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This morning Jack came to school _________ than _________ student in his class.
A.much late; anyB.much late; any other
C.much later; anyD.much later; any other

试题分析:than表示比较的意思时,前面必须用形容词或者副词的比较级形式,any是任何一个,包括自己。Any other表示任何其它一个,不包括自己。根据句意,今天早晨杰克比班里其他任何学生到校都晚的多。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:My pen pal can speak two l___________, English and French.
小题2:Guangzhou is in the s________ of China.
小题3:I’m not good at English. I have to study hard to i________ it.
小题4:Sometimes it s________ in winter in Hangzhou.
小题5:The floor is too d________. Let’s clean it first.
小题6:There are some r______ in our school library. We can’t talk loudly in it.
小题7:The l_______ on the trees turn yellow in autumn.
小题8:Our teacher is f_________ to us, so we like her very much.
小题9:We are s___________ that the little boy can play the piano so well.
小题10:Mother t________ me to West Lake last Saturday and we had fun there.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1: The Blacks love__________(游泳), and they are all good at it.
小题2:At __________(周末), Tom and his family often go to the park.
小题3: Her grandma often remembers the old and the __________(贫穷的) in her prayers(祈祷).
小题4:There are a lot of __________(现代化的) cities in America.
小题5:. —May I __________(借) your ruler, please?
—Sure. Here you are.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:My father works as a _______ (卫兵) to keep our city safe.
小题2:What _______(其它的) do you like to do besides playing basketball?
小题3:The students held a party and _______ (庆祝) the birthday for her.
小题4:I need to eat less meat because my w_______ is over 80 kilograms.
小题5:The actress m_______ to a rich man last year.
小题6:The a_______ age of the students in our class is 13.
小题7:We agree with you, but our parents maybe d_______.
小题8:The teacher gave us an _______ (instruct) to us about how to use the machine.
小题9:As the _______ (city) of Guangzhou, we’re responsible for keeping the city clean.
小题10:Please hand in your homework on time, or you will _______ (punish).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Learning can take place in a classroom, in a meeting room, or even on a ship. Life experiences offer the students some of the best education packages available on the earth. Of those life experiences, travel offers the best returns(回报).
For international travelers, the lessons are the greatest. Taking that first step to cross the ocean by plane or boat is an adventure(冒险). It teaches people to expand their horizons(拓宽视野) and it enables people to go beyond one land, one country, and one set way of thinking and doing things.
International travel awakens the mind with different cultures. Travelers see how different people do things in different lands. While this experience is exciting for adults, children get the greatest insights (洞察力) during the international exploration. It will help to form their understanding from a very young age. It will help them understand that differences among people and cultures can be quite exciting and wonderful in its own way. Fashion, art, science, transportation, religion, geography, geology and social studies are all areas of learning outside of the books when traveling abroad. There is no other way that can teach so much information in such a short time.
You can learn more from travel than from any single(单一的)educational experience. If you take no notice of everything you see, then surely you will learn nothing at all. But, if you are curious enough to look for new experiences through travel, you can learn more from travel than from any course in any university on the earth!
Topic: ______小题1:_____ while traveling
Of the life experiences, travel is the ____小题2:___ way to get education.
__小题3:___ travel
Traveling ___小题4:____ teaches people expand their horizons and enables people to have  more ways of ___小题5:___ and doing things.
Adults will feel ___小题6:____ while children will get deeper insights and form their understanding when they are young.
It is the ___小题7:____ way to learn so much information in such a short time.
__小题8:___ for travel
If you take no notice of what you see while traveling, you will ___小题9:____ learn nothing.
Always be curious to find new experiences through travel and you will learn ____小题10:____.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:My brother has been in the ________ (军队) for half a year.
小题2:Riding a bike will save energy and _______ (减少) air pollution.
小题3: ---What are you doing?
---I'm ___________ (考虑) changing my job.
小题4:---Are you free, Maria? I'd like to talk with you. It won't __________(占据) too much time.
---No problem.
小题5: I have __________ (为……付款) the shirt. Let's go home.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1: He  ________ (watch) TV sometimes.
小题2:Our English teacher enjoys           (tell) jokes to us.
小题3:Was your brother good at           (swim) when he was in the middle school?
小题4:Listen! Who              (sing) in the next room?
小题5:Bob planned            (visit) Italy during the vacation.
小题6:He ________ (go) fishing yesterday.
小题7:How often ______ he ______ (do) sports?
小题8:You must try             (make) some efforts (努力).
小题9:My mother made me           (practice) the piano all night yesterday.
小题10:I’m            (plan) my vacation to Spain next weekend.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:My brother ________  thirteen and I ________  fourteen. We  ________ both in Grade 7. (be).
小题2:This is   ________   eraser, it isn’t  ________ toy.(a).
小题3:________ (this) books are for us.
小题4:Is that ________ (you) book? No, it’s ________ (she) book.
小题5:They are in the________ grade , but in ________ classes.(same)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—____ is your teacher?
—It’s Miss Gao.
A. What         B. Who          C. Where

