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—Have you heard of the Big Ben?

—Of course. It _____ a symbol of UK.

A. regards as B. is regarded as C. is regarded to


科目:初中英语 来源:天津市宁河区2017届九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

My uncle gave me __________ useful book yesterday. ________________book is on the desk.

A. a; the B. the; / C. a; / D. /; /


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版九年级Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.基础知识检测带答案 题型:单选题

The girl in the classroom be Mary. She called me from Beijing just now.

A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. shouldn’t D. can’t


科目:初中英语 来源:2017年初中毕业升学考试(湖北武汉卷)英语 题型:单选题

(2017湖北省武汉市中考)I football quite well, but I haven't had time to play since the new year

A. will play B. have played C. played D. play


科目:初中英语 来源:2017九年级英语期末试卷(unit1-10)(邵阳中考题型版) 题型:阅读判断

Do you dream of having a sister or brother?According to the recent CCTV news report,China has relaxed its one?child policy (政策) to two?child policy. The government has allowed families to have two children.

Tencent did a survey last week about the two?child policy. On the one hand,up to 53% of parents say they are willing to have a second child. “I am excited about hearing the news. To have two kids means the children can look after each other in the future. Not only can they have a partner to play with,but they can also learn to help one another. This helps them to develop a better personality. I think I won't miss the chance to own a second kid,” says Li Mei,a mother of a 5?year?old daughter from Shanghai.

On the other hand,about 40% of parents say they may not have a second child. One reason is that they are afraid that the child's everyday expenses (费用) and education would be a big problem. They couldn't afford them. “I think the policy itself is pretty good,but I don't think it interests me. I won't consider a second child. Everything is very expensive at present,and I find it very difficult to raise another child,” says Han Dong from Chongqing,who has just had a boy.

Though people have different opinions,they agree that China has made great progress already in the two?child policy.

1.China has relaxed its two?child policy to one?child policy.

2.According the survey, up to 53% of parents say they are willing to have a second child.

3.According to the passage, we know Li Mei has a son.

4.Some people may not have a second child because they couldn’t afford the child’s everyday expenses.

5.Han Dong doesn’t want to have a second child.


科目:初中英语 来源:2017九年级英语期末试卷(unit1-10)(邵阳中考题型版) 题型:单选题

—Are your shirts made _____ cotton?

—Yes,they are made _____ the US.

A. from,in B. of,from C. of,in


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet单元测试卷 题型:补全对话7选5



A: Hey, Susan! 1.

B: No. What’s it like?

A: 2. It’s my favorite.

B: Can I listen to it on your CD player?

A: 3.

B: It’s really a good jazz (爵士) piece. But I still like rock music best.

A: Who is your favorite singer?

B: Cui Jian. 4.

A: Why do you like him?

B: 5.

A: I see.

A. Of course.

B. Have you read the article about him?

C. I went to his concert last week.

D. I agree.

E. Have you listened to the song called “Take Five”?

F. Because his music is exciting.

G. I think it’s amazing.


科目:初中英语 来源:徐州市毕业、升学考试英语模拟试卷(十二) 题型:话题作文

你所在的学校正开展英语写作比赛活动。请你根据提示,以“I have a dream”为题,写 一篇90词左右的短文。提示如下:






科目:初中英语 来源:2018年人教版英语七年级下册(浙江地区)期中综合水平测试 题型:材料作文


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