精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

 Thirty years ago,Lake Ponkapog was full of life. Many birds and animals lived beside the water which was full of fish. Now there are few birds,animals and fish. The lake water is polluted. It is filled with strange plants.

How did this happen? First,Let’s see how water gets into Lake Ponkapog. When it rains,water comes into the lake from all around. In the past,there were forests all around Lake Ponkapog,so the water in the lake was clean.

Now there are many homes around the lake. People often use chemicals in their gardens. They also use chemicals inside their houses for cleaning or killing insects (昆虫). There are many businesses around the lake,too. Businesses use chemicals in their machines or shops. When it rains,the rainwater carries all the chemicals from homes and businesses into the lake. The polluted water kill the animals.

Boats on the lake are also a big problem. Lake Ponkapog is a popular place for motorboats. But oil and gas from boats also get into the lake. So more harmful chemicals go into the water in this way.

People around the lake love this lake and want to save it. Will it be possible? A clean lake must have clean rainwater going into it. Clean rainwater is possible only if people are careful about chemicals at home and at work. They should also plant more trees and flowers around the lake. And they mustn’t use motorboats any more on the lake. All these may change people’s lives. But only then can Lake Ponkapog be a beautiful clean lake again.

(   ) 1. In the past,the water in Lake Ponkapog was made clean by        .

A. hill     B. rain  C. animals     D. forests

(   ) 2. The fourth paragraph mainly tells us        .

A. people like to go boating on the lake

B. there are some bad chemicals

C. chemicals from motorboats also make the lake water dirty

D. how oil and gas get into the lake water

(   ) 3. To save the lake,people need to        .

A. be less careful about chemicals

B. use more gas and oil

C. grow fewer plants beside the lake

D. change their daily lives

(   ) 4. “Chemicals” in the story means “        ”.

A.化学家  B.污染品  C.药品  D.化学制品

(   ) 5. What makes the lake water dirty?

A. Chemicals.  B. Boats.  C. Fish.  D. Both  A and B.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Everyone talks about the “five” senses of man. And it is true that we get our information about the outside world from our senses of sight,hearing,smell,touch and taste. Researchers tell us that the sense of sight gives us up to 80% of what we know about the world outside our bodies, while the other senses,the hearing,the smell,the touch,and the taste,bring into our brains information about the other 20% of what is happening. But there are two other senses that we can’t get along without,though they are seldom noticed. These are the sense of balance about our own motion,without which we would act like a drunken man,and the kinesthetic sense,which

gives us our ideas about our own motion.


(   ) 1) The best title of this passage is        .

A. The Five Senses of Man     B. The  Senses  of  Man

C. Senses and     Information  D. Important     Senses

(   ) 2) The senses of hearing,smell,touch and taste supply us with        .

A. about half of our information about the world

B. about 20%  of our information  about  the  world

C. about 80%  of our information  about  the  world

D. all the needed information about the world

(   ) 3) The other senses besides five senses of man that the passage mentions are

A. the touch and the taste

B. the senses of balance and touch

C. the kinesthetic sense and the sense of balance

D. the smell and the hearing senses

(   ) 4) According to the passage,one misses most about the world when one        .

A. is blind

B. is deaf

C. has no senses of taste and touch

D. has no senses of balance and motion

(   ) 5) What makes the other senses different from the “five” senses?        .

A. The other senses     don’t help us directly  to  learn  about  the  world

B. The other senses     help us more directly  to  learn  about  the  world

C. The other senses     are less important

D. The other senses     are even more important


1) People who can’t see often have a fine s        of  hearing.

2) We human beings must keep the b        of  nature.

3) The m        of a ship on a rough sea makes some people sick.

4) She lost her s      in a traffic accident.

5) T      this coffee and see if you like it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Do you k 1      robots? There are a 1 2      of robots in the world now. Some of the robots can walk,sing and dance. Some can talk w 3      people. Most of them can do heavy work. In a few m 4      years,a robot will be able to d 5      a car,a train,a ship or a p 6     . In a hospital,a restaurant or a shop,we m 7      see a robot at work. By then,we need n 8      do the cooking or go shopping ourselves. We just give orders(命令)to a robot and it will do a 9      the housework. A robot will be our good f 10      .

