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His grandfather often ________after dinner.

A. take a walk B. takes a walk

C. go a walk D. goes a walk

B 【解析】句意:他的爷爷经常晚饭后散步。本题考查动词短语和时态。“散步”:take a walk或go for a walk,排除C和D。主语为第三人称单数,谓语动词要要用单数,故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标英语九年级上册分层精练:Unit2 I think that moon cakes are delicious 题型:话题作文


提示:1.What is your favorite Chinese traditional festival?

2.What do you do during this festival?





科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级下册英语 unit3 第1课时 练习 题型:完成句子



Now my mom is ________ ________ ________ in the kitchen.


I ________ ________ ________ ________ yesterday morning.


My sister can ________ ________ ________ by herself.


You shouldn’t ________ ________ ________.


Could you please ________ ________ with these things?

1.doingthe dishes 2.cleaned the livingroom 3.makeher bed 4.stay outlate 5.help out 【解析】 1.根据汉语意思以及now判断,句子的时态为现在进行时态,故答案为(1). doing (2). the (3). dishes 。 2.根据时间状语yesterday mornin...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版7b unit 4 单元测试 题型:单选题

He doesn’t want the lions.

A. to see B. seeing C. sees D. see

A 【解析】句意:他不想看狮子。考查动词形式辨析题。want to do想要做某事;根据句意和语境,可知选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级下册英语 unit2 第5课时 测试 题型:完成句子



She is ________ in the classroom ________ in the club.


Tony, ________ do you ________ ________ from school?


Bob ________ ________ ________ at eight thirty every day.


I like ________ ________ and ________.


Students all have ________ ________.

1.eitheror 2.whenget home 3.plays computer games 4.playing volleyballswimming 5.healthyhabits 【解析】 1.短语either…or…:或者…或者…,要么…要么….,不是…就是….。根据提示和句意可知填(1). either (2). or。 2.根据句意可知此句是...


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级英语下册:Unit 3~5 过关测试卷 题型:句子配对


66.Sharon's math is not very good. She feels a little worried because the math exam is coming.

67. John is a naughty boy. He did something wrong this morning. He isn't brave enough to tell his mother about what he did.

68. Jenny's neighbor always plays CDs too loud at night. Jenny cannot fall asleep.

69.Mary quarreled (争吵) with her best friend yesterday. She was very sad and she didn't want to lose her friend.

70. Kate has a stomachache. She doesn't feel like eating anything.

A. If you don't want to lose your friend, you should talk to your friend first. Also, you may invite him or her to your home to have dinner.

B. If there is something wrong with your stomach, you should go to see a doctor as soon as possible and have some pills.

C. You should visit your neighbor and have a talk with him. You can tell him not to play CDs at night.

D. You should tell your mother what you did and promise not to do it again. Your mother will forgive (原谅) you.

E. You should take good care of your sister while your parents are not at home.

F. You should do more math exercises and ask your math teacher to help you with math.

G. If you want to become strong, you should eat more food and do some sports.






1.F 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 【解析】试题分析: 本题给出了五位学生的烦恼。并且给出了七种建议,要求与相应的建议相匹配。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级英语下册:Unit 3~5 过关测试卷 题型:单选题

Lisa is too to sleep well at night before exams.

A. kind B. nervous C. typical D. serious

B 【解析】句意:在考试前的晚上丽萨太紧张了以至于没睡好。too---to--- 太---而不能;A. kind 善良的; B. nervous 紧张的; C. typical 典型的; D. serious严肃的;根据句意故选B


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年沈阳市中考英语题型复习训练:回答问题型 题型:回答问题

Prom(毕业舞会) is the last and biggest dance of the school year in the US, usually only for junior or senior students. This one big night costs teens and parents a lot of money.

Girls buy dresses while boys rent tuxedos(燕尾服). Girls usually get their hair, makeup and nails done for this special dance, and boys may rent a car to drive to the event and buy their date flowers. All of this adds up to a lot of money—an average of over $900 in 2015.

And that’s not where it stops. It’s becoming more common for teens to ask their dates(舞伴) to go with them to the dance in a special and public way. Lately, people are calling it a promposal(高中舞会),or a prom proposal(求婚), because teens are putting almost as much hard work into it as a wedding proposal.

It is said that the average promposal costs about one third of the total cost of prom. Prom is a great chance to dress up, dance and have fun with friends. But there can also be a lot of added pressure for teens to look good and impress their friends, which may take away some of the fun.

1.What is prom in the US?


2.How much did students spend preparing for prom in 2015?


3.Why is asking a date to prom called a promposal nowadays?


4.Do students spend a lot on promposals?


5.Where did the pressure for teens come from?


1.It is the last and biggest dance of the school year 2.An average of over $900. 3.Because teens are putting almost as much hard work into it as a wedding proposal. 4.No./No, they don’t 5....


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级下册英语 unit2 第3课时 测试 题型:单选题

—What do you often do________?

—On Saturday I do my homework and on Sunday I play tennis with my sister.

A. every day B. this week

C. on weekends D. after class

C 【解析】句意:--你经常在周末做什么?--周六我做作业,周日我和姐姐打网球。A. every day 每天; B. this week本周;C. on weekends在周末; D. after class下课后。根据答语On Saturday I do my homework and on Sunday I play tennis with my sister.这里回答的都是周末做的事...

