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There ______ a group of people _______on the beach.
A.is, lyingB.are, lyingC.have, laidD.has,lie

试题分析:试题分析:There be句型表示“某地(或某时)存在有某人(或某物),而并非某地(某人、某物或某时)拥有什么东西”,句中有若干个名词作主语,动词be常与后面主语中的第一个名词在数上一致。have一般表示某人有某物。句意:有一群人躺在沙滩上。主语a group of people表示复数含义,故谓语动词用复数。现在分词作补足语表示正在进行的伴随性动作,和被修饰词是主谓关系,故选B。
点评:There be句型表示“某地(或某时)存在有某人(或某物),而并非某地(某人、某物或某时)拥有什么东西”,其实质是倒装句,谓语一般与谓语动词后面的主语保持一致。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

The number of the teachers     two hundred in our school.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。
It was another hot, dry day in the forest…
A little ant was thirsty. So he went to a river 小题1:______ (get) a drink. But the ant got too close to the river. He小题2:______ (carry) away by the flow (流动) of the river.
“Help! Help!” cried the little ant.
A dove (鸽子)小题3:______ (sit) on a tree nearby. She saw what happened to the ant. She pulled a leaf from the tree and held it in her mouth. Then she flew over to the little ant. She dropped the leaf into the water. The ant 小题4:______(climb) onto the leaf and got to safety.
“Thank you for saving me,” said the ant to the dove. “One day, I 小题5:______ (do) something to help you.”
“That is very kind,” said the dove. “But I 小题6:______ (not, think) a little ant like you could ever help me.”
A few days later, the ant saw a bird catcher 小题7:______ (stand) under a tree. He was waiting
to catch the dove with a net.
“Oh, no! My friend Dove 小题8:______ (sleep). She is in danger! I小题9:______ (help) her.”
So, he ran over to the bird catcher and stung (刺痛) him in the foot. The bird catcher cried and threw down his net in pain. The dove was able to fly away.
“Thank you, my dear friend. You小题10:______ (save) my life. Now I come to see I was wrong. I am sorry for what I said.” the dove said to the ant.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Watertown is a great place for the family to take vacation. Teenagers will want to visit the world's largest water slides and eat at Uncle Bob's. A different rock band plays at Uncle Bob's every night. 小题1: __________. They have organized games and the staff dress up as clowns. 小题2:__________.If they love good food, they can find it at the Farmer's Market where the food is both delicious and cheap.小题3:__________, parents can take dance lessons on the beach.  And everyone can learn something in Watertown. 小题4:__________! Teenagers love the Sports Museum and kids enjoy the Science Museum. 小题5:__________.
A. While the children have fun
B. Kids will enjoy the Clown City Cafe
C. There is also a lot for parents in Watertown
D. There are three Museums
E. Parents will spend many happy hours walking through the History Museum


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—_____________ do you visit your grandparents?
—Twice a month.
A.How manyB.How muchC.How farD.How often


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---Would you like         to eat, dear?
---Yes, some bread please. I’m a little hungry.
A.something deliciousB.anything deliciousC.delicious somethingD.delicious anything


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:My mother is watching TV in the _______________  (live) room.
小题2:Tom’s family has two ________________(show).
小题3:My grandfather feeds some _____________ (sheep).
小题4:Some people describe the same people _______________(different).
小题5:The child is ___________ (luck). He got the singer’s autograph(签名).
小题6:Our English teacher is of medium _______________(high).
小题7:Lost in Thailand (泰囧)is an ________________ (interested) movie.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Not only he but also we ______ right, that is to say, he as well as we _____ right.
A. are, are        B. is, are          C. are, is


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---- Where are your family, Bob?
----- My mother is at home. My father is at school. My sister and I ____ in the school library.
A is           B am            C are          D be

