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—                    —Good idea. Where do we play?
A. Do you like tennis?     B. Let’s play tennis.     C. Why do you like tennis?
情景交际。Do you like tennis? 你喜欢 网球吗?Let’s play tennis.让我们打网球吧; Why do you like tennis?你为什么喜欢网球。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Well, you are driving too fast! Didn’t you see the sign_______ over there?
—Oh, sorry. I didn’t see it.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—I did badly in my English exam.
—            .
A. Congratulations           B. That’s great          C. I’m sorry to hear that 


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

– I hope you all enjoy yourselves in the World Park.
– ____________.
A.Yes, we wouldB.Have a good timeC.Thank youD.That’s OK


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Hi, Lily. Happy New Year!
— _____
A. Thank you.              B. Yes.                C. The same to you.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

– Would you mind moving your car?
–                       . I’ll do it right away.
A. No, not at all.              B. Yes, you’re welcome            C. Certainly, it’s my pleasure


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A.Have you visited Sanya before?
B.But don’t forget to tell me.
C.Have you been to the beach of Sanya?
D.Where have you been?
E.Did you listen to the TV news this morning?
A:Hello,Alice! Long time no see. ____1____
B:Hello,David,I have been to Sanya and stayed there for a month.____2____
A:No,I have never been to Sanya.But I have always wanted to go there.____3___ It’s said that it’s very beautiful.
B:Of course,it’s wonderful.I took some photos by the sea.Sanya is really a beautiful city.
B:What’s that?
A:Yantai is chosen(被选为)to be one of the most beautiful cities in China.
B:Oh.I think next time I’ll go there to spend my holiday.
A:Good idea! ____5___
B:Certainly I won’t.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

-___ is that white bag?   ---It’s nine dollars.
A How many    B How much     C How old     D What kind


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Tang Hai is chatting with his e-pal David on QQ (T: Tang Hai   D: David)
D: Hi. How is it going these days?
T: Pretty good! We celebrated our Dragon Boat Festival(端午节) last week.
D: Dragon Boat Festival?   小题1:   
T: To remember an ancient Chinese poet(诗人)。
D: How do you usually celebrate it? 
T:   小题2:   But this year, we did something more interesting.
D: What did you do?
T: Our school had a Dragon Boat race.
D:    小题3:    who won the race?
T: Our class.
D:    小题4:   
T: Thanks a lot. I hope you can come to China sometime.
D:    小题5:    I’m interested in Chinese traditions. Tell me more about them next time.
T: Ok, I will. See you.
D: See you!
A.What do you celebrate for?
B.What are you doing ?
C.When do you celebrate it?
D.Where do you celebrate it?
A.We usually do some cleaning on that day.
B.We usually have a big dinner on that day.
C.We usually eat rice dumplings on that day.
D.We usually go hiking on that day.
A.Pretty good!B.Thank goodness!
C.How dangerous!D.Sound interesting!
A.What a pity! B.Congratulations!
C.Have a good time.D.I’m sorry to hear that.
A.I hope so.B.I’m afraid not.
C.I don’t think so.D.Me, neither.

