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Unluckily, the rain _______when I _______the car at this time yesterday.

A. started; was cleaning B. started; cleaned

C. starts; am cleaning D. was starting; was cleaning


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省南充市2019届九年级下学期第一次月考(3月)英语试卷 题型:完型填空

Long long ago, there was a swan(天鹅)with golden feathers(金羽毛).She lived in a lake. A woman lived in a small house_______the lake with her two daughters. They were very poor. They worked hard all year round,_______still,they lived a hard life and sometimes they even didn’t have enough_______to buy food.

The swan was _______to see that. She said to herself, “I’ll give one of my_______to them each day, then they can live a happy life with the money selling my feathers.” That evening, she_______to the poor woman’s house and left a golden feather on the table without saying_______.From then on, the swan came every day and gave them a feather. The woman was very happy because their life was much_______than before.

But day after day, the woman became greedy(贪婪).She said to her _______.”The swan may fly away one day. If so, we will be poor again. We should take all________feathers when she comes next time.” “Oh, no, Mom!” cried the daughters, “This will ________the swan. She helps us a lot!”But the mother wouldn’t listen. When the ________came as usual, the mother caught her and took all her feathers. But suddenly, the golden feathers ________chicken feathers.

Then, the Golden Swan said, “Poor Mother, I came to________you, but you wanted to kill me. Now, I am leaving and will ________come back. Never be greedy!” With these words, the swan flew away.

1.A. above B. over C. near D. under

2.A. and B. but C. so D. or

3.A. money B. time C. room D. energy

4.A. happy B. surprised C. sad D. scared

5.A. presents B. golden coins C. feathers D. collections

6.A. flew B. ran C. climbed D. walked

7.A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything

8.A. duller B. better C. busier D. harder

9.A. brothers B. sisters C. sons D. daughters

10.A. his B. her C. their D. our

11.A. hurt B. save C. protect D. refuse

12.A. woman B. daughter C. chicken D. swan

13.A. heard of B. changed into C. looked for D. came from

14.A. trouble B. help C. teach D. invite

15.A. sometimes B. always C. usually D. never


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省淮安市2018-2019学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

--- Don’t be late for class again, Tommy.

--- Sorry, I ________.

A. don’t B. am not C. didn’t D. won’t


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省汕头市龙湖区2017-2018学年八年级上学期期末质量检测英语试卷(含听力 ) 题型:阅读单选

Spanish Dancing

Spanish dancing is fun and easy to learn. Come and learn this wonderful dance from Spain.

Place: John Smith’s Date: July 1—31

Price: ¥60 Time: 7:30 pm—9:30 pm

Tel: 301-2768

Spanish Dancing

Spanish dancing is fun and easy to learn. Come and learn this wonderful dance from Spain.

Place: John Smith’s Date: July 1—31

Price: ¥60 Time: 7:30 pm—9:30 pm

Tel: 301-2768

Live Pop Music

Enjoy the music from Jay Chou, a famous pop singer.

Place: The music hall Date: July 20—22

Price: ¥200—¥250 Time: 8:00 pm—10:00 pm

Live Pop Music

Enjoy the music from Jay Chou, a famous pop singer.

Place: The music hall Date: July 20—22

Price: ¥200—¥250 Time: 8:00 pm—10:00 pm

Shows—Daqian Museum

Daqian Museum has over 1,000 pieces on display here.

Come and see the whole Chinese history!

Place: Daqian Museum

Date: July 1—August 31 Price: ¥50(half for students)

Time: Weekdays: 8:30 am—5:30 pm Weekends: 9:00 am—8:00 pm

Tel: 271-1399

Shows—Daqian Museum

Daqian Museum has over 1,000 pieces on display here.

Come and see the whole Chinese history!

Place: Daqian Museum

Date: July 1—August 31 Price: ¥50(half for students)

Time: Weekdays: 8:30 am—5:30 pm Weekends: 9:00 am—8:00 pm

Tel: 271-1399

1.If you want to learn dancing, you can call .

A. 271-1399 B. 488-6888 C. 231-2899 D. 301-2768

2.You can enjoy Jay Chou’s music at in the music hall.

A. 9:00 pm on July 23 B. 8:00 pm on July 20

C. 7:30 pm every day D. 9:30 pm on July 1

3.There is a big show on history at .

A. Daqian Museum B. the music hall

C. John Smith’s D. the meeting hall

4.If Mr Zhong wants to go to the museum with his wife and ten-year-old daughter, how much should he pay for it?

A. ¥70. B. ¥100. C. ¥125. D. ¥200.


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省汕头市龙湖区2017-2018学年八年级上学期期末质量检测英语试卷(含听力 ) 题型:单选题

The worried man in the broken car ______when he heard people were trying to help him out.

A. came down B. calmed down C. broke down D. cut down


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省汕头市龙湖区2017-2018学年八年级上学期期末质量检测英语试卷(含听力 ) 题型:单选题

---Do you have any plans for this winter holiday?

---I'm not sure. I _______go to Hainan with my family.

A. can B. need C. may D. must


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省汕头市龙湖区2017-2018学年八年级上学期期末质量检测英语试卷(含听力 ) 题型:听长对话回答问题


1.How much should the woman pay?

A. $50. B. $100. C. $150.

2.What time does the woman want to get up?

A. At 10:00 am. B. At 6:00 am. C. At 7:00 am.


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省汕头市龙湖区2018届九年级5月中考模拟考试(含听力)英语试卷 题型:完型填空

My son Tony was born with club feet. The doctors said that with treatment he would be able to walk, but would never run very well. The first three years of his life was ______ in hospital. By the time he was eight, you wouldn’t know he has a problem when you saw him ______.

We never told him that he probably wouldn’t be ______ to run like the other children. So he didn’t know. In ______ grade he decided to join the school running team. Every day he trained. He ran more than any of the others, ______ only the top seven runners would be chosen. We didn’t tell him he probably would never make the team, so he didn’t know.

He ran four to five mile every day—even when he had a fever. I was ______, so I went to ____ him after school. I found him running ______. I asked him how he felt. “Okay,” he said. He has two more miles to go. Yet he looked straight ahead and kept running.

Two weeks later, the names of the team ______ were out. Joey was number six on the list. Joey had ______ the team. He was in seventh grade — the other six team members were all eighth graders. We never told him he couldn’t do it, so he didn’t know, but he made it.

1.A. spent B. taken C. cost D. paid

2.A. talk B. sit C. study D. walk

3.A. able B. sorry C. glad D. afraid

4.A. sixth B. seventh C. eighth D. ninth

5.A. so B. if C. then D. because

6.A. excited B. tired C. worried D. pleased

7.A. look for B. hear from C. agree with D. think about

8.A. alone B. away C. almost D. already

9.A. jumpers B. runners C. doctors D. teachers

10.A. got B. kept C. made D. found


科目:初中英语 来源:河北省2018-2019学年八年级第一学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

---What do you want to do when you are in American?

---I expect ____________ English well.

A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned

