精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
[1]Once,when there was a famine(饥荒),a rich baker sent for twenty of the poorest children in the town,and said to them,"In this basket there is a loaf(面包)for each of you.Take it,and come back to me every day at this hour for more."
[2]The hungry children gathered eagerly about the basket,and fought over the bread because each wanted the largest loaf.At last they went away without even (77)thanking/saying thanks (goodbye) to/expressing thanks to the good baker.
[3]Gretchen,a poorly dressed little girl,did not fight or struggle with the other children,but stood quietly in the distance(远处),When the badly behaved children had left.Gretchen took the smallest loaf,which was all that was left in the basket.She kissed the baker's hand and went home.
[4](78)第二天,孩子们表现得像以前一样糟糕.Gretchen got a loaf almost half the size of the one she got the first day.When she came home,her mother cut the loaf open.Many new shining pieces of silver fell out of it.
[5]Her mother was very worried and said,"Take the money back to the baker at once.The silver must have fallen into the dough by accident.By quick,Gretchen!"
[6]When the little girl gave the rich man her mother's message,he said,"(79)It was no mistake,I had the silver pieces put into the smallest loaf to reward(奖赏)you.Always be as content(满足),peaceable,and thankful as you now are.Go home now,and tell your mother that the money is yours to keep."
76.What did Gretchen do while the others fought over the bread?(no more than 6 words)
77.Fill in the blank in the second paragraph with proper words(no more than 3 words).
78.Translate the Chinese sentence in the fourth paragraph into English.
79.Translate the underlined sentences in the sixth paragraph into Chinese.
80.What do you think of Gretchen and her mother?

分析 从前,发生了一场饥荒.有一位富有的面包师让人叫来了城里最穷苦的20个小孩,对他们说:"在这个篮子里,你们每个人都可以拿一条面包.拿去吧,以后每天这个时候回到我这里来,直到上帝赐给我们好转的形势为止.饥饿的孩子们急忙围拢在篮子周围,他们为了面包互相争吵,因为每个人都希望拿到最大的那条面包.最终,他们连"谢谢"也没对那位善良的先生说一句就走了.然而,格雷琴,一个衣衫褴褛的小姑娘,并没有和其他人争抢,而是一直谦卑地站在远处.当那些举止失礼的女孩们离去之后,她拿出篮子里仅剩的最小的那条面包,亲吻面包师先生的手,然后回家了.第二天,那些孩子们和第一天一样没礼貌.而穷苦、羞怯的格雷琴得到了更小的面包,几乎只有前一天那条面包一半大.当她回到家,妈妈把面包条切开的时候,许多崭新的、闪闪发亮的银币掉了出来.她的妈妈吓呆了,说:"马上把这些钱拿回去还给那位仁慈的先生,这些钱肯定是意外掉进面团里的."赶快去,格雷琴,赶快!然而,当小姑娘把妈妈说的话告诉那位有钱人的时候,先生说:"不,不,我的孩子,那没弄错."我让人把这些银币放进最小的面包条里,是为了奖励你.希望你永远像现在这样,保持知足、平和、感恩的心.现在回家去吧,告诉妈妈,这些钱是你们自己的.

解答 76.答案:She stood quietly in the distance. 细节理解题. 题目的意思是"别人在为了面包打架的时候格蕾丝在干什么"根据句子Gretchen,a poorly dressed little girl,did not fight or struggle with the other children,but stood quietly in the distance(远处)一个衣衫褴褛的小姑娘,并没有和其他人争抢,而是一直谦卑地站在远处.可知格蕾丝正站在不远处.故答案为She stood quietly in the distance.
77.答案:thanking/saying thanks (goodbye) to/expressing thanks to.细节理解题.前面说他们为了面包打架,这本是一种极不礼貌的行为了,后面接着说At last they went away最后他们走了,又加了一个递进的副词without even (  )the good baker,甚至没有对这个好心的面包师表示(  ),可知没有感恩之心.另外,介词without 后接动名词.故答案为thanking/saying thanks (goodbye) to/expressing thanks to.
78.答案:The next day the children were as badly behaved as before./The next day the children behaved as badly as before.句子翻译题.本题的语言点结构 as…as…和..一样,是同级比较.注意as…as…中间用形容词或副词的原级.第二天用The next day,不用next day.
79.答案:这不是失误/错误,我(让人)把这些银币放进最小的面包里是为了奖赏你.句子翻译题.本题的语言点had…do…让…做某事,had是使役动词,后面接动词原形,也就是省略to的动词不定式.本题中had the silver pieces put into the smallest loaf 让人把这些银币放进最小的面包条里.to reward(奖赏)you,这里的不定式表示目的"为了奖赏你".
80.Gretchen was content,peaceable and thankful.Her mother was honest./They were content,honest,peaceful and thankful.推理判断题.题目的意思是你认为格蕾丝和她的妈妈怎么样.句子It was no mistake,I had the silver pieces put into the smallest loaf to reward(奖赏)不,我的孩子,那没弄错."我让人把这些银币放进最小的面包条里,是为了奖励你.这句话就是面包师对母女俩人品的认可和奖励.句子Always be as content(满足),peaceable,and thankful as you now are.要时刻保持满足,平和,感恩之心.这也是面包师对母女俩的评价.故答案为Gretchen was content,peaceable and thankful.或者此句的同义句.

