精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
1 The students are busy _______(复习)for the exam.
2 He had got full marks and the teachers were ___________(满意) with him..
3 If you get up early, try not to _________(打扰)your neighbours..
4 My mother has worked in this company since she left ______(大学).
5 Do you know who ________(发现)America?
6 Keeping _________(日记)can help you remember things well.
7 I’d like to find someone to talk about their strange _________(行为).
8 Mr Wu always spends lots of time _______(解释)things to us.
9 The doctor ________(建议)my father to give up smoking three years ago.
10 Suzy brought ___________(气球)of all colours..
11 We held the 29th Olympic Games _________(成功)in 2008.
12 The _______(领导)of our school are all hard-working.
13 There is a lot of information ________(可获得的)here. Anyone can get some if he needs.
14 He was careless enough to make so many ________(错误).
15 It’s said that we will be _________(分开)into 2 groups.
16 People all over the world love ________(和平).
17 –What do you think of Simon? ----He is very _________ because he never shows off in front of others.
18 I asked him to help me with the work, but he _______.
19 There is something wrong with my computer. I will have it _________ this afternoon.
20 Nobody is _________ to smoke here because the sign says “No Smoking”.
1.revising   2.satisfied  3.disturb  4.college  5.discovered
6.diaries   7.behaviour  8.explaining  9.advised  10.balloons
11.successfully  12.leaders  13.available  14.mistakes  15.divided
16.peace  17.modest  18.refused   19.repaired/fixed/mended  20.allowed

1. be busy doing sth表示忙于做某事,故本题空格处填复习的动名词revising。
2.      be satisfied with sb表示对某人的满意,故本题空格处填满意的形容词satisfied。
3.      try not to do sth表示尽量不要做某事的含义,故本题空格处填打扰的动词disturb。
4.      本句的含义为自从我母亲离开大学,她就一直在这家公司工作,故本句空格处填大学的单词college。
5.      本句的含义为你知道谁发现美洲的,故本句空格处填发现的过去式discovered。
6.      keep diaries表示写日志的含义,故本题空格处填日志的复数名词diaries。
7.      本句的含义为我想找某人来谈论一下他们的古怪行为,故本句空格处填行为的名词形式behaviour。
8.      spend+时间+doing表示某人花费多长时间做某事的含义,故本句空格处填解释的动名词形式explaining。
9.      本题中有个三年前的过去时间,故本句空格处填建议的过去式advised。
10.  本题的含义为Suzy买了所有颜色的气球,故本句空格处填气球名词的复数形式balloons、。
11.  本句的含义为我们成功的举行了2008年的奥运会,修饰动词使用副词成功地单词successfully。
12.  本句的含义为我们学校的领导都很勤奋,be动词使用复数形式are,故本题空格处填领导的复数名词leaders。
13.  本句的含义为在这儿有许多信息可以获得,故本句空格处填可获得的形容词available。
14.  so many修饰可数名词的复数形式,故本题空格处填错误的复数名词mistakes。
15.  本题的含义为据说我们将被分开两个组,本题表示被动的意思,结构为be+动词的过去分词,故本题空格处填分开的过去分词divided。
16.  本题的含义为全世界的人都爱好和平,故本题空格处填和平的名词形式peace。
17.  本句回答语的含义为西蒙是谦虚的,因为他在其他人面前从来不炫耀,故本句空格处填谦虚的形容词modest。
18.  本句的含义为我叫他帮我干活,但是他拒绝了,故本题空格处填拒绝的单词refused。
19.  本句的含义为电脑出了问题,今天下午我将把它修理好,have+sth+动词的过去分词,表示把某物做完,故本句空格处填修理的过去分词repaired。
20.  本句的含义为没人被允许在这儿抽烟,本题表示被动的意思,故本句空格处填允许的过去分词allowed。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:It’s ________ (polite) to ask a woman’s name in western countries.
小题2: Lily’s family is very poor, we must do something_______ (help) her.
小题3:LiTao studies very hard because he knows the _______ (important) of study.
小题4:The baby is too young , she is _______(able) to dress  herself.
小题5:‘May I come in , Miss Zhao?’ He asked_________(gentle)
小题6:------- Why didn’t Jim come yesterday?
-------Because his car______(break) down because of the heavy rain.
小题7: When my mother arrived home my father and I_(plan) the trip to Sunny Park.
小题8:The film was so__________(bore) that all of them didn’t want to see it.
小题9:I found Jack_________(interest)when he tell funny stories.
小题10:There are twenty girls in the swimming club,_______(包括) 2 American girls.
小题11:You’d better not believe what he says because he is__________(不诚实).
小题12:What a_________(可怕的) snowstorm! It killed many people.
小题13:It’s fine today, there is no_________(云彩)in the sky.
小题14:The _________(树叶)turn brown and yellow in the autumn.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:This book must b              to Linda. Look! Her name is on it.
小题2:You will miss the bus u                 you hurry up.
小题3:I like reading magazines that i                   me.
小题4:Listening to the radio is h                 to language-learning .
小题5:It is snowing heavily and the land is c                  with snow.
小题6:Mum, you needn’t be w             about me. You see, I have grown up.
小题7:Jack, you should pay more a               on your pronunciation next time.
小题8:.Only by working hard can we s                in doing everything.
小题9:To be h                , this red dress does not match you well.
小题10:Staying up late has an i               on your health. So never do it, my boy.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Mum, I am thirsty. Where is______ cup?
—Is this______?
—Yes, thank you.
A.mine; yoursB.my; your C.mine; your D.my; yours


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1. Simon hates to be like others, so he always does everything ________ (不同).
2. Making a lot of noise and______________(打扰)others are impolite.
3. Do you have any  ____________(困难) with your studies these days?
4. —Who is Daniel _____________(争论) with? —His best friend, Simon.
5. His mother is much ___________ ( 严格的 ) with him than his father.
6. They are wet all over __________(可能)because of the heavy rain.
7. He wanted to join the club,but was________(拒绝).
8. My penfriend in the USA hasn’t ________ (答复) to my last three e-mails yet.
9. My twin brothers ___________(更喜欢) to walk to school when they were in high school.
10. You shouldn’t leave a child      (单独)in the house.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

My book is in the bag. Where’s ______?
A .your            B.yours             C.you


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Though the passage is easy, I don’t think __________can understand it.
A.someoneB.anybodyC.everyone D.nobody


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

I found ______ not very difficult to keep away from the A/H1N1 Flu.
A.that B.thisC.oneD.it


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Maggie and Stella _____new here. They ____listening to music.
A.are both; both likeB.both are; like both
C.are all; all likeD.all are; like all

