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I believe listening is a powerful medicine.
It was Sunday . I had the last        to see and I got into her room . She was an old woman , sitting on the bed , trying to       her socks . Usually I said something like this : “How are you feeling ? The nurse says your son is visiting you today. I believe you are         seeing him.”
She       me with a serious voice , “Sit down , doctor . This is my story , not yours .”
I was surprised and        . I sat down a     helped her with the socks . She began to tell me that her only son lived not far from her ,          she had not seen him for five years . She believed her health problems were worse because of          her son . After hearing her story and helping her put on her socks , I asked if there was         I could do for her . She       her head and smiled . All she wanted me to do was to       .
Each story is         . Some are clear; others are not. Some are true; others are not , yet all those things do not really       . What matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard .
Listening to someone’s story costs nothing but it is the key to healing (康复). I often      what the woman taught me , and I        myself of the importance of stopping , sitting down and truly listening . I        the power of listening .

A.doctor  B.nurse  C.patient D.student 
A.take off B.get off  C.clean out  D.put on 
A.looking forward to B.asking for C.going on D.worrying about 
A.impressed  B.stopped C.aske D.greeted 
A.excited B.mad  C.embarrassed D.angry 
A.or  B.so C.but D.if 
A.missing B.loving C.understanding D.meeting 
A.nothing else B.anything else C.nothing D.everything 
A.shook B.dropped C.waved D.moved 
A.see B.smell C.listen D.feel 
A.terrible  B.different C.similar D.true 
A.happen B.appear C.matter D.change 
A.think of  B.dream of C.lead to D.laugh at 
A.teach B.ask C.remind D.cheer 
A.talk about B.show off C.believe in  D.run out of 




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

If I ______ you, I _____the job.

A.was; will take B.was; would take C.were; would take D.were; will take 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

Don't give up, Tom. You haven't realized ______ great progress you've made!

A.whatB.what aC.howD.how a


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

--Is your name Jim Green?

A.Yes, I am B.Yes, it is
C.No, I am D.Yes, I’m


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

I have a wonderful friend. Her name is Emily. We have been friends ever since kindergarten. Last year, Emily started to     my things all the time. I     lent (借出) her what she asked for because I wanted to be nice.    then I noticed that she was not always returning the things she had borrowed!
One day I asked Emily to give my things back. She said that she    remember what she had borrowed. I made a list and gave it to   5. The next day she brought back only one thing. It was a dirty T-shirt.
The next time I went to Emily’s house. I saw that her room was very untidy. I asked her      we could look for my things together.
“I know they’re here    ,” she said.
Emily and I played some music on the computer and sang while we worked. The     lost thing that I discovered was my purple hat. It was under a pile of clothes in a chair. We kept finding     things.
Emily has stopped borrowing things. Also, she is trying to keep her room     . I hope she can do it all the time.

A.borrow B.lend C.buy D.sell
A.never B.sometimes C.always D.sometime
A.If B.Or C.So D.But
A.would B.couldn’t C.might D.needn’t
A.him B.her C.me D.them
A.where B.why C.if D.who
A.somewhere B.anywhere C.where D.nowhere
A.first B.last C.second D.third
A.less and less B.fewer and fewer C.more and more D.better and better
A.dirty B.small C.wide D.tidy


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Three young men got bored with their jobs in the factory. They felt     , so they get together to visit their old master worker (师傅) for     .
When they saw their master worker, they began to    about their factory and their jobs. The old master worker listened to them without     a word. About twenty minutes later, he gave the three guests green tea, black and milk tea in      cups. Some cups are old, some are new, some are expensive and some are cheap. The old man told them to      what they like.
When all the three young men had a cup of       in hand, the old man said: “Look at the cups in your hands! You   chose the good - looking, expensive cups. What would you like to choose, tea or     ? You should choose what you need. Stop complaining about anybody or anything. And use your head and choose what you really need for yourself. Fall in love     your job and this is what you really need now.”
Life is serious. Jobs and life are just like cups and tea. Jobs are just ways of making a living. If we understand this, we won’t complain about our jobs. Try to choose what you need, and you’ll enjoy yourself and your life.

