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A: Hello. My name is Ann. What’s your name,please?

B: Hi. Fm Bill,Bill Read.

A: Nice to meet you,Bill. Are you American (美国人)?

B: Yes,I am.

A: Which class are you in?

B : I don’t know. I think (想)I’m in Class Four.

A: We’re in the same class. It’s my desk. Put your bag on it.

B : Thank you very much.

A: That’s all right. Do you know the woman over there?

B : Yes. She’s Miss Green,our English teacher.

A: She’s a very (十分)good teacher.


(   ) 1) The boy’s family  name is Read.

(   ) 2) Bill comes from theUSA.

(   ) 3) Miss Green teaches English.

(   ) 4) Ann and Bill are  in different classes.

(   ) 5) Bill and Ann are  good friends.


6) Where is Bill from?

7) Which class are they in?

8) Where can Bill put his bag?

9) Who is their English teacher?

10) Is she a good teacher?

 1. 1) T 2) T 3) T 4) F 5) F

2. 6) He’s from the USA. 7) They’re in Class Four. 8) He can put it on Ann’s desk. 9) Miss Green. 10) Yes,she is.

题目来源:初中英语丢分题每周一练七年级上册 > 能力训练1


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Customs on Invitations in Britain

Presents : If you are i 1    to someone’s home to have a meal,it is usual to take some f 2     or a box of chocolates. It is not usual to take a bottle of wine u 3     you know your host well. Although flowers and chocolates are quite acceptable,it would be very nice if you could take something from your country. It is different if you are invited to a party,and it also d 4     on what kind of party it is. Many parties these days are “bring a bottle” parties. Unless your host is very rich,then a bottle of wine is always w 5     if it is a big party of 30 or more people. Ask whether or not you should bring a bottle when you are invited if you aren’t s 6      .  Say something like, “Can I bring a bottle?”. And your h 7     will tell you what to do.

Dress : If you are not sure what you should w 8    ,then ask the host or your friends. Usually dress is informal and individual in Britain for parties and for invitations to dinner in people’s homes. If you are going to an e 9     restaurant,then men may have to wear a jacket and tie,and jeans wouldn’t be a 10        .

1.           2.           3.           4.           5.         

6.           7.           8.           9.           10.         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Thirty years ago,Lake Ponkapog was full of life. Many birds and animals lived beside the water which was full of fish. Now there are few birds,animals and fish. The lake water is polluted. It is filled with strange plants.

How did this happen? First,Let’s see how water gets into Lake Ponkapog. When it rains,water comes into the lake from all around. In the past,there were forests all around Lake Ponkapog,so the water in the lake was clean.

Now there are many homes around the lake. People often use chemicals in their gardens. They also use chemicals inside their houses for cleaning or killing insects (昆虫). There are many businesses around the lake,too. Businesses use chemicals in their machines or shops. When it rains,the rainwater carries all the chemicals from homes and businesses into the lake. The polluted water kill the animals.

Boats on the lake are also a big problem. Lake Ponkapog is a popular place for motorboats. But oil and gas from boats also get into the lake. So more harmful chemicals go into the water in this way.

People around the lake love this lake and want to save it. Will it be possible? A clean lake must have clean rainwater going into it. Clean rainwater is possible only if people are careful about chemicals at home and at work. They should also plant more trees and flowers around the lake. And they mustn’t use motorboats any more on the lake. All these may change people’s lives. But only then can Lake Ponkapog be a beautiful clean lake again.

(   ) 1. In the past,the water in Lake Ponkapog was made clean by        .

A. hill     B. rain  C. animals     D. forests

(   ) 2. The fourth paragraph mainly tells us        .

A. people like to go boating on the lake

B. there are some bad chemicals

C. chemicals from motorboats also make the lake water dirty

D. how oil and gas get into the lake water

(   ) 3. To save the lake,people need to        .

A. be less careful about chemicals

B. use more gas and oil

C. grow fewer plants beside the lake

D. change their daily lives

(   ) 4. “Chemicals” in the story means “        ”.

A.化学家  B.污染品  C.药品  D.化学制品

(   ) 5. What makes the lake water dirty?

A. Chemicals.  B. Boats.  C. Fish.  D. Both  A and B.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

亲爱的同学们,初中生活即将结束!在此离别之际,恰逢《中学生英语》征稿,请你以 “ A( n) Lucky/Unusual/Exciting/Proud/Regretful(遗憾的)/…Thing” 为题,简要描述一件你亲身经历、印象深刻的事情,并谈谈你从这件事中获得的启示。要求:语句通顺,表达准确,内容连贯;文中不得出现真实的校名和姓名;80个词以上,短文的开头已给出,不计人总词数。

A (n)        Thing

In the past three years,the life in the middle school impressed me a lot. Many stories happened. The following is one of them.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

三年快乐而充实的初中生活结束了你将进人高中(中职)学校学习。展望未来,你对高中 (中职)生活充满期待。请以“The High School Life I Expect”为题,写一篇80个词以上的短文。文章的开头已经给出,不计人总词数。内容要点:①生活、学习环境(餐厅,图书馆,运动场……);②师生、同学关系;③多彩生活、学业情况;④补充一点自己的想法。要求:文章不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称;要点齐全,语言通顺,意思连贯,书写规范,可以适当发挥。

提示词:get along with colorful (adj) knowledge habit

The High School Life I Expect

I will study in a high school soon. Everything will be new to me.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

My name is Li Lei. I’m twelve.  I’m a middle school  student (中学生) .  I’m 1      Class Five, Grade One. My English teacher 2        Mr Hu. He is  3        old man.

