精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
Every morning, the newspaper chief editor(主编) holds a meeting with the reporters. They discuss the main events(事件) of the day. Reporters are then sent to cover the events.  
As soon as the reporters know what to write about, they get down to work. They telephone people and fix a time for a face-to-face interview with them. Sometimes they do telephone interviews. Checking information is very important. They go to the newspaper's own library to look up any information that they need. This is called “doing one's homework”.
At the same time, the picture editor decides which photographs will be used for the next day's paper. All the people who work on a newspaper must be able to work fast. Reporters have to stop working on one story and start working at once on the important new one. They must find out the new information as quickly as possible. Later in the day, everything is put together at the news desk. Reporters return, type their stories into the computer and hand them to the editor.  
The chief editor decides which will be the most important story on the front page. Sometimes this will have to be changed if something more important happens late in the day. Other editors read the stories which the reporters have written and make any necessary changes.  
Finally, there is no more time left for adding new stories, and the time for printing(印刷) the newspaper has come. This is done on fast-moving printing machines. The newspapers are then delivered(发送) by truck, plane or rail. Speed is important. People want to buy the latest newspaper; nobody wants to buy yesterday's.  
小题1:What is the work in a newspaper office like? 
A.Interesting and confusingB.Important and patient.  
C.Particular and necessary.D.Fast and busy.
小题2:According to the passage, the right order for a reporter's work is ____________.  
a. writing stories         b. doing interviews  c. joining in a discussion  
d. doing homework       e. handing stories to the editor
小题3:The front page contents(内容) are decided by ___________.
A.the importance of the events
B.how well the stories are written  
C.the knowledge of the chief editor
D.whether they are the latest
小题4:Word editors' work is to ____________.
A.help the chief editor with the morning discussion  
B.decide when and how the papers can be printed  
C.read the stories and make necessary changes  
D.get together information from reporters and photographers
小题5:The best title for this passage is “____________”。  
A.How a newspaper is produced B.How newspapers are delivered  
C.What kind of papers readers like D.Whose work is more important


小题1:推理判断题。结合As soon as  At the same time  as quickly as possible 和no more time left等词可知报社办公室内的工作是高速而繁忙的。
小题2:排序题。结合文章可知:1. They discuss the main events(事件) 2. fix a time for a face-to-face interview with them. Sometimes they do telephone interviews.  3. This is called “doing one's homework”. 4. Reporters have to stop working on one story and start working at once on the important new one. 5. Reporters return, type their stories into the computer and hand them to the editor.  
小题3:细节理解题。结合The chief editor decides which will be the most important story on the front page. Sometimes this will have to be changed if something more important happens late in the day.可知答案。
小题4:细节理解题。结合Other editors read the stories which the reporters have written and make any necessary changes. 可知答案。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:_____license number is B395961136.
A.Michael T.Wright’sB.Mary H. Strenton’sC.Phyllis Roth’sD.Bob Harris’s
小题2:Mary H. Strenton ______.
A.is a student in AmericanB.is from the UK
C.was born in 1975D.lives in Canada
小题3:Which card shows the card’s date of issue?
A.The California Driver’s License.B.The Student Card of University.
C.The European Identification Card.D.The Health Insurance Card.
小题4:. What are the four cards in common?
A.They each show the person’s height.
B.Each card has its own numbers.
C.All of the cards show the person’s date of birth.
D.None of the cards show the person’s date of birth.
小题5:. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Phyllis Roth is studying medicine.
B.Michael T. Wright was born in September.
C.Bob Harris was born in Canada.
D.Mary H. Strenton is younger than Michael T. Wright.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