A.the sameB.differentC.niceD.ugly
A.chooseB.understand C.makeD.stop
A.bothB.allC.the othersD.others


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Everybody sometimes loses things. People often lose things when they are travelling or when they are        a hurry. That’s     there are lost and found offices at     and stations. What can you do when you       things ? Let me tell you.
In some big cities there     some lost and found offices. Some clerks are working in the offices. When they get a new thing, they always check       . They want to find out who its owner(主人) is. They are happy to see an ID card(身份证). They can find the owner’s       and address on the ID card,      they can find the owner easily.
When you lose things, first of all, you should think. If you can’t do that, just take out your mobile phone and       . Maybe you can get a       .

A.for B.at C.in D.on
A.what B.where C.who D.why
A.schools B.hospitals C.airports D.restaurants
A.find B.lose C.get D.bring
A.have B.has C.are D.is
A.careful B.carefully C.careless D.carelessly
A.photo B.class C.friend D.car
A.so B.because C.but D.although
A.run B.go C.wait D.stand
A.call B.visit C.present D.way


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Walking is a popular form of exercise. It is an easy activity and offers a good way to improve physical fitness. Walking also gives many of the same benefits as other kinds of exercise.
Regular, brisk walks help a person's body work better. Walking builds a stronger heart and lungs. Walking also seems to help protect the heart from heart disease. The lungs work better because they take in and use oxygen more effectively. Walking can help in weight control, too. A quick fifteen-minute walk burns as many calories as jogging the same distance in half the time. Walking causes very injuries, so there is also a lower "dropout" rate among walkers than among runners.
People are more likely to continue a walking program. This gives a better chance for success. Walking offers some mental benefits, too. It seems to make people feel better. Many walkers say they sleep better at night when they take regular walks. Others say they have a better attitude towards life. Walking offers many of the same physical and mental benefits as other forms of exercise, but walking offers some special advantages, too. Almost everyone can walk. There are no special lessons or training. To become a real walker, a person only needs to walk faster, farther, and more often.
People can walk almost anywhere. There are no special playing fields or courts for walking. Sidewalks, streets, parks, fields, and malls are excellent places for walking. People can walk almost anytime. A person doesn't need a team or a partner for walking. There is no "season" for walking. Most walkers walk in all kinds of weather.
Walking doesn't cost anything. There are no special fees for walking. Good walking shoes and comfortable clothes are the only equipment that a walker needs.
Walking offers a form of exercise within the reach of nearly everyone. With a little time and effort, people can rediscover a valuable form of exercise and improve their fitness.
【小题1】Walking benefits people's_______.

A.legs and arms B.feet and hands
C.heart and lungs D.head and stomach
【小题2】Most people like walking because_______.
A.it is easy to continue
B.it is funny
C.they are ill
D.they want to see who walks faster
【小题3】When you start walking, you should prepare _______.
A.a good bag
B.a hat and gloves
C.some food and drinks
D.walking shoes and comfortable clothes


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Talk about a real-life hero! Ten-year-old Larry Champagne from St.Louis,Missouri, hit the brake(刹车)on a runaway school bus.He saved himself and 20 other kids on board from disaster.
It all happened in one terrible accident.On the way to school,the bus driver,Ernestine Blackman,suddenly fell ill.Seeing the car was running away,the other kids started to scream,but Larry ran to the front and stopped the bus.
“At first I thought,‘We’re gonna die,’ ”says Larry,“but after I pressed the brake, I felt safe.”
Larry’s speedy reaction made news all over the country.He appeared on TV shows as a hero.The bus company gave Larry a big gift.His school hung a medal of honor around his neck.
“My grandmother always tells me to do what’s right,”says Larry.He thanked his brother,Jerrick,9,who “helped me get the bus driver up” during the emergency(紧急情况).How did he know how to stop the bus? Larry is something of a mechanic(机械师).He helps his grandfather work on his old truck.“He gets his hands dirty,”says his grandfather.One thing is for certain:Larry knows where to find the brakes.
【小题1】What did Larry do to save the runaway bus?
A. he pressed the brake.       
B. He helped all the kids climb out through the windows.                   
C. He dialed 911.
【小题2】When did Larry finally feel safe?
A. When the bus driver started driving again.
B. Once he pressed the brake and the bus stopped.
C. When the kids finally stopped screaming.
【小题3】Larry thanked his brother Jerrick for            .
A. teaching him how to stop the bus    
B. teaching him how to find the brake
C. helping him get the bus driver up
【小题4】The underlined sentence “ Larry is something of a mechanic ”tells us that
A.Larry’s job is a mechanic     
B.Larry knows something about machines
C.Larry is a robot

