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(2016 • 贵州六盘水中考)Mary runs _____________ of all the girls in her school, and she won the 100-meter race last month.

A. nearest B. highest C. fastest D. slowest

C 【解析】试题句意:玛丽在学校里所有女生中跑得最快。而且上个月她赢得了一百米跑。A. nearest最近;B. highest最高;C. fastest最快;D. slowest最慢。能在100米竞赛中获胜,说明跑得快。故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市2018年中考英语阅读理解精练(选择型阅读理解) 题型:阅读单选

Dear Sunday Globe,

I am writing to tell you about your article Smartphones Make Life Easier in last Sunday’s newspaper. You did an excellent job explaining the good points of smartphones, but you didn’t talk about their bad points at all. So, I hope you’ll let me give your readers some advice on smartphone etiquette (礼仪).

The first point I’d like to address is loudness. When you talk on your smartphone in public, please don’t shout. In fact, the microphones in smartphones are very sensitive (灵敏的). So, you can be heard even if you speak quietly.

Another point is about personal space. I don’t think it is polite to make calls in small spaces full of people. This makes others uncomfortable and forces them to listen to your personal business. What’s worse, it stops many face-to-face conversations from ever beginning.

Lastly, doing two things at the same time is dangerous. For example, making calls while driving is a bad habit. Pay attention to the road! Similarly, when staying with your friends, turn off your smartphone and enjoy their company.

Yours truly,

Amber Jala

1.Amber Jala wrote the letter to ________ .

A. find a good job B. provide advice

C. make her life easier D. buy a smartphone

2.What does the underlined word “address” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. 致函 B. 称呼 C. 陈述 D. 选址

3.According to Paragraph 3, what makes people around you uncomfortable?

A. Discussing face-to-face. B. Speaking quietly on your phone.

C. Minding your own business. D. Calling in small spaces full of people.

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. It is dangerous to drive on the road.

B. It is easy to start a company with others.

C. It is bad to turn off our phones while driving.

D. It is important to use our smartphones properly.

1.B 2.C 3.D 4.D 【解析】试题这篇短文通过书信的方式给出了使用智能手机需要注意的礼仪:注意公共场合接打手机要轻声;在狭小空间不要打电话;和朋友在一起关掉手机享受陪伴。 1. 2. 3. 4.


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋九年级英语冀教版:Unit 2过关测试 题型:单选题

(题文)Mo Yan’s books have been sold out in many book stores _____ his winning of the Nobel Literature Prize.

A. beacause B. since C. as D. because of

D 【解析】句意:莫言的书在许多书店被卖光了,因为他获得了诺贝尔文学奖。A/B/C选项后面后接从句,because of后接短语或单词;故选D


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版九年级下册英语 unit10 第1课时 测试 题型:单选题

People in China ________ when they meet for the first time.

A. bow B. kiss C. shake hands D. laugh

C 【解析】 本题考查生活常识。在中国人们第一次见面时,通常握手,因此答案为C。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年广州中考英语压轴专题练习卷:形容词,副词(选择题) 题型:单选题

Boys and girls, believe in yourselves. The you are, the better grades you’II get.

A. more careful

B. more carefully

C. most carefully

A 【解析】试题句意:孩子们,要相信自己。你越仔细,你得到的成绩越好。“The + 比较级,the + 比较级”表示“越……越……”。Careful仔细的,carefully仔细地。more careful更仔细的;more carefully更仔细地;most carefully最仔细地。所填词跟在系动词之后作表语该用形容词,所以选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年广州中考英语压轴专题练习卷:形容词,副词(选择题) 题型:单选题

—How was your interview for the work?

—Oh, I couldn’t feel any . I hardly understood most of the questions they asked.

A. happier B. better C. worse D. harder

C 【解析】试题句意:——你工作面试怎么样了?——哦,我感觉最糟糕。我几乎无法明白他们问的大部分问题。happier更高兴的;better更好的;worse更糟糕的;harder更努力的;根据I hardly understood most of the questions they asked.可知我的情况不好,否定副词+形容词的比较级,表示形容词的最高级,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年广州中考英语压轴专题练习卷:形容词,副词(选择题) 题型:单选题

(2017湖北省武汉市中考)Even though we're in difficult times, we need to keep hope .

A. real B. alive C. fresh D. close

B 【解析】句意:即使我们处在困难时期,我们也需要保持希望不灭。A. real 真的;B. alive 活着的; C. fresh 新鲜的;D. close亲密的。结合句意和语境可知选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年广州中考英语压轴专题练习卷:代词(选择题) 题型:单选题

一How nice your dictionary is! Where did you get ? I'd like to buy , too.

一In the shop in the city center.

A. it; one B. one; one

C. one; it D. it; it

A 【解析】句意:——你的字典真好!你从哪儿买来的?我也想买一个。——在市中心的商店里。it代指前面提到的单数名词或不可数名词,one代指同类中的一个,但不是前面提到的那一个。第一个空用it代指前面的那本字典,第二个空指代一本字典,只是泛指,因此用one,答案为A。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省镇江市2018届九年级下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Keesh lived at the North Pole a long time ago. He was a bright thirteen-year-old boy with a strong, healthy body. His father was a brave man who had died during a food shortage. His father tried to save the lives of his people by fighting a giant polar bear. The meat from the bear kept the people from hunger.

Keesh was his only son, and he lived alone with his mother. But people soon forgot how Keesh’s father had saved their lives. They were forced to live in the poorest house in the village.

One night there was a meeting in the chief’s large house. At that meeting, Keesh showed how much courage he had. He rose to his feet and went on steadily, “Because my father, Bok, brought home more meat than any other hunter, everyone received a fair share, but now my mother and I were given meat filled with bones.” The hunters were shocked to hear a child speak to them that way.

Keesh waited calmly until the shouting died down. “My mother has no one except me, and therefore I must speak. My father put his life in danger and died, to offer food to this village. It is only right that I, his son and his wife should have enough good meat as long as there is plenty of good meat in this village. I, Keesh, the son of Bok, have spoken.” He sat down. They threatened to punish him by not giving him any food at all. Keesh’s eyes flashed(闪烁) and the blood pounded(冲击) under his skin, he jumped to his feet.

“Listen to me, you men!” he shouted. “I shall never speak in this meeting again—not until you come to invite me to speak. My father was a great hunter, and so will I be.”

They laughed and shouted at Keesh. But Keesh said nothing more. He walked away with his head raised, looking neither to the left nor the right……

--- be based on a story by Jack London

1.What does the word “they” refer in the second paragraph?

A. Keesh and his father. B. The poor hunters.

C. Keesh and hunters. D. Keesh and his mother.

2.According to the passage, we know Keesh’s father died because of _____.

A. lacking food years ago B. fighting with a hunter

C. struggling with a bear D. saving a bear’s life

3.From the passage we can infer why people laughed and shouted at Keesh.

A. Keesh had no father.

B. Keesh was only a child.

C. Keesh left the chief’s large house.

D. Keesh was going to prove his words.

1.D 2.C 3.D 【解析】试题本文节选自美国作家杰克·伦敦的短篇小说Keesh。这是小说的开头部分,季奚的父亲是个猎人,因为捕杀北极熊而丧命,季奚与母亲相依为命,却遭到部落的不公待遇,季奚虽然是个孩子,但是仍然像大人一样,向酋长和部落发出了强烈的抗争的声音。 1.题意:第二段中“they”是什么意思?考查词义理解题。根据Keesh was his only son, ...

