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A class meeting ________ ________ every Monday.


I'd like to walk to school ________ ________ ride a bike.


Peter ________ ________ ________ ________when his father came back.


We shouldn't fight over______ ________ ________ ________.


A good friendship ________ ________ ________.


1is held

2rather than

3was ready to leave

4such a small matter

5makes life happier


1根据主语A class meeting,这里用被动语态,根据every Monday可知用一般现在时态的被动语态,其结构是be done的形式。主语是单数,be动词用is。根据汉语提示,故答案为(1). is (2). held

2rather than表示“而不是”;连接并列成分。故答案为(1). rather (2).than

3短语be ready to do sth.表示“准备做某事”;这里是when引导的时间状语从句,when his father came back.是过去式,主语用过去时态,主语是单数,be动词用waswas ready to leave表示“准备离开”,根据题意,故答案为(1). was (2). ready (3). to (4). leave

4such+a/an+形容词+名词单数;表示“如此一个……”;such a small matter表示“这样的小事”,根据题意,故答案为(1). such (2). a (3). small (4). matter

5短语make+宾语+形容词作宾语补足语;主语是A good friendship是单数,这里是一般现在时态,动词变第三人称单数;makes life happier表示“使生活更快乐”。故答案为(1). makes (2). life (3). happier


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Who is Li Ziqi? The 29-year-old vlogger's videos about her countryside life become so hot these days. Her fans call her "the goddess of nature".

What makes her so popular? Cooking, painting, designing, farming… It seems that she lives a quiet but colorful life. In her videos, Li wears Hanfu that she made herself. She also rears silkworms (养蚕) to sew (缝制) quilts. She even makes lipstick (口红) with roses she grows. She also uses fruits picked from her own garden to make wine.

Li grew up in a small village in Sichuan province. When she was 14, she went to the city to work. But she soon went back to the countryside so that she could take care of her sick grandmother.

To make a living, Li started an online store. At first, she just used her videos to show her products. But her simple lifestyle quickly won many fans for her. People think watching her videos is the best way of relaxing now.

For her fans who are from foreign countries, they feel more interested in Li's deep knowledge of food, nature and Chinese culture. "I can see how good Chinese people are at cooking! I didn't know I could cook meat like that until I finished watching her video," one foreign fan wrote on YouTube excitedly.

As China Daily said, Li shows the world that Chinese people enjoy life, love good food and are good at making art out of the simplest materials. With her videos, she really makes the world learn more about Chinese culture. She also advises foreign friends to come to China and enjoy good food.

She did not praise China with a single word, but she did a good job showing real beautiful life in China.

1What does Li Ziqi do?


2How did Li Ziqi make a living after she went back to the countryside?


3What can the fans from foreign countries learn from Li Ziqi?


4Li Ziqi did not praise China with a single word, did she?


5Why is Li Ziqi so popular?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上下文,在相应的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。 每空只写一词。

1Usually the lion is thought to be the s ______ of courage

2—What are going to do for the winter holiday?

—We're going away to Thailand or ______ warmIt just depends

3_______(假定)you have a million pounds, how will you spend it?

4The audience can enjoy young ______ (导演)films from different countries during this week's film festival.

5-I heard Jack was punished by our school. Is that true?

-Yes, it's true. He did something ______ our school rules.

6- Mum, I think there're too many rules to follow on the plane.

- Yes, Daniel. But all of them are made to make sure of our _____ .

7While you live in safety, ______ (考虑)unseen dangers.

8He began to ______ (从事)medicine after graduating from college.

9- Look! There's something _______ on the ground. - Oh, it's a wallet. Whose is it?

10- What is your excuse for being ______ from class yesterday? - WellI was illSir.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 There once lived a rich businessman. He had a lazy son. The businessman wanted his son to realize the value of labor.

One day, he told his son, “Today, I want you to earn something. If you fail, you won’t have your meal tonight.”

The boy didn’t want to find a job, so he asked his mother for help. She gave him a gold coin. In the evening when the father asked his son what he had earned, the son showed him the gold coin. The father then asked him to throw it into a well (). The son did as he was told.

The father guessed that the gold coin was from the boy’s mother. The next day, he sent his wife to her parents’ home and asked his son to earn something. Since no one helped him, the son had to go to the market to look for a job. A shopkeeper told him that he would pay him a coin if he carried heavy tools for him. The son accepted. As he returned home and gave the coin to his father, he was asked to throw it into the well again. The son cried. “Dad. My body is aching. I’m tired. How are you asking me to throw my hard-earned coin into a well?”

The businessman smiled. He told his son that one feels pain only when the fruits of labor are wasted. The son realized the value of hard work. He promised not to be lazy any more.


1Who helped the boy when he was asked to earn something for the first time?


2How did he earn the coin the next day?

By ______________________________________________


(1) earn ____________(2) aching ______________


The father asked him to throw the coin in a well _______. The first time, he did as the father said. But the second time he felt ________. He _______ to throw it into the well.

5将划线句子One feels pain only when the fruits of labor are wasted.译为汉语。



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】________ exciting the Military Parade (军演) in the China South Sea was!

A.WhatB.What anC.How


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 One of China’s top technology companies is trying to push the artificial intelligence (人工智能,简称AI) by teaching computers to understand scenes from the 1990’s romance-disaster (灾难) Titanic.

The technology, from China company Sense Time, is supposed to distinguish (辨别) Titanic’s romantic scenes from disaster scenes. Although most humans would have no problem distinguishing Jack and Rose’s deep love from the Titantic’s sinking, the scene is highly complex for computers.

In a show at MIT Technology Review’s EmTech Digital meeting in San Francisco last Monday, the technology performed well and was able to sort the scenes correctly. It points out the progress of artificial intelligence, but also how far it still has to go before being able to understand more difficult movie scenes outside of public shows.

Dahua Lin, the director of a joint research lab between SenseTime and the Chinese University of Hong Kong where he’s also a professor, played a video of the scene from Titanic in which Jack gently holds Rose as she stands over the bow (船首) of the ship like she’s flying. Below the video was a small chart showing whether the company’s computers thought the scene was romantic or action – packed. After processing data, probably taken from thousands of videos and pictures stills in video clips (剪辑)the computer determined that the scene was more “romantic” than a “disaster”. Then later, when Lin showed the clip of the Titanic sinking, the computers quickly named the scene as more of a “disaster” than “romantic”.

1The underlined word “complex” in this passage probably means “_______”in Chinese.


2What’s the main idea of Paragraph Three?

A.The technology performed well in the show.

B.The technology can understand more difficult movie scenes outside of public shows.

C.Artificial intelligence has made great progress but still has a long way to go.

3Besides being a director, what other job does Dahua Lin have according to the passage?

A.A cleanerB.A professorC.An engineer

4How do the computers feel about the scene when Lin showed the clip of the Titanic sinking?

A.It is a romance.B.It is a disaster.C.It is neither a disaster nor a romance

5Where can you probably see this passage?

A.In a storybook.B.In a magazine about AI.C.In a travel magazine.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】近年来, 越来越多的人用WeChat与朋友们保持联系。



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1—What are they doing?

—They ________________ (chat).

2The Spring Festival is the ________________ (important) in China.

3We Chinese are used to having meals with________(chopstick).

4(热点题)People enjoy ________(watch) the program Readers. It is hosted by Dong Qing.

5The trip to Hainan is ________ (wonder).


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 I can stay only one or two hours without my smart phone. What about you?

Well. We are opposite. In fact, I often forget where I leave .


