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---The boys were crazy when Spiderman came along at the parade in the Universal Studio.

---Of course they were. You know, Spiderman was always those boys’ favourite.

A. made a speech B. disappeared C. showed up

C 【解析】句意:——当蜘蛛侠在环球影城的游行队伍中出现时,男孩子们疯了。——当然了他们。你知道,蜘蛛侠一直是那些男孩子的最爱。本题考查动词短语。A. made a speech发言;B. disappeared消失;C. showed up出现。根据下文Spiderman was always those boys’ favourite. 蜘蛛侠一直是那些男孩子的最爱,可知上文是当蜘蛛侠在...

科目:初中英语 来源:2018届2年中考1年模拟英语 专题10 动词的时态 题型:单选题

(题文)(2017年四川成都)--Did you hear someone knock at the door just now?

-- Sorry. I ______ to my friend on the phone.

A. was talking B. talked C. am talking

A 【解析】句意:----你刚才听到有人敲门了吗?----对不起。我正通过电话和我的朋友聊天呢。A. was talking过去进行时;B. talked 一般过去时;C. am talking现在进行时。根据语境是“有人敲门”的那个时候,我正通过电话和我的朋友聊天;可知用过去进行时,选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年上海市闵行区初三英语二模试卷 题型:单选题

2018年上海闵行二模He’s put on so much weight that his clothes aren’t _______ any more.

A. wonderfully B. beautifully C. expensive D. fit

D 【解析】句意:他增加了如此多的体重以至于他的衣服不再合适。wonderfully精彩地;beautifully美丽地;expensive昂贵的;fit适合的。根据put on so much weight可知他变胖了,因此衣服的尺寸不适合了,故用fit,故故选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省深圳市福田区2018届初三一模英语试卷 题型:单选题

---What an amazing city Shenzhen is! It is modern and clean with many beautiful parks.

---That’s true. We can’t imagine that it _______ be a small fishing village!

A. is used for B. used to C. got used to

B 【解析】句意:——深圳是个多么神奇的城市啊!这里有许多美丽的公园,既现代又干净。——这是真的。我们无法想象它曾经是一个小渔村。A. is used for被用于…;B. used to过去经常…;C. got used to习惯于。根据下文a small fishing village可知深圳过去应该是一个小渔村,所以used to符合题意,故答案选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省深圳市福田区2018届初三一模英语试卷 题型:单选题

---Mother often warned Peter not to play on his phone in the street, but her warning fell on deaf ears.

---Unfortunately, Peter was hit by a car and sent to hospital yesterday.

A. was heard B. was agreed C. was not noticed

C 【解析】句意:——妈妈经常警告彼得不要在街上玩手机,但她的警告却未被听取。——不幸的是,彼得昨天被车撞了,被送往医院。A. was heard被听到;B. was agreed被同意;C. was not noticed不被注意。根据句意:妈妈经常警告彼得不要在街上玩手机,但她的警告却未被听取,可知fell on deaf ears意思是“未被听取、不受注意、不被理睬”,结合选项可知与w...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋九年级英语外研版上册:Module 9过关测试 题型:阅读单选

Do you know that in some parts of the world, people build temporary(暂时的)hotels made of snow and blocks(大块)of ice? These are known as ice hotels.

Unlike usual hotels, all the rooms in the ice hotels are made of ice. In some ice hotels, even the glasses for drinks are made of ice blocks. So they only serve cold drinks. Also, hot food is not served in the ice hotels, but guests can eat hot food at places nearby.

To keep warm, guests sleep in comfortable sleeping bags on ice blocks that are covered by mattresses(床垫)and reindeer skins(驯鹿皮).

There are some places in the ice hotels that are heated, such as the bathrooms. This is because, even though it is not as cold in the ice hotels as it is outdoors(在户外), indoor temperatures are still very low.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about the ice hotels is that they are rebuilt every year. They can be used only during the winter months. The ice hotels melt(融化)away when spring arrives. The ice blocks used to build these hotels are from nearby rivers. So, when the ice hotels melt away, they melt back into the rivers.