1.          2.      3.            4.          5.         

6.          7.       8.          9.          10.         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

In the past,women could only stay at home to do housework,such as w  1   clothes,looking after babies,cooking meals and so on. They were looked down upon and not a 2     to find a job outside.

In the 1960s,women b 3     to .fight for their rights. Women in China enjoy a b 4     life than before. They can get jobs e 5     and can do all kinds of jobs. For example,there are women police officers,women doctors,women teachers and women nurses. But it’ s more d 6     for women to get to the top of a company as they do more housework at home.

In the countryside,many people still p 7     to have boys because boys are stronger and are better at farm work than girls. I don’ t think it’ s r 8     In fact,women can do everything men can do.

In China,everyone knows “ Women hold up h 9     of the sky ”,but still the government must do a lot m 10     to improve women’s life.

1.        2.     3.      4.     5.         

6.        7.     8.      9.     10.       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Have you ever been in a rickshaw (人力车)before? We’re going to see London today in an unusual 1      There are many rickshaws right now in London. Rickshaws have been around London 2       1998.

Sometimes it can be a bit 3      getting a taxi because there are too many foggy(有雾的)days and rainy days in London. If you are a tourist and you don’t know 4      to get around London,5      are a good choice (选择).

One rickshaw driver said it’s a 6      way to keep himself fit. Besides,he loves talking to people. He also loves meeting people from all over the world. And he thinks it’s very 7      to know about different cultures. One thing that’s very important for him is that cycling does 8      harm(损害)to the environment. It could also be a very good choice if we care 9      the environment. It’s environmentally friendly because it’s C02 free.

The only problem of going by rickshaw is that we can’t go as 10      as we’d like to,because rickshaw  drivers get  tired easily.

(   ) 1. A.  subject  B. sight     C. eye  D. way

(   ) 2. A.  at  B. when     C. since  D. until

(   ) 3. A.  interesting  B. easy     C. difficult  D. surprising

(   ) 4. A.  when  B. how     C. where  D. what

(   ) 5. A.  buses  B. rickshaws     C. trains  D. taxis

(   ) 6. A.  good  B. bad     C. strange  D. hard

(   ) 7. A.  boring  B. bored     C. interesting D. interested

(   ) 8. A.  many  B. much     C. not  D. no

(   ) 9. A.  off  B. about     C. of  D. with

(   ) 10. A. far     B. well  C. possible     D. high


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 New rules and behavior standards (规范)for middle school students came out in March. A middle school is going to start new rules 1       who the top students are. The best students will 2       have high marks,they will also be ones who don’t color their hair,smoke or drink. The following are more of the new rules.

Tell the truth. Have you ever copied 3       work in an exam? Don’t do it again!That’s not something 4       students should do. If you are playing computer games in your room,don’t tell your parents you are doing homework.

Take part in more activities at school. Good students love animals and 5       others. April is Bird-Loving Month in China. Is your school doing anything to celebrate it? You should participate in it!So you can learn more about animals and 6       them. When more people work together,it brings us more 7       Learn to co-operate. When your basketball team is 8      ,only working together can make

your team 9      . Be friendly to the people you are with. Try to think of others,not only yourself.

Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon? Maybe you’ll 10       Earth II someday. Don’t look down upon new ideas. All the ideas are important. You should welcome them,because new ideas make life better for everyone.

Pay attention to your safety. You should not walk 11       outside,especially at night. 12       where the public phones are. If 13       happens,you can find them quickly. If you take a bus to a place far away,please don’t sleep. This prevents a stranger 14       money from you.

Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your studies. 15       not everything on the Internet is fit for kids. You should enter healthy websites for your homework or just for fun.