I 4       a pencil case,a pen,a  ruler and two  5        .  I have a bike,  6       . Lin Mei is in my class,too. She is a girl. We  7        good friends. She  is not  8        today.

She is ill (生病的) .I think she is at home. Look!Here is a  9      . But it is not my book. I think it’s 10        book.

(   ) 1. A.  at    B. in    C. do    D. not

(   ) 2. A.  is    B. am    C. are    D. /

(   ) 3. A.  a    B. an    C. this    D. /

(   ) 4. A.  am    B. think    C. know    D. have

(   ) 5. A.  boxes    B. pencils    C. books    D. desk

(   ) 6. A.  too    B. or    C. much    D. very

(   ) 7. A.  is    B. am    C. are    D. all

(   ) 8. A.  right    B. in    C. at home    D. at school

(   ) 9. A.  bag    B. book    C. picture    D. map

(   ) 10. A. Lin Mei    B. Lin Meis’    C. Lin Mei’s    D. Lin Meis


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Dick  is a boy. 1     is 9. This  is a  2      . 3    is very nice.  Look!This is a 4     This is a  5     .6     name is Sue. 7     is 8. This is a  8    9      10     very nice.

1.           2.           3.           4.      5.         

6.           7.           8.           9.      10.        


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Mr York well was blind when he was seven. He had seen many doctors but none of them could do 1 for him. He could never see the world 2 . Now he has a seeing-eye dog. A seeing-eye dog can help a blind man 3 along the streets. He is called a seeing-dog 4 he is the "eye" of a blind man.

  One day,however,the bus was full of people 5 Mr Yorkwell got on the bus with his seeing-eye dog. There was 6 for Mr Yorkwell at all. He  7 among so many people before a few bus-stops passed. Then,one man got up and 8 his seat and got off the bus. The dog took little 9 there. The dog began to push the people on 10 with his nose. He pushed and pushed until the people around moved away and there was enough place for 11 people. Mr Yorkwell sat down and the dog got up on the seat 12 Mr YorkwelFs. He lay down and put his head on the blind man's leg. He 13 to be satisfied with what he had done and soon he 14 .

People around were not angry with him but had 15 at this.

(   ) 1. A. nothing    B. anything C. things    D. one thing

(   ) 2. A. again    B. once      C. always    D. still

(   ) 3. A. run    B. jump    C. play    D. walk

(   ) 4. A. why    B. when    C. because    D. what

(   ) 5. A. when    B. while    C. as    D. since

(   ) 6. A. no seats    B. no seat   C. not sit      D. sitting

(   ) 7. A. stood    B. was stood C. stands    D. had stood

(   ) 8. A. took    B. started    C. lost    D. left

(   ) 9. A. house    B. seat     C. room    D. /

(   ) 10. A. every sides    B. each side    C. both sides    D. the side

(   ) 11. A. one    B. two      C. many    D. all

(   ) 12. A. under    B. above     C. beside    D. behind

(   ) 13. A. seemed      B. said     C. smelt      D. saw

(   ) 14. A. was slept    B. fall asleep    C. was in slept    D. fell asleep

(   ) 15. A. to speak    B. to smile     C. to worry    D. to learn


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  In 1722, Newton spent his 80th birthday. The past years had 1 him a great deal,but his way of living was much the 2

  Newton was 80 years old,but he still 3 good health. His thick hair was all white,but he looked young. His hearing was good and he never wore glasses. However, his memory was getting  4   . One night, his friend came to see him and they had supper together. Newton 5 himself for a moment and went to get some drink. Minutes passed and he did not 6   . An hour passed, he was not seen back. His friend became very 7 and finally he ate up the whole dinner.

  Newton returned at last. "I went to get the drink,"he explained, "but then I began to think about something 8 I came out only because I was hungry.”He  9 what was left for supper. "How strange!" he said. "I thought I had not had my dinner,10 now I see I have." 

(   ) 1. A. took    B. made    C. brought    D. kept

(   ) 2. A. different    B. same    C. strange    D. hard

(   ) 3. A. liked    B. needed    C. wanted    D. enjoyed

(   ) 4. A. worse    B. better    C. worst    D. best

(   ) 5. A. excused    B. told    C. left    D. taught

(   ) 6. A. arrive    B. find    C. go    D. return

(   ) 7. A. hungry    B. angry    C. alone    D. happy

(   ) 8. A. up    B. too    C. wrong    D. else

(   ) 9. A. looked after    B. waited for    C. looked at    D. ate up

(   ) 10. A. as    B. and    C. for    D. but