1.According to the passage, ice hotels ______.

A. are found everywhere B. do business in summer

C. are made of glass D. are made of snow and ice

2.Which of the following about the ice hotels is true?

A. They are just like usual hotels.

B. The glasses are made of wood.

C. They serve cold drinks.

D. The rooms are made of bamboo.

3.You can’t see ______ in the ice hotels.

A. hot food B. reindeer skins

C. sleeping bag D. mattresses

4.Why are bathrooms heated in the ice hotels?

A. Guests want to eat in them.

B. Indoor temperature are very low.

C. Guests ask the hotels to do that.

D. It is as cold indoors as it is outdoors.

5.What happens to the ice hotels in spring?

A. They melt away. B. They are rebuilt.

C. They are repaired. D. They need more ice.

1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 【解析】试题分析:本文是对冰旅馆的介绍:旅馆的所有房间都是用冰做成的;为了保暖,冰旅馆的人们睡在睡袋里,盖上床垫及驯鹿皮。冰旅馆是暂时的,每年必须重建。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋九年级英语外研版上册:Module 9过关测试 题型:单选题

The room was dark, so she asked me to ________ the lights.

A. turn up B. turn down

C. turn off D. turn on

D 【解析】句意:房间很暗,所以她让我把灯打开。考查动词短语辨析题。A. turn up出现,开大;B. turn down关小/减少;C. turn off关掉(开关 );D. turn on打开(开关)。dark黑暗的;根据句意语境,可知选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018北京市燕山区初三一模英语试卷及答案 题型:材料作文


提示词语:Beijing Botanical Garden, have a picnic

提示问题:When and where are you going this Saturday?

What will you do there?


What do you advise him to do?

I’m writing to invite you to join us this Saturday. This Saturday, I’m going to Beijing Botanical Garden with my friends. We’ll meet at our school gate at seven in the morning. Then we are going there...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年江苏省无锡市毕业升学考试英语试卷(八) 题型:阅读单选

A study of sleep in sparrows suggests the relationship between sleep and the ability to learn may be more complicated (复杂) than realized.

Niels C. Rattenborg of the University of Wisconsin—Madison wanted to find out how the sparrows were able to deal with getting so much less sleep.He and his team brought eight wild birds into a lab and watched them for one year.They invented a game to check how well the birds could learn.In the game, the sparrows had to peck (啄) three buttons (按钮) in a certain order to get a food treat.The scientists discovered that the birds' ability to learn the right button order depended on (依靠) two things, the time of year and the

amount of sleep the birds had had.

During the migration (迁徙) season, the sparrows were restless at night and got much less sleep than usual.Even so, they were able to understand how to get the food quickly as if they'd had a regular night of sleep.Outside the migration season, they found the sparrows that got less sleep than usual had much more difficulty learning how to get the food treats than birds that had a regular sleep.

The results show that the sparrows can deal with much less sleep during the migration season than usual.If scientists can find out why, they may learn from sparrows and find ways of helping people deal with getting much less sleep.Until scientists fully understand the relationship between sleep and learning, it's better to get plenty of sleep when preparing for an exam.

1.Why can sparrows deal with much less sleep during the migration season?

A. They eat more.

B. The climate is better.

C. They find enough food.

D. Scientists still don't know it.

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A. When tired, you should try to focus (聚焦) on your study.

B. You should get enough sleep before an exam.

C. You should migrate like sparrows.

D. You should sleep less at night.

3.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Sleep lessons from sparrows

B. How to get good exam results

C. How sparrows get a food treat

D. Sparrows' migration

1.D 2.B 3.A 【解析】本篇文章难度适中,主要讲述通过对麻雀睡眠的研究表明,睡眠和学习之间的关系可能比认识的更复杂 1.推理判断题。根据If scientists can find out why, they may learn from sparrows and find ways of helping people deal with getting much ...