(   ) 1. A.  to allow  B. to make     C. to divide  D. to decide

(   ) 2. A.  neither  B. both     C. not only  D. only

(   ) 3. A.  anyone else  B. someone else’s

C. your partners     D. any other ones’

(   ) 4. A.  honest  B. calm

C. brave     D. hard-working

(   ) 5. A. call for     B. take care  C. call on     D. care  for

(   ) 6. A.  what to feed  B. how to protect

C. how to play with     D. how to get on

(   ) 7. A.  happier  B. happiness     C. happily  D. happy

(   ) 8. A.  lost  B. winning     C. beating  D. losing

(   ) 9. A.  stronger  B. less unusual

C. more unfamiliar     D. more special

(   ) 10. A. notice     B. find out  C. discover     D. live

(   ) 11. A. alone     B. lonely  C. slowly     D. fast

(   ) 12. A. Making sure     B. To be sure

C. Make sure     D. Being sure

(   ) 13. A.  unpleasant something  B. anything pleasant

C. dangerous something     D. anything dangerous

(   ) 14. A. to carry     B. to steal  C. carrying     D. stealing

(   ) 15. A. Therefore     B. But  C. Since     D. Then


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A: Hello. My name is Ann. What’s your name,please?

B: Hi. Fm Bill,Bill Read.

A: Nice to meet you,Bill. Are you American (美国人)?

B: Yes,I am.

A: Which class are you in?

B : I don’t know. I think (想)I’m in Class Four.

A: We’re in the same class. It’s my desk. Put your bag on it.

B : Thank you very much.

A: That’s all right. Do you know the woman over there?

B : Yes. She’s Miss Green,our English teacher.

A: She’s a very (十分)good teacher.


(   ) 1) The boy’s family  name is Read.

(   ) 2) Bill comes from theUSA.

(   ) 3) Miss Green teaches English.

(   ) 4) Ann and Bill are  in different classes.

(   ) 5) Bill and Ann are  good friends.


6) Where is Bill from?

7) Which class are they in?

8) Where can Bill put his bag?

9) Who is their English teacher?

10) Is she a good teacher?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Sam hates doing chores. And he has 1 chores. For example, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays he takes out the trash. And on weekends he always 2 his father's car. He also cleans his own room once a week. Sometimes he even has to 3 his little sister and brother.

  Sam has a foreign friend at school. His name is Kumar. Doing chores in Kumar's 4 is very different. In the house only the 5 do chores. His sisters make all the 6 and clean all the rooms too. His mother always cooks the meals, and his sisters help her to 7 and prepare (准备)the food. So when Kumar talks to Sam about chores, he feels very 8 

  Sam and Kumar are very good at 9 . They want to be scientists in the future. They want to make a robot(机器人)to do chores in the future. Then everyone―mothers and fathers, sons and daughters will be 10

(   ) 1. A. no    B. a few    C. many    D. any

(   ) 2. A. does    B. washes   C. makes    D. drives

(   ) 3. A. look for    B. take care of   C. write to    D. come over

(   ) 4. A. city    B. school    C. class    D. family

(   ) 5. A. girls    B. boys    C. parents    D. children

(   ) 6. A. clothes    B. dishes    C. beds    D. floors

(   ) 7. A. go to the movies    B. go shopping

       C. have dinner    D. play sports

(   ) 8. A. tired    B. sad     C. boring    D. lucky

(   ) 9. A. science    B. English    C. Chinese    D. maths

(   ) 10. A. busy    B. warm     C. strong    D. free


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Two businessmen were invited to dinner at the house of a professor. One of them didn’t have much education,so his friend told him, “Don’t talk about anything if you don’t really understand. ”

The first man got through the dinner successfully,but at last he drank too much and began to get careless.

A guest asked him whether he liked Shakespeare(莎士比亚).and he answered, “It’s very pleasant,but I like scotch(苏格兰酒)better. ”There was a silence in the living-room,and soon people began to leave.

When the two friends were out of the house,the second man said to his friend, “You made yourself a fool after making that silly remark(言论)about scotch. What do you mean?”asked the other man, “What was wrong with it?”

“Everyone knows that Shakespeare isn’t a drink”’his friend replied. “It’s a kind of cheese. ”


(   ) 1. The two businessmen invited a professor to have dinner with them.

(   ) 2. At first,the two businessmen got through the dinner successfully.

(   ) 3. Both of them drank too much and began to get careless at last.

(   ) 4. The businessman who drank too much knew Shakespeare very well.

(   ) 5. His friend thought that Shakespeare was a kind of cheese.

