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(2013江苏淮安)One of the popular expressions in 2012 ________ “Positive energy”.





C 【解析】考查动词的时态。由句中的One of...可知主语是单数,又由句中的时间in 2012可知用一般过去时态,所以选择C。

科目:初中英语 来源:江苏中考英语语法考点专项训练--形容词和副词 题型:单选题

(2016﹒江苏常州中考)—Do you enjoy yourself at the concert?

—Yes. I have never been to _____________ one before.

A. a better B. the best

C. a worse D. the worst

A 【解析】句意:—在音乐会上你过得开心吗?—是的,我以前从没去过更好的。A. a better一个更好的;B. the best最好的; C. a worse一个更差的; D. the worst最差的。这里表示在音乐会上过得很开心,以前未去参加过更好的音乐会。故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:上海市普陀区2018届九年级下学期质量调研(二模)英语试卷 题型:单选题

2018年上海普陀二模Many leaders ________ to attend the Closing Ceremony(闭幕式)of Winter Olympics in February.

A. be invited B. were invited C. will be invited D. have been invited

B 【解析】句意“一些领导人被邀请参加2018年2月份的冬奥会闭幕式”。本题考查时态。“邀请参加”指过去邀请参加。本题中有过去时的时间状语,所以要用一般过去时的被动语态,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏中考英语语法考点专项训练--主谓一致 题型:单选题

(2013•盐城市)Now the number of Chinese people working in Africa ___more than one million.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

A 【解析】句意:现在在非洲工作的中国人的数目超过一百万。结合语境可知本句描述的是客观性状态,故用一般现在时态。本句中主语number表示抽象含义,不可数,故谓语动词用单数,选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏中考英语语法考点专项训练--主谓一致 题型:单选题

(2013●苏州市)All the family _______the little sick bird carefully till it can fly.

A. keep B. keeps C. keeping D. to keep

A 【解析】句意:家里的每一个人都把这只生病的小鸟小心照顾起来,直到它能飞。 此处的集合名词表示家庭成员,做主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市、吴江、相城区2018届初三英语第一次模拟考试试卷 题型:阅读单选

More than anything else in the world, Lion liked being King of the jungle(丛林).He walked around, showing off his power and pride.

Each day Lion took a long lazy sleep under the shade of his favourite tree. He always dreamed of weaker animals bowing(鞠躬)before him.

One day Mouse ran through the jungle and tripped over Lion's huge paws. Lion woke up with a start. "How dare you wake me up! " he shouted angrily. Lion hunted Mouse with one paw. "On the second thought, I'm in the mood for the snack, and you'll make a delicious meal." he said.

Mouse cried out, "King Lion, please spare me! If you let me live, I'll always remember your kindness. And, some day, I might be able to help you."

"How could such a powerless little mouse ever help me?" That thought made Lion laugh so much that he decided to let Mouse go. A week later, Lion was walking through the jungle on the

way to his favourite tree when he stepped onto a hunter's net. The net scooped(兜接)him up. No matter how he twisted and turned, he couldn't run away.

When Mouse heard Lion's frightened shouts, he raced to help. Mouse quickly chewed(咀嚼) through the ropes to make a hole in the net. Soon, Lion moved out and was free. Lion looked down at the little mouse."Thank you for saving my life," said Lion ,smiling his widest smile," I was mistaken. You are not a powerless little mouse. You are a great friend!"

1.What did Lion do each day?

A. He showed kindness to animals in the jungle.

B. He had a good sleep under his favourite tree.

C. He bowed before weaker animals.

D. He stepped onto a hunter's net.

2.Why did Lion let Mouse go?

A. Because he was trapped in the net.

B. Because he took Mouse as his good friend.

C. Because he doubted if Mouse could be of any help.

D. Because he believed Mouse could save him.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Pride makes you lose what you have.

B. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

C. Even the small can show great strength.

D. When the cat's away, the mice will play.

1.B 2.C 3.C 【解析】本文是一则寓言故事。狮子骄傲自大,总是幻想其他的小动物会对它俯首称臣。一天,狮子威胁说要把吵醒它的老鼠吃掉,老鼠向狮子求饶并承诺日后报答狮子。当狮子被困在网中时,老鼠遵守了诺言,救了狮子一命。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段第一句Each day Lion took a long lazy sleep under the shade of his...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市、吴江、相城区2018届初三英语第一次模拟考试试卷 题型:单选题

I failed to catch the last bus on that cold winter night. I couldn't feel then.

A. more excited B. more terrible C. the most excited D. the most terrible

B 【解析】句意:在那个寒冷的冬夜,我没能赶上最后一班公交车,我感到再糟糕不过了。否定词couldn’t+比较级表示“在……不过了”,先排除C、D两个选项;由“failed to catch”可知,这里是“没有比这更糟糕的了”,terrible表示“糟糕的”,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏中考英语语法考点专项训练--冠词和名词 题型:单选题

(2014•盐城市)The online shop sells _______clothing at a very good price.

A. child and man's B. children and men's

C. children's and men D. children's and men's

D 【解析】试题分析:句意:网上卖儿童和成人男衣的商店价格很好。空格后是名词所以这里应该用名词的所有格形式,表示两者共有的在后者后面加’s;表示两者都有的,在两者后面分别加’s;根据句意故选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏中考英语语法考点专项训练--非谓语动词 题型:单选题

(2013●淮安市)At times, parents find it difficult ________ with their teenage children.

A. talk B. talked C. talking D. to talk

D 【解析】试题分析:句意:有时,人们发现与青少年交谈是有困难的; find+it+adj.+for sb.+to do sth:发现做某事是…, (it做形式宾语,to do不定式做真正的宾语)。故选D

