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Frank was clever, but he never liked to work hard. He often said to his friends, “If you work hard, you will make a lot of money, but it is not so good. I want easy work and a lot of money. That’s the most interesting thing in the world.”So he could only be a thief. But he still thought it was too much work, so he only told his friends what to do and got money from them.
One day, Frank sent one of his friends to a very large and beautiful house. He told him to get money from that rich family. It was evening, and a man and a girl were in the room. They were playing a duet(二重奏)on a piano. Then the thief came into the house.
When he returned, Frank asked him what he had got. But he said, “I didn’t take anything. That family can’t have much money. You know, two people were playing on the same piano there. They did not have money to buy another piano.”
小题1:Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Frank and His WorkB.One Piano Only
C.The Man and the GirlD.Easy Work and More Money
小题2:From the story we know that Frank_______________.
A.was more clever than most of the peopleB.had many clever friends
C.didn’t want to do any workD.knew many interesting things in the world
小题3: The story tells us if we want to become rich, we must ______________ .
A.find an easy jobB.work hard
C.have a lot of friendsD.learn something about money


小题1:本文第一段有一句为I want easy work and a lot of money,意思为轻松的工作和许多钱,也就是本文的最佳标题所表示的含义,故本题选D。
小题2:本文的第一句为Frank was clever, but he never liked to work hard.意思为弗兰克从来不想做任何的事,故本题选C。
小题3:本文第一段有一句为If you work hard, you will make a lot of money,意思为如果你想变得富有,你必须要努力工作,故本题选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Bill is an Australian __41___. He is twelve. He lives ___42___ his family in China. There are __43___ people in his family. His father John Smith, his mother Catherine and his little sister Abbey. He has a yellow dog. ___44___ name is Barbi. Look! Abbey is ___45__with Barbi. His father is mending his car. His mother is cleaning the house. What is Bill doing? Ah, he is doing __46__ homework in Chinese. He can’t __47___ Chinese well, but he loves Chinese very much. Bill’s ___48___ works in a middle school as an __49____ teacher. His mother works at a TV factory. Bill and his __50____ go to the same school.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

No More Time Out

Shawn and Thomas had always been good friends. They lived near each other, and they both loved __36__.They played baseball, touch football, and kickball. They also liked to play soccer, shoot baskets, and skateboard.When they were in the fourth grade, though, Thomas broke his __37__ in a soccer game. He had to be on crutches for six weeks.
Shawn __38__ Thomas, but what was there to do? Shawn didn’t like television or computer games. Thomas didn’t like to sit and talk. After trying three times to start a conversation, Shawn __39__ up. He said, “I’m out of here.”
For days, Shawn __40__at home, feeling guilty for not visiting Thomas again. Thomas stayed home, too, feeling __41__because Shawn wasn’t visiting him. After a week, Shawn’s mom spoke up. “It’s time for you and Thomas to get back into action! That’s why I spoke to Ms McNulty at the library. She has the perfect volunteer job for you both,” she said.
Shawn said __42__.
His mom continued, “The library sells used books to raise money. People are always __43__off books in bags and boxes. Someone has to carry the books to the storage room. Someone has to sort them into fiction (小说) and nonfiction. You and Thomas can be a team __44__.”“No, we can’t!” said Shawn. “He and I don’t want a job.” However, Shawn’s mom wouldn’t __45__ no for an answer.
Sure enough, __46__the boys began, things changed. Shawn felt strong as he carried bags and boxes through the library. Sorting books in the storage room, Thomas felt useful again. In fact, one day Thomas said, “Between you and me, Shawn, this isn’t so __47__.” Shawn smiled and agreed. They were a good team.
301 words
A.sports B.booksC.movies D.arts
A.arm B.hand C.legD.nose
A.phonedB.invited C.visitedD.checked
A.came B.gave C.turnedD.hurried
A.bringingB.dropping C.showingD.knocking
A.becauseB.once C.ifD.although
A.privateB.simple C.badD.special