More than a hundred years ago, an American produced (创造) a game. He called it indoor tennis. The Americans were not interested in it at first so he sent it to his London friends and it became very popular (流行) in Britain. The game was then played across the dining-room table or on the floor with the net hung between two chairs. In the early days ,the balls were made of cork (软木) or rubber. The bats(球拍) were made of wood.
A few years later a hollow (空心) ball like the one we use today was invented. The game then quickly spread all over the world. An Englishman once made a bat covered with rubber. He first played the game in England and called it "ping - pong". "Ping" was the sound of the bat when it hit the ball, and "pong" was the sound of the ball when it hit the table.
小题1:Who invented the game of ping-pong?
A.A Chinese.B.An Englishman.C.An American.D.We don't know.
小题2:The game was first called ________ by its producer(创造者).
A.ping- pong tennisB.table tennis C.our-door tennisD.indoor tennis
小题3:What did the British think of the game?
A.Moving (感人的).B.Interesting.C.Terrible.D.boring.
小题4:In the early days,the ball was________.
A.hollowB.covered with rubber
C.made of cork or rubberD.made of wood
小题5:The name of ping-pong has something to do with __________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Microblogging(微博) is sweeping across the world. You Can express your ideas on any topic on it. Of course, you might also make comments(评论) on others' microblogs.
The following is Tonv's microblog at Enviroboard and its comments.
Subject: Eco-Friendly Transportation
Saturday 9th June 8:05 am " 
Hi everyone! My name's Tony. I'm doing a project about greener ways to travel. I want to know if anyone has any good ideas. Thanks for your help!                
                                                                  Comments [4]
I think people should do more things online from home. Why pollute the air by driving your car to the supermarket, when you can order your weekly shopping on the Internet~ You can also book holidays as well.                    
                                               Posted by Billy on June 1 lth 7:36 am
I try to use public transportation whenever I can. I take the bus to college and walk home. When my mum wants to give me a lift, I always refuse, as I can get there quickly by bus. Also the buses in my town are electric so they are environmentally friendly!
                                             Posted by Carol on. June 12th 10:35 am           
Why not use two wheels? Any motorcycle will use less fuel (燃料)an a car. You don't get caught in traffic jams either. But in my opinion, the best thing is a bicycle. They don't produce any pollution and help you to keep fit at the same time.                                                      
                                               Posted by Daz on .lune 12th 16:00 nm
I can't get to my university by bus or train. So I found three other girls who live nearby to have a car share with. And now we take it in turns to drive every day. I have cut down the costs -- and most importantly,- I am helping the environment!
                                             Posted by Angela on June 15th 9:36pm
小题1:Billy thinks that we can make less air pollution by            .
A. doing things online at home        
B. driving cars to shopping centres
C. taking buses to the supermarkets
小题2:Buses in Carol's town are environmentally friendly because             .
A. they use fuel         B. they are cheap         C. they are electric
小题3:Daz thinks riding bicycles ___________.
A. will help us save more fuel        
B. will get caught in traffic jams, too
C. can be very clean and help keep fit
小题4:Angela goes to school by car sharing because ___________.
A. she doesn't like buses           
B. she wants to help the environment
C. she wants to go to school quickly
小题5:Tony wrote the message on his microblog to ____________.
A. get some good ideas on making net pals
B. get some tips on travelling to the places with green trees
C. ask for some advice on cutting down pollution while travelling


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Fire can help people in many ways. But it can also be very harmful. Fire can make water hot and house warm, give light and cook food. But fire can burn (燃烧) things, too. It can make trees, houses, animals and other things catch fire (起火). If some people can't run away from fire, it can kill them. This happens in every country every year.
Sometimes big fire can burn forests. A month ago, a large forest fire broke out in Yunnan Province. It lasted nearly half a month. The forest in Heilongjiang Province and the grassland in Inner Mongolia caught fire in May, 2006. After more than ten days' fight, over 30,000 people and soldiers put out (扑灭) the fire at last.
Nobody knows clearly when people began to make fire, but there are many interesting stories about the first time a man or a woman started a fire. One story from Australia tells about a man who went to the sun and brought fire down a long time ago. Today people know how to make a fire with matches (火柴). Children sometimes like to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous. The match can burn a piece of paper and then it can burn a house. A small fire can become a big fire, and destroy many things. Fire kills many people every year. So you must be careful with fire.
小题1:The main idea of the passage is that _________.
A.fire is dangerous and harmful
B.forest fire can be easily put out
C.who started a fire the first time
D.every month there is a forest fire in Yunnan Province
小题2:Matches can be dangerous because _________.
A.they always burn a house
B.they can make things catch fire
C.they can burn a piece of paper
D.they kill many animals every year
小题3:The word “destroy” in the passage means ________in Chinese.
小题4:The writer of the passage wants to tell us that ________.
A.we know when man began to make a fire
B.people should use fire carefully
C.fire can burn down all things in the world
D.all children like to play with matches


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Passage 2
When you get tired of homework, several minutes’ walk in a nearby green park helps you relax at once. Or you may stand facing the lake or the seas. They will calm (not to be excited or nervous) you just like the green plants.
Wonder why? Color is a key part of the answers. Since it is so, green and blue help make people feel more quiet and safe.
All colors have special power. Scientists have found that many colors have specific effects (效果) on people’s mind and feelings.
Try an easy and interesting experiment and you’ll see how color “mislead” you sometimes. Wrap (包装) two boxes of the same size with colored paper, one red and the other white. Then weigh the two boxes with your hands. Which one is heavier? Most people will think that the red box is heavier, even though they weigh the same.
Colors can affect (影响) learning. Scientists have found that students spend more time reading if they read information written in blue text. Blue helps most people calm down and think more.
Clever uses of colors in daily life are to be seen everywhere. Hospitals and libraries seldom paint their walls, tables and desks red. They use light colors, like light blue or green. Red makes people excited while light colors help them relax. Haven’t worked out how color affects your daily life? Start with your small room. Try to make some changes in it and you’ll get to know how important color is!
小题1:The underlined word “mislead” means _____.
C.causes someone to have a wrong ideaD.give wrong directions
小题2:We’d better paint the walls of the hospital in _____.
A.light blue or light greenB.deep red or deep brown
C.deep orange or deep redD.light green or light yellow
小题3:If you want to ______, you’d better sit in the room painted blue.
A.weigh something with your handsB.study attentively
C.face the lake or the seaD.enjoy some rock music
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.When you are going to have a rest, you’d better sit in the room painted green
B.Scientists have known some differences among some colors
C.When you get tired of homework, you should look at the green plants far away
D.The passage has told us clearly why some colors are warm and other colors are cool.
小题5:The reading mainly shows us _____.
A.the difference between red and blue
B.how to get on well with others
C.how to make smart uses of different colors in our daily life
D.how to paint and decorate our rooms