点评 主要是根据前提问题来做出相应的要求内的答案,题型比较灵活但是考查了学生多方面的知识和技能,要做好这类题,就要注意平时知识的积累,包括单词、词组、句型等.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.Why is the boy back home early today?
A.Because he wants to have a short break.
B.Because he wants to help for the dinner.
C.Because the classroom is too noisy to study
9.What will the boy do to help his mother?
A.Wash the dishes.   B.Wash the tomatoes.   C.Set the table.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.What would the man like to drink?
A.A cup of tea.       B.A glass of apple juice.     C.A glass of orange juice.
15.Which one is the man′s favorite?
A.Playing games.    B.Reading story books.       C.Playing chess.
16.What′s the weather like now?
A.sunny.                B.Rainy.                               C.Windy.
17.Where is the woman′s English book?
A.On the table.      B.In the drawer.                   C.On the bookshelf.
18.What color are the shorts the woman wants?
A.White.               B.Red.                                   C.Black.
19.How many people will go to the farm tomorrow?
A.One.                 B.Two.                                    C.Three.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

11.What is Linda studying?略
A.History.     B.Chinese.   C.Math.
12.What's Steven good at?略
A.Playing the guitar.       B.Playing the piano.        C.Playing the violin.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读表达

2.It was December,and Mary was thinking about the Christmas presents for her family.Her dad was easy to buy for.He loved history books.She could look at the books he had and buy something like that.She would have to ask her mom what she was going to buy for him,so that they wouldn't get the same one!
Mary's problem was what to buy for her mom.Her mom didn't read many books.She loved gardening,but she already had all the garden tools she needed.Also,she liked to choose her plants and seeds herself.Mary had a lot of ideas about the present.But nothing was perfect.
Mom always said that the best presents were the ones that you put time and hard work into.Suddenly Mary had an idea.Why not knit(编织) a scarf for Mom?That way she could wear it to keep warm when she was in the garden on cold days.She'd love it!So Mary bought some pink and orange wool.They were Mom's favorite colors because they reminded her of the flowers she liked. Mary spent many hours knitting when her mom was not around. She wanted it to be a surprise.When Mom opened the present on Christmas morning,she was very thankful.She knew that Mary had spent a long time on it.She took Mary in her arms and gave her a big kiss!
66题为完成句子;67题用英语表达文中画线单词 ones 所指代的内容;68~69题为简略回答问题;70题为将文中划线句子译成汉语.
66.Mary's mom was reallythankfulfor what Mary had done for her.
68.What did Mary probably buy for her dad?
History books.
69.Why did Mary want to knit a scarf for her mom?
Becauseher momcould wear it to keep warm when she was in the garden on cold days.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:解答题



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.I enjoy_____my bike in the mountains.(  )
A.rideB.rodeC.to rideD.riding


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.In the early days of the American West,life was difficult.People lived on farms away from other families.(71)BThen they saw their friends and neighbors there.On their farms everyone had lots of work to do.There were some big jobs,and one of them was to build a house.
What did families do to build houses?They asked for help.(72)DWomen cooked together when men worked on the building.For children,it was like a holiday.There were many children whom they could play with.They enjoyed this form very much.Together these people built a house.At some other time the family with the new house would help their neighbors,too.They helped each other for the good of everyone.
A work group is really cooperative.To cooperate means"to work together".A big job can be easy because of cooperation.Many people can work together.(73)EIt will become a small job for many workers.
Today,there isn't much cooperation.People don't work together very often.(74)AHow can they ask them for help?
Now,we help others only when they have emergencies(紧急情况)or accidents.We call the police for help,we talk to our neighbors,and then we become true neighbors and friends.
Why not always cooperate?Why not work with other people?You'd better not wait for emergencies or accidents.(75)C
A.So some people don't know their neighbors.
B.They went into town once a week or once a month.
C.If you always work with others,it can be fun,and life can become easier,too.
D.They asked their friends and neighbors,and invited them to a work group for a few days.
E.Then the job will not be difficult.

