下面是《青少年梦想》(Teen Dream)杂志上的一个有关交友方面的小测试。请你先根据三个测试题的内容做出选择(可单选或多选),然后根据自己的选项给该杂志写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50词的英文短文,谈谈你对待朋友的一些具体做法。(短文的开头已给出,其字数不计入所完成的短文内。) Read our TEEN DREAM quiz about what real friends do. Give honest answers and find out the truth about yourself and friendships. FIRST, be happy. No one likes miserable kids. What do you usually do to make people feel happier? (a) tell jokes (b) give presents (c) share (分享) interests and hobbies SECOND, don't break your promises. When you promise to do something, you must do it. Do you always keep your promises? (a) All the time. (b) Sometimes. (c) Never. THIRD, when someone has a problem, What do you usually do? (a) listen to them (b) give suggestions (c) offer help As a friend, I