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【题目】 Once upon a time, there was a garden. Many vegetables grew in the garden. And there was a big_________near the vegetables.

The vegetables and the big tree didn't like each other. The vegetables drank a lot of water, so the tree_______drink enough water. The big tree looked at the vegetables_______and he decided to teach them a lesson.

On a summer day, the_______was shining in the sky. The big tree decided not to share its shade(树荫)with the vegetables. It made the vegetables very hot. There was not_______water to drink, and they soon became very dry and ugly. At that time, the gardener came to see these vegetables. He was very sad,_______almost all the vegetables were dry. Then he decided to build a new garden.

It_______the gardener too much time to build the new garden. He was so busy that he couldn’t_______the old garden. Both the big tree and the vegetables felt very thirsty. They would die soon. In the end, the big tree_______what he had done. If the big tree realized that it was better to communicate well with the vegetables at first, they might both grow very well. However, he chose a________way to teach the vegetables a lesson.








8A.look upB.look afterC.look throughD.look over

















tree树;flower花;river河;mountain山。根据下文“The vegetables and the big tree didn't like each other. The vegetables drank a lot of water, so the tree___2___drink enough water.”可知,这里是说在蔬菜旁边有一条大树。根据同意,故选A


couldn't不能;shouldn't不应该;mustn't禁止;needn't不必。根据上文“The vegetables drank a lot of water,”可知下文是说树就不能喝足够的水了。故选A


happily高兴地;angrily生气地; amazingly惊讶地;kindly善良地。根据下文“and he decided to teach them a lesson.”可知,这里是说生气地看着蔬菜。根据题意,故选B


star星星;moon月亮;earth地球;sun太阳;根据下文“was shining in the sky.”可知这里是说太阳照耀在天空中。根据题意,故选D


many许多;little小的;enough足够的;few很少。根据下文“they soon became very dry and ugly.”可知,这里是说水不够喝。根据题意,故选C


so因此; however然而;although尽管; because因为。根据下文“almost all the vegetables were dry.”可知这里是因果关系。根据题意,故选D


took花费;It takes sb. some time to do sth.花费时间做某事;spent花费;spend..on…spend+时间+doing sth.paid支付;短语pay for…支付; cost花费,物做主语。这里是固定句型It takes sb. some time to do sth.表示花费某人多长时间去做某事。根据题意,故选A


look up查阅; look after照顾;look through浏览; look over检查。根据上文“He was so busy”可知这里是不能照顾那个旧花园。so+形容词+that从句,表示如此……以至于……。根据题意,故选B


regretted后悔;thanked谢谢; understood理解;agreed同意。根据下文“If the big tree realized that it was better to communicate well with the vegetables at first, they might both grow very well.”可知,这里是说那棵大树后悔他做的。根据题意,故选A


clever聪明的;right正确的;wrong错误的;proper合适的。根据上文“If the big tree realized that it was better to communicate well with the vegetables at first, they might both grow very well.”可知,下文是说一个错误的方式。根据题意,故选C

这篇短文主要讲述了一个菜园里一棵大树之间的明争暗斗,最终树明白了两者相互依存的道理。暗示了人与人和谐相处的重要性。题型是完形填空,考查学生们在具体语境中运用语言的能力,综合性较强。做题时,应先通读短文,了解大意;然后根据上下文语境做题,先易后难,注意空前后的固定搭配,并仔细辨析选项中单词的意思和用法;最后将答案代入原文,再读一遍,检查答案是否正确。例如第4小题,考查名词辨析。句意:夏天的一天,太阳在天空中闪耀。star星星;moon月亮;earth地球;sun太阳;根据下文“was shining in the sky.”可知这里是说太阳照耀在天空中。根据题意,故选D


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



During National Day, our school held many activities to _________ our mothertland.


I want to know ______________ in China in the past forty years.


She did schoolwork _______________ in the test than you did.


The children _______________ computer games on school nights.


The boy __________________ the kind-hearted person.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Europeans began exploring the world by sea in the 1400s. This period of discovery lasted from about 1418 to 1620.

Reasons for exploration.

A major reason for these voyages was the wish to set up sea routes between Europe and East Asia. Advances(进步)in knowledge and technology were another main reason behind these voyages of discovery.


