精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


A:Look, here comes a model.

B:What a nice dress! 1

A:That's not a common dress. It's called cheongsam, and it's becoming popular in the world of high fashion.

B:Look at the second one. She's wearing minority costume. 2

A:I think it's made of silk.

B:I agree. Look, 3

A:A traditional Russian costume, I guess.

B:Oh, you are great. There come another three girls. 4 . Where are the clothes from?

A: 5 . The others? I'm not sure.

B:Wow. You know a lot about fashion. That's cool!

a.The first one is from Zhuang Minority.

b.The model looks so beautiful.

c.They are all wearing minority costume.

d.Do you know what it is made of?

e.what is the third model wearing?

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________


科目:初中英语 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 中考英语 题型:030


  A.He gives it to Miss Gao.

  B.Let me help him clean the classroom.

  C.But he isn't here.

  D.Let's go home.

  E.It's time to go home.

  F.I'm on duty today.

  G.What's the time, please?

  H.He's in the teacher's room.

  I.He's a very good boy.

  J.Is Li Lei on duty today?

  Liu Tong: Excuse me, (1) ?

  Hu Cheng: It's five o'clock. (2) .

  Liu Tong: Yes.

  Hu Cheng: (3) !

  Liu Tong: Oh, no. (4) . I must clean our classroom.

  Hu Cheng: (5) , too?

  Liu Tong: Yes. (6) .

  Hu Cheng: Where's he?

  Liu Tong: (7) . He finds a watch. (8) .

  Hu Cheng: (9) . We must learn from(向……学习)him.

  Liu Tong: You're right. (10) .

  Hu Cheng: OK!


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届福建省福州延安中学初三中考模拟英语试卷(带解析) 题型:补充句子

选择句子, 补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。
A: Hello, Mary.
B: Hello, everyone. You are all here. 【小题1】 
A: We are planning for a good-bye party, for the 3-year middle school life will be over.
B: That sounds good. Can I join the party?
A: Of course.  【小题2】  
B: Great! Is there anything I can do to help?
A: Let me see. Oh.   【小题3】 ?
B: Yes, I have a digital camera.
A: We want to take some photos. They may remind us of the time we had in middle school in the future.【小题4】  ?
B: Not at all. I’m sure to bring it to the party. Anything else?
A: Well, would you like to get some fruit and snacks for the party with me?
B:【小题5】  Let’s go.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年内蒙古呼伦贝尔市初三上学期第四次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

选择句子,补全对话, 其中有两项是多余的。

A: Hello, sir, may I talk with you in English?

B: Of course.

A: I have learned English at school for one year. I have very few chances to talk with the English-speaking people.   1.

B: Oh, you speak English very well.

A: Thank you. By the way,   2.

B: No, I’m not.   3.    

A: How long have you been in this city?

B:  4. 

A: I see. Do you like this city?

B: Yes. I like it very much. It’s a beautiful city.

A: Thank you.  5. 

A. are you a student from America?

B. Not good.

C. So I want to practice English.

D. I’ve lived here since three weeks ago.

E. I’m a student from Australia.

F. Do you like it?

G. I’m glad you like it.



科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年福建省初三中考模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子

选择句子, 补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。

A: Hello, Mary.

B: Hello, everyone. You are all here.  1. 

A: We are planning for a good-bye party, for the 3-year middle school life will be over.

B: That sounds good. Can I join the party?

A: Of course.  2.   

B: Great! Is there anything I can do to help?

A: Let me see. Oh.   3.  ?

B: Yes, I have a digital camera.

A: We want to take some photos. They may remind us of the time we had in middle school in the future. 4.   ?

B: Not at all. I’m sure to bring it to the party. Anything else?

A: Well, would you like to get some fruit and snacks for the party with me?

B: 5.   Let’s go.


