday.
小题5:It is sunny today, so it is not n_________ for you to take an umbrella.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:“We don’t want to be treated             (different) from others,” the disabled said.
小题2:When a strong wind came from the northwest, the heavy haze(雾霾) over Wuxi city began to
小题3:It’s lucky to have so much             (value) experience in learning English during the course.
小题4:I can’t understand his             (silent) on such an important matter.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:They have hot drinks and fruit _____________  (在……之间) meals.
小题2:Can you see the_______________ (礼物)on the table? They are so beautiful.
小题3:I don't like sports very much. Let's talk about something____________ (其他的).
小题4:My little brother looks _________________(可爱的).
小题5:We have PE lessons_____________(两次)a week.
小题6:Shanghai is a big and m_____________ city.
小题7:The boy is very hungry, so he wants to have two h_____________ .
小题8:Children’s Day is on J_______________1st.
小题9:At w______________, we always have a good rest at home.
小题10:Playing basketball helps you keep h_________________ every afternoon.
小题11:Jane _____________ ( practice ) speaking English every morning.
小题12:Many students like _____________ (play) computer games.
小题13:It’s my ________________(one) time to visit Beijing.
小题14:Tom's classroom is big and clean. __________ (he) classmates are all kind to him.
小题15:I hope Jim’s dream can_____________ (come) true.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:We have something fun for you this _______ (学期)  .
小题2:Kate and Ann are good friends. They go to the _______ (相同的) school.
小题3:For _______ (早餐) ,I eat eggs, bananas and apples.
小题4:Tom _______ (需要)a pen, a notebook and his science book now.
小题5:I _______ (真正地) like the wonderful basketball match!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:It’s one of the most famous____________(教堂) in his town.
小题2:she is as _________(活泼的)as a child.
小题3:W_________you do,you must try your best.
小题4:Eating too much burnt food can _______________(增加)the risk of cancer.
小题5:Why not _____________(考虑)visiting HongKong for your next vacation?
小题6:That company __________(提供)us with 3,000 dollars in 2012.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:More and more people pay attention to food      (safe) now.
小题2:There are many      (copy) of books on sale in the bookshop.
小题3:My uncle likes reading. He often buys      (week) newspapers to read.
小题4:My favourite programme Yang Lan One on One usually begins with a      (discuss).
小题5:The Tigers in India are      (appear) faster than pandas at present.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Many people like the book War and         by Leo Tolstoy. (和平)
小题2:She hasn’t phoned, even       she said she would.(虽然)
小题3:He has gone far         me in English. (超过)
小题4:The fire alarm has a     test.(每周的)
小题5:Jim jumped         in the long jump. (最远)      
小题6:There seems to be something       in the box. (value)
小题7:His little dog’s       made him very sad.(die)
小题8:This computer system has been        into several times. (break)
小题9:He was         heavily after a long running when I saw him just now. (breath)
小题10:China has sent up Chang’e-3        . (succeed)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The English teacher told us that we had a         (month) test on each subject.
小题2:Just now more than one criminal ___________(arrest) by the police.
小题3:Audrey Hepburn was not only beautiful but also           (experience).
小题4:With the help of the computer, the spacemen can be sent to the space even      (safe).
小题5:Tom,             (put) up a drawing of the panda on the wall tomorrow.
小题6:Fights in action films          (they) have a bad effect on teenagers, don’t they?
小题7:The bad air makes my head hurt and it’s difficult for me __________(breath).
小题8:—Did Amy come        (twelve) in the girls’ 400-metre race? —Yes.
小题9:—What about hiding those __________(enemy) guns behind the tree? —Good idea.
小题10:The host said that the results _________ (announce) the following day.

