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Do you know an old city called "Pingyao" in Shanxi? The old city is not f___ from Taiyuan. It's a town with a long history of more than two t____ years.
The old city is not very large. It is only 2.25 s__ kilometers in size. And there are no tall buildings here. Most of the buildings have only two f___. And most of them are m______ of stones(石头). There are many Chinese-style shops on either side of the street.
Pingyao is a square city. The city has a wall a_____ it.  It's about 6 km long and 12 m high. The wall has six gates. And you mustn't m____ the nice food in Pingyao. Try Pingyao beef and you are s__ to fall in love with it.
Pingyao is a place worth(值得) a visit. You can take buses or trains here. It's less than 2 hours' bus ride from Taiyuan. It c__ you only 20 yuan. If you take a train, it will take you less time, only one and a half hours. And if you want to go to Pingyao from Beijing, the train ride takes o_____ about 6 hours.


小题1:根据文中句子The old city is not f___ from Taiyuan. 这个古老的城市离太原不远。be far from离……远,故填far。
小题2:根据文中句子It's a town with a long history of more than two t____ years.它是一个有着两千多年的悠久历史的城镇。根据句意及所给首字母,此处应是两千年,故填thousand。
小题3:根据文中句子It is only 2.25 s__ kilometers in size. 只有2.25平方公里。square平方,故填square。
小题4:根据文中句子Most of the buildings have only two f___. 大部分的建筑只有两层,floor地板、层,因为是两层,要用复数,故填floors。
小题5:根据文中句子And most of them are m______ of stones(石头).大部分的建筑是由石头造的。be made of由……制成,能看得见原材料,是被动语态,要用过去分词,故填made。
小题6:根据文中句子The city has a wall a_____ it. 它的周围有一道城墙。around在……周围,故填around。
小题7:根据文中句子And you mustn't m____ the nice food in Pingyao.你一定不能错过平姚的美食。根据句意及首字母,此处应是错过,故填miss。
小题8:根据文中句子Try Pingyao beef and you are s 8__ to fall in love with it.尝一尝平姚的牛肉,你一定会爱上它的,be sure确定,确信,故填sure。
小题9:根据文中句子 It c__ you only 20 yuan.乘公交车仅花费你20元。通篇短文用一般现在时,所以此处也要用一般现在时,主语是it,所以要用第三人称单数形式,故填costs。
小题10:根据文中句子 And if you want to go to Pingyao from Beijing, the train ride takes o_____ about 6 hours.如果你从北京到平姚,车程仅花大约6个小时。根据句意及所给首字母,此处应是“仅仅”,故填only。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Do you know Sweden(瑞典)?It is in the小题1:  of Europe.It is the fourth largest小题2:   in Europe with an area of 450, 000 square kilometers and the number of people is about 8.5 million. Over one third(三分之一) of them live in the three largest cities, c  小题3:   Stockholm, Goteborg and Malmo. More than half of Sweden is covered with trees. It is one of the richest countries in the world. About 100 years ago Sweden became industrialized(工业化). Most小题4:   gave up their farms and went into the cities. But now great 小题5:    have taken place. Sweden is the country where the famous Nobel Prize(诺贝尔)are awarded. Many people who have visited Stockholm, the c  小题6:  of Sweden, must have 小题7:    two to three languages. Most of the Swedish people,men and women,
小题8:   and young, can speak English. So there is no p  小题9:  to speak with them in English.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Can you tell me how            (make) a lantern.
小题2:Don’t go out. It             (rain) hard outside.
小题3:Mother asks me             (not play) football on the road.It’s very dangerous.
小题4:My father often              (drive) me to school .
小题5:It takes me an hour              (do)homework every day.
小题6:His brother looks forward to                (hear) from his parents.
小题7:How about               (wait)at the school gate.
小题8:Mike,             (not draw)on the wall.
小题9:I’d like to invite you               (watch) a football match.