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Liam works in Sydney. Last week he had   41  holiday, but he didn’t know   42  to go. He said to his friend Robert, “I   43    the hot weather here, but I can’t find a cool place in Australia. How will I spend my holiday?”
“That. ’s   44   ,” said Robert. “You’d better go to Moscow. It’s   45   there because it is covered with snow and ice now.”
Liam    46  with his friend. He bought an air ticket and soon   47  Moscow. He made a   48  journey there. But one day he got into trouble. After lunch he went outside the city. He saw a dog   49 him while he  50  by a house. It was   51   and wanted to get some food to eat. Bad luck! He had no pieces of bread or cake with him. He tried to send it away. But it began to shout at him. He wanted to 52   something to make the dog go away, but he couldn’t find anything  53   snow and ice. Suddenly he saw a stone(石头) on the ground. He tried to   54  but he failed.
“ How strange the Russians are!” Liam said to himself. “They do not tie(拴)their dogs, but firmly(紧紧地)tie the   55    ”.
A.two-weekB.two weeksC.two weeks’D.a two-week
A.likeB.unlikeC.hateD.not like
A.arrived inB.gotC.leftD.returned
A.to followB.is followingC.followingD.followed
A.was walkingB.walkedC.was crossingD.crossed
A.haveB.discoverC.look forD.look out
A.look for itB.put it upC.throw it awayD.pick it up


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A little boy was attracted(吸引)by a board above the door of a shop. It read, "Little Dogs for Sale." A    16   like that has a way of attracting small children into the shop.
The little boy walked into the shop and found a dog behind other dogs and said, "What’s 17  with that little dog?"
The store owner said that the vet(兽医)   18  the little dog and found it was   19 . It would always be lame(破的).
The little boy became   20  ."That is the dog that I want to buy. "
The store owner said, "No, you don’t need to buy that little dog. If you really want him,
I’ll just give him to you. "
The little boy got quite sad. He said angrily, "I don’t want you to give him to me. I’ll 21    the full price for him. In fact, I’ll give you $ 2.37 now, and 50 cents a month   22 I have paid the full price. "
The store owner continued, "He is   23  going to be able to run and jump and play with you like the other dogs."
To his   24  ,the little boy rolled up(卷起)his trousers to show his badly hurt left leg. He looked at the store owner and    25   answered," Well, I don’t run so well myself and the little dog will need someone who understands him. "


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Joan worked in a hospital as a nurse. One evening there was a big dance at the hospital. Most of the doctors and nurses would be there, but of course somebody had to be left to look after the sick children, and Joan was not of the lucky ones. She liked dancing very much, so when she had to start work that evening while her friends were getting ready to go to the dance, she felt very sorry for herself
She went to each sick child one after another and said good-night, until she came to we little boy, Dicky. He was eleven years old, but he was already able to talk like an adult(成年人). Poor Dicky had a very serious(严重的) illness, and now he was hardly (几乎不) able to move any part of his body except his hands. Joan knew he would never get any better, but he was always happy and always thinking about other people instead of about himself.
Dicky knew that Joan loved dancing, so now when she came to say good-night to him, he greeted(问候) her with the words, "I’m very sorry that you have to miss the dance because of us. But we are going to have a party for you. If you look in my drawer, you will find a piece of cake. I saved(省下) it from my supper today, so it is quite fresh. And there is also a dollar there. You can buy something to drink with that. And I’d get up and dance with you myself if I was able to," he added(补充说) .
Suddenly the hospital dance seemed very far away and not at all important to Joan.
小题1:Dicky was lovely because _______.
A.he was a nice, kind boy of eleven
B.he was always thinking about others more than himself
C.he saved a piece of cake for his nurse
D.he could foresee(预知) that he would never get any better
小题2:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Dicky knew why Joan was unhappy.B.Dicky heard about the dance.
C.Dicky showed sympathy(同情) for Joan.D.Dicky got up to greet Joan when she came.
小题3:At that party arranged(安排) for Joan, Dicky probably _______.
A.got up and danced with her
B.gave Joan a piece of cake he had saved
C.brought her something to drink
D.lost the dollar which he was going to give Joan


