     A: My Friend
     B: A Trip Where did you go last summer? Who did you go with? What happened? How was the trip?
One possible version:
                                                               A Trip
     I went hiking to a mountain with my friends last summer. It was a good trip at the beginning but
something unexpected happened on the half way. One of my friends suddenly felt a terrible pain in his
stomach and he couldn't move any further. Nobody knew what to do. One girl tried to call her mum with
her mobile phone but there was no signal in the mountain area. Luckily we brought a tent with us. We put
it up and let him rest in it. He took some medicine. Then he drank some water, and ate some food. After
a while, he felt much better and we walked on. We all enjoyed ourselves on the top of the mountain.

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     ´Ê»ãÌáʾ£ºcome from/live with/three and a half/give up/make quite a lot of friends/learn from
     My friend Linda comes from Australa                                                                                                   


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       £¨2£©ËûÃÇѧУÓÐÎÞ¼×ÐÍH1N1Á÷¸Ð²¡Àý£¨A H1N1flu cases£©£»
Dear Mike,
¡¡¡¡From TV I know many A H1N1 flu cases are reported recently in the United States, and many schools are closed as a result. I'm so worried about you.
¡¡¡¡So far the disease is not so deadly as it seems to be. Do
be at ease! Take care and you will be OK!
                                       Yours truly,
                                          Li Hua


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ÄãÊÇÀ£¬×¼±¸ÒÔ¡°What Can We Do for the Environment"ΪÌ⣬дһƪ±£»¤»·¾³µÄÓ¢ÓïÑݽ²¸å¡£
     ÄÚÈÝ°üÀ¨£º1. ÔÚ¹ºÎïʱÓò¼´ü×ÓÌæ´úËÜÁÏ´ü£»
                      2. ¾¡¿ÉÄÜËýÔÙÀûÓÃʹÓùýµÄ¿Î±¾£»
                      3. À뿪½ÌÊÒÓ¦¹ØµÆ£» 
                      4. ×îºÃ×ß·»òÆï×ÔÐгµÉÏѧ£»
                      5. ͲÊöÀíÓÉ£º±£»¤»·¾³¡¢¼õÉÙÎÛȾ¡¢½ÚÔ¼ÄÜÔ´µÈ¡£
      ×¢Ò⣺1. ´ÊÊý£º80Ú­×óÓÒ¡£¿ªÍ·ºÍ½áβÒÑΪÄãдºÃ£¬²»¼ÆÈë×Ü´ÊÊý£» 
                2. ¿É¸ù¾ÝÒªµãÊʵ±Ôö¼Óϸ½Ú£¬Ê¹ÐÐÎÄÁ¬¹á£»
                3. ÎÄÕÂÖв»µÃ³öÏÖÕæʵÐÕÃûºÍѧУУÃû£¬·ñÔùÒÔÁã·Ö´¦Àí¡£
                4. ²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£º²¼´ü×Ó  cloth bag    ËÜÁÏ´ü  plastic bag    ±£»¤  protect
                                   ÄÜÔ´    energy      ÎÛȾ    pollution     ¿Î±¾   textbook
                                              What Can We Do for the Environment
Hello, everyone.
      I'm Li Him. It's nice to speak about what we can do for the environment (»·¾³), and I think each of us
can do a little bit to help with this problem. ___________________________________________________


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       ´ÓµçÊÓÉÏ¿´µ½ÃÀ¹úÕýÁ÷Ðм×ÐÍHINIÁ÷¸Ð£¨A/HINI flu£©£¬²¿·ÖѧУͣ¿ÎÄãΪÄãÕýÔÚÃÀ¹úÉÏѧµÄ±ÊÓÑ
       Ò». ѯÎÊ
       1. ËûµÄ½¡¿µ×´¿ö£» 
       2. ËûÃÇѧУÓÐÎÞ¼×ÐÍHINIÁ÷¸Ð²¡Àý£¨A/HINI flu cases£©£»
       3. ËûÃÇÊÇ·ñ»¹ÉÏѧ¡£
       ¶þ. ½¨Òé
       1. ¾¡Á¿´ôÔÚ¼ÒÀÉÙÈ¥È˶àµÄµØ·½£»
       2. ÇÚÏ´ÊÖ£»½²ÎÀÉú£»
       3. ¶à¿ª´°£¬±£³Ö¿ÕÆøÐÂÏÊ£»
       4. ¶à³ÔË®¹ûÊ߲ˡ£
       1. ³¤¶È£º60-80´Ê£»
       2. Ê×βÒѸø³ö£¬²»¼ÆÈë×Ü´ÊÊý¡£
Dear Mike,
       From TV I know many A/HINI flu cases are reported recently in the United States, and many schools are
closed as a result. I'm so worried about you.                                                                                               
        So far the disease is not so deadly as it seems to be. Do be at ease! Take care and you'll be OK.
                                                                                                                                             Yours truly,
                                                                                                                                                Li Hua

