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Mike ______ to several places in South China with his parents since they came to China

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Awas travelling

Bhad travelled

Cis travelling

Dhas travelled


句意为“自从迈克和他的父母到中国以来,他们已在华南地区旅游了好几个地方:”此题旨在考查现在完成时表示过去某一动作或状态一直延续到现在的用法,本句中since引导的时间状语从句表示从过去某一时间一直延续到现在。如果since从句表示从过去某一时间一直延续到过去另一时间,则主句应用过去完成时。如I saw Li Lei yesterdayWe had not seen each other since he left Shanghai(我昨天看见李雷了。自从他离开上海我们就没有见过面)。


科目:初中英语 来源:2008年天津市初中毕业升学统一考试、英语试卷 题型:001








5.A.It is six o’clock. B.It’s October 10th. C.It’s a public holiday.

6.A.Fourteen. B.Sixteen. C.Fifteen.

7.A.Not at all. B.That’s all right. C.Certainly.Here you are.

8.A.Either is OK. B.Thank you. C.This way, please.

9.A.It is wet. B.It was sunny. C.It is cloudy.

10.A.Yes, I think so. B.I’ll do it. C.Yes, it’s difficult.

11.A.No, I can’t. B.Yes, I can. C.Of course, go ahead.

12.Three years ago. B.In three years. C.For three years.

13.A.It’s from China. B.He likes it very much. C.He thinks it’s 10 yuan.

14.A.I hate you. B.I don’t want to stay here. C.Sorry.It’s getting late and I must go now.


15.Did the woman know who won the match?

A.It’s hard to say. B.No, she didn’t. C.Yes, she did.

16.Where is the woman from?

A.New York. B.England. C.London.

17.Where are the two speakers?

A.In a classroom. B.On a farm. C.In a dining room.

18.What’s Li Ying’s son.

A.He is an engineer. B.He is a doctor. C.He is a cook.

19.What kind of music does the man like?

A.Jazz. B.Rock music. C.Pop music.

20.Who gave the party for the girl?

A.her aunt. B.He friend. C.Her mother.

21.What is the man probably going to do?

A.To take a train. B.To take a taxi. C.To take a bus.

22.What’s wrong with Mike?

A.He hurt his foot. B.He hurt his leg. C.Nothing was wrong with him.

23.What are they doing?

A.They are singing songs. B.They are walking. C.They are making a phone call.

24.Why hasn’t Jane received the email?

A.Because she is ill. B.Because she is too tired. C.Because here computer doesn’t work.



25.What was the won doing last month?

A.Se was taking care of her sick mother

B.She was writing a novel.

C.She was taking care of her father while she was writing a novel.

26.How is the woman’s father now?

A.He was getting worse.

B.He is much better.

C.He doesn’t feel well.

27.What does the woman want the man to do?

A.To read a novel.

B.To move the heavy box.

C.To take her father to the hospital.


28.Why do Lan Lan’s parents send her to s sports school?

A.Because Lan Lan likes sports.

B.Because they live near the school.

C.Because Lan Lan is a lazu girl.

29.What does Lan Lan drink for breakfast?



C.Orange juice.

30.How does she go to the gym every morning?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By bicycle.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

(   )1. A. Fine, thanks.  
(   )2. A. Good afternoon.
(   )3. A. Yes, I am.    
(   )4. A. Good morning, Mike.
(   )5. A. Yes, I am.    
B. How do you do?
B. Hello!
B. Thank you.
B. Thank you.
B. Thank you.
C. You, too.              
C. Nice to se e you, too.
C. I'm OK.              
C. Goodbye, Mike.      
C. Fine, thanks.          