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Alan worked in an office in the city. He worked very hard and really looked forward to his holiday. He usually went to the seaside, but one year he saw an ad. in a newspaper “Enjoy country life. Spend a few weeks at William Farm. Good food, fresh air, horse riding, walking, fishing…”
“This sounds like a good idea.”he thought, I’ll spend a month at William Farm. I’ll go horse riding, walking and fishing. It’ll be different from the seaside.” Four days later, he returned home.
“What’s wrong with William Farm?”His friend Jack asked him.“Didn’t you enjoy country life?”
“Country life was fine,”Alan said.“But there was another problem.”
“Oh, what problem?”
“Well, the first day I was there, a sheep died, and we had roast(烤肉) mutton for dinner.”
“Fresh meat is the best.”
“I know, but on the second day a cow died, and we had roast beef for dinner.”
“Lucky you!”
“You don’t understand,”Alan said,“On the third day a pig died and we had roast pork for dinner.”
“A different roast every day.”Jack said.
“Let me finish.”Alan said,“On the fourth day a farmer died and I didn’t want to stay there for dinner.”
小题1:Alan saw ________ in a news paper.
A.an ad.B.a letterC.a storyD.a report
小题2:Alan usually went to ________ on the vacation.
A.the mountainsB.the countryside
C.the seasideD.William Farm
小题3:Alan spent _________ at William Farm.
A.four daysB.three monthsC.a monthD.a few weeks
小题4:Alan had roast _______ for dinner on the third day.
小题5: From the passage we know that ________.
A.Alan left the farm because he missed his family
B.Alan left the farm because he had four dinners at the farm
C.Alan left the farm because he couldn’t go fishing at the farm
D.Alan came back home because he was afraid of the fourth dinner


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Jack Johnson is one of the most popular singer-song writers in the world.
Jack was born on May 18, 1975 in Hawaii. Being the son of a famous surfer, Jack naturally has an interest in surfing. Most of his life lesson were learned in the water. At the age of 17, Jack entered the finals of the Pineline Masters – the world’s most famous surfing competition. Everyone thought Jack would become a professional surfing like his father. Unluckily, one month later, he had a deadly accident while surfing and was seriously hurt.
Life is like a revolving door. When it closes, it also opens. Jack started to practice playing the guitar and write songs when he was staying in hospital. At first, his father thought Jack only did it for fun, but soon he was surprised at the great progress his son had made.
When studying in the university, Jack didn’t stop practicing his guitar skills. He played the guitar for school parties. He wrote songs and sang for his teachers and friends. They liked his songs. His first music album Brushfire Fairytales came out in 2001. It was a great success. His second album, On and On, was much like his first. They were filled with sweet, easy-going songs that everybody liked listening to. Later Jack had lots of concerts in and out of America. He became popular all over the world.
Jack had five albums by 2010 and more than 15 million copies of them were sold. His music doesn’t fall into any of the popular music styles like pop, R&B or hip-hop. It is more like folk music, played with a guitar and beautiful voice. When listening to his songs, you feel like lying on the beach enjoying the warm sunshine.
Jack is a talent, though he himself says he is only a surfer who loves music. In his songs we can find his secret of success: Whatever happen in our lives, we have to accept it and do the best we can.
小题1:At the age of 17, Jack __________.
A.had his first music albumB.took part in a surfing competition
C.had his first concertD.became popular all over the world
小题2:Jack started to write songs ___________.
A.while he was staying in hospitalB.when he had concerts out of America
C.after his second album came outD.after he played the guitar at the school party
小题3:What is the secret of Jack’s success?
He was born in Hawaii.
His father was very famous
He wrote many songs for his teachers and friends.
He always faced difficulties bravely and tried his best.
小题4: What’s the best title for the passage?
A.A Famous WriterB.Surfing in the Sea
C.A Guitar PlayerD.Surfing in the Music


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mary and Her Friends
Mary has some friends. They are Betty, Peter, Alice and Mike. Mary is the oldest of the five. Betty is thirteen years old. She is younger than Mary and older than Peter. Alice is nine and Mike is seven.
Betty and Peter are good runners( 长跑运动员 )。 But Peter runs faster. Mary and Betty like to play basketball. Mary plays better than Betty. Alice sings best of them.
Mary and Betty study in a middle school. Peter, Alice and Mike study in a primary ( 小学 ) school. They all work hard at school. But Betty works hardest. Her handwriting ( 书法 ) is good, too.
小题1:Mary has _______ friends.
小题2:Mike is ______ than Alice.
小题3:Peter runs _______ than Betty.
A.fasterB.slowC.fastD.the fastest
小题4:Betty’s handwriting is _______.
小题5:They all ______ .
A.study in the same schoolB.like to play basketball
C.good runnersD.work hard