After they set sail on the vast ocean, explorers were able to bring the knowledge of a larger world back to Europe. In addition to the presence(存在)of hew lands, these explorations often led to the discovery of new species(物种)and new cultures of people. Those all helped open up a new world to Europe.

The Age of Exploration allowed more people to see and study the world. It brought great development to science as well as trade between East and West.

1How did Europeans explore the world in the 1400s?


2How long did the exploration?


3Where did Europeans set up sea routes?


4What could explorers bring back to Europe after they on the vast ocean?


5The Age of Exploration helped develop science and trade between East and West didn't it?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 A high school student caused an online storm when she posted photos of herself in a Chinese style dress.

Keziah Daum is an 18-year-old high school student from Utah(犹他州)in the United States. She wore a traditional Chinese style dressqipao to her prom(舞会). Daum didn't know the history of the dress1buying it. Just because it looked so amazing. She simply found the dress in an old2/st:r/and decided to wear it to the prom. It3carrya wonderful message.

“I am so happy that I can4/wer/such a beautiful and elegant dress,” says Daum. “Now I know there is lots of history behind the nice-looking5. I'm6showgreat respect to it.”

With a long7/'hstri/, qipao was popular during the Qing Dynasty1644-1911, which was created in the 1920s in Shanghai. It was made fashionable8upper-class women. In 1929, qipao was chosen by the Republic of China to be one of the9nationdresses. Qipao has actually become a symbol of traditional Chinese culture. And Chinese cultural10treasureare worth spreading all over the world.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—It seems that we can’t live without mobile phones_________.

—Yes. They are very important in our _______life.

A.everyday; every dayB.every day; everyday

C.everyday; everydayD.every day; every day


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


随着寒假的到来, 中考的脚步也越来越近了。在接下来的时间里, 我们需要调整好自己的心态, 以最佳状态复习迎考, 相信大家都能考出自己理想的成绩。请根据要点提示写一篇 80-100 词的短文, 题目为 I Believe I Can Be The Best .

1. 认真听讲, 通过最适合自己的方式进行每日的学习

2.合理膳食, 保证充足的睡眠

3.适当放松, 如欣赏自己喜欢的音乐或电影

4.多与老师, 家人和朋友交流, 发现问题及时解决

5.相信自己, 每天进步一点点, 微笑面对每一天

参考词汇: senior high school entrance examination (中考)

I Believe I Can Be The Best



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Not getting enough sleep can cause problems in a student’s life. Many students fall 1 in class or while doing their homework, so they get 2 grades. Scientists suggest that the students should sleep about 3 hours a night. Why aren’t students getting enough sleep? Many students have one of the following 4, like a cellphone, television, or computer in their bedrooms. Using them on a school night not only 5 their time away from homework, but also makes it difficult for them to fall asleep. As a result, many students can’t fall asleep before 11 pm, yet they must get up early to go to school.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Everyone needs friends, There is an old saying.“Friends are God’s way of taking care of us.” But how do you find real friendship and keep it?

The American writer Sally Seamans tells young students some smart ways to find friends. Sally says finding friendship is just like planting a tree. You plant the seed(种子) and take care of it to make it grow.

First, you should choose a friend. What makes a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and patient. For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend should listen to your complaints and do his or her best to help. To make a friend, you cannot be too shy. You should make each other happy and share your lives.

But things cannot always be happy. Even the best friends have fights. What should you do when you have a fight with your friend? You have to talk to him or her. When there is no one around, have an honest talk. If he or she doesn’t want to talk, you could write a letter.

Here are three steps to being friends again:

First, tell him or her how you are feeling, say what your friend has done wrong. and then explain why you did this or that. At last, remember that friendship is the most important thing in your life.

1Does Sally Seamans teach students to find friendship?


2What kind of people can be a good friend?


3When should you have an honest talk with your friends?


4Do you think friendship is everything in your life? Why or why not?




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1What is the passage about?

A.A summer camp.B.A walking tour.C.A sports center.

2When can they go swimming?

A.On Wednesday afternoon.B.On Friday afternoon.C.On Sunday morning.

3Where will they go for a day trip on Saturday?

A.London.B.Oxford.C.Local sports center.

4Whom can you ask if you need any help?