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Shopping in Singapore is really a pleasure for tourists. The Great Singapore Sale is held every year, usually during the summer months. Singapore’s famous shopping stores welcome a great number of visitors from all over the world. Their shopping hours last till midnight. During this time, nice and cheap goods are on sale for tourists to choose from. Tourists can also try delicious foods there and experience the Singaporean nightlife.
Certain stores offer discounts of up to 70 percent or even higher if people use their credit(信用)cards. For tourists that hold a special Tourist Card, they can enjoy a lot of benefits(好处), such as discounts on watches, jewellery and cosmetics (化妆品). The card also gives discounts when you visit local attractions such as Singapore Zoo.
It is well worth checking out in the different shopping districts of Singapore during this 8-week Shopping Marathon. Orchard Road is surely the best place for shopping in the city. A large number of restaurants and clubs can be found in this area. Marina Bay includes both big department stores(百货商店) as well as small shops, so everything you would want to buy can be found here.
Advice for tourists planning to enjoy this festival of shopping: travel light and take a comfortable pair of shoes with you, for you are sure to do a lot of walking and return with your bags much heavier.
小题1: You will see the Great Singapore Sale if you go to Singapore in ________.
小题2:We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.the Great Singapore Sale is held twice a year
B.the Shopping Marathon lasts for more than two months
C.Orchard Road is Singapore’s best shopping street
D.Marina Bay is a lonely street with small shops
小题3:Why are tourists advised to travel light if they want to enjoy the shopping festival?
A.They will buy many goods and have to do lots of walking.
B.It is not safe for them to take heavy bags with them.
C.There is heavy traffic in the shopping districts of Singapore.
D.Travelling with too many things is not allowed in Singapore.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes you’ll get your words mixed up and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things to quickly and you can’t understand them. But  if you keep your sense of humor(幽默感), you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make. Don’t be unhappy if people seem t be laughing at your mistakes. It’s better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they don't understand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is, “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.”
小题1:What is the best way for you to learn a language according to the writer?
A. writing.            B. using it.        C. listening.
小题2:What should you do in learning English?
A. Write as quickly as you can.
b. Speak English as much as you can.
C. Laugh more often.
小题3:When people laugh at your mistakes, what should you do?
A. Not care.            B. Be happy.        C. Feel worried.
小题4:What should you do when you make a mistake?'
A. Keep quiet.
b. Get angry.
C. Keep your sense of humor
小题5:What can we learn from the passage?
A. Anyone will make mistakes.
B. People never make mistakes.
C. Few people make mistakes.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There is not enough oil in the world now. As time goes by, it becomes less and less, so what are we going to do when it runs out? Perhaps we will go back to using horses, carriages and bicycles.
In the Second World War, some people didn’t use gas made from petroleum(石油) in their cars. They made gas from wood and plants instead. The car didn’t go fast, but they ran, so this was better than nothing. However, in the future, we can’t cut down all our trees to make gas; we need our trees for other things, too.
Besides different types of gas, we can also use electricity(电) to run our cars, but first we must make the electricity! Some countries have coal(煤) and they make electricity with that, but we might not always have coal, either. Other countries have big, strong rivers, and they can use the power of water to turn turbines(涡轮机) and make electricity more easily and cheaply.
We are also able to get power from the ocean tides. We put turbines into the mouth of the river. Then the tide comes in, the water turns the turbines and then it goes out, it turns them again.
Which of these ways will be used to run our cars in the future?
小题1:When might people have to go back to using horses and carriages?
A.When they are poor.
B.When they run out of oil.
C.When they need more exercise.
D.When there aren’t any big trees in the world.
小题2:What did some people use to make gas in the Second World War?
C.Wood and plants.D.Tides.
小题3:How many ways are suggested to make electricity in the passage?
小题4:According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.There is more petroleum than we can use now.
B.Trees are needed for some other things besides making gas.
C.We got electricity from ocean tides in the old days.
D.Gas wasn’t used to run cars in the Second World War.
小题5:The passage is mainly about __________.
A.how to run our carsB.what to do when oil runs out
C.different types of gasD.the ways to make electricity