小题10:I hope you             (show) me around your school.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The job is much  _______  than before.  (difficult)
小题2:He eats all kinds of food, so he is   ______  (health)
小题3:Mr Smith  _____  me to play chess when I was a child. (teach)
小题4:Tom and Mike are the _____ (win) of this game. (win)
小题5:Lisa _____ (not clean)her room very often.
小题6:The teacher said that the moon _      (go) round the earth.
小题7:Listen! The birds in the tree   ______ (sing).
小题8:How did you make the baby stop ______ (cry)?
小题9:It was necessary for him _     (talk) with his father.
小题10:______  aloud in the morning is good for the students. (read)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

A:Hi, Emma! What time do you usually1 up on weekdays?
B:Well, I get up at six forty- five.
A:Do you have 2 at home in the morning?
B:Yes, I usually have an egg, a hamburger and some fruit.
A:When do you go to3?
B:Classes  4 at eight-thirty, so I go to school at eight ten.
A:How5classes do you have every day?
B:Seven. Four in the morning and three in the 6.
A:7your favorite sport?
B:Well, I like soccer 8 .
A:Why do you like it?
B:9it’s exciting and I can play it very10.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Sitting in the play area of the doctor's office, my children, Paul, four, and Bailey, three, built a Lego tower while we w小题1:to be called for Paul's examination.
"Good job, you guys, "I said, trying not to s小题2:too tired. My husband was away on business, and it was difficult being a 小题3: with the kids. "Don't put the Lego in your mouth, Bailey, " I said. Paul grabbed it from him. "That's not nice, Paul, " I said. He gave back the Lego. I looked around and saw an old gentleman in a c 小题4:was reading something, I wished I could sit q 小题5:for a while. I wanted to be able to take a rest, or go shopping alone. At once, I was ashamed of myself. What kind of mother was I?" God, " I thought, "help me to be the very best mom I can be." The nurse came into the waiting room to get us. Just at that moment, the old gentleman in the waiting room put down his m 小题6:and came up to me. With a smile on his face, he said, "Your children are  l 小题7:to have such a wonderful mother." "Thank you, "I replied in a low v小题8:and watched him walk back to his seat. We f 小题9: the nurse into the examination room. While she weighed Paul, I told her how that man had made my day.
Now when I feel tired I remember the encouraging w 小题10: of the old gentleman.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Tom is __________ (缺席) from class today. His mum is ill, he has to look after her at home.
小题2:We should pay attention to ________ (grow and improve) a good habit of study.
小题3:I received his invitation yesterday, but I didn’t _________ it because I had something more important to do.
小题4:Our earth is becoming dirtier and dirtier. We should try our best to reduce the __________(the state of being dirty)   
小题5:He will write to me as soon as he __________(到达) Paris.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Travelling is a very good activity. When you get tired of your work or study, and when you have free time, you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature or other cities. You can breathe fresh air, meet different people and make friends with them. It’s good for your health to do so.
But sometimes, travelling is not an enjoyable thing. For example, the weather can be changeable. There may be rain when you travel. You may catch a cold or be ill while travelling. The worst thing is that the thieves may steal(偷) your money. All these may happen to a tourist.
When you go on a trip, you must get everything ready. Firstly, you must have clear information about the weather. Secondly, ask a friend to go with you so that you can help each other. Thirdly, you must be careful everywhere and try not to cause accidents. If you do this, you will surely enjoy your travel.
Title :    小题1:
You can enjoy the   小题2:  view of the nature.
There will be a lot of fresh      小题3:  around you.
It can make you      小题4:    .
Sometimes it may    小题5: when you travel. It will make the road wet and slip.
You may get        小题6: while travelling.
The worst thing is that you will   小题7: some money.
At   小题8: , you should know about the weather clearly.
Secondly , you must invite somebody to go together  小题9:  you.
Thirdly, do everything      小题10:   . Don’t cause any accidents.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Wow ! Everything ______ half price. That is too great .

