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(A man wants to buy a ticket at the station. M is for man. A is for assistant.)
A: Good morning! Can I help you, sir?
M:   小题1:    Could you tell me the time of the last train to Beijing this evening?
A: There’s one at 8:30. But I’m afraid all the tickets have been booked already.
M:   小题2:  
A: The first train leaves at 9:15.
M:   小题3:  
A: It arrives at 12:30. But may be a little late because of the bad weather.
M: OK!  小题4: 
A: Eighty yuan and half of it for a child below 12.
M: 小题5: I’d like two tickets and another one for a child at the age of ten, Here is the money.
A: Thank you!

小题1: B 
小题2: F  
小题3: D 
小题4: A  
小题5: E


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Would you mind my using your dictionary?
A.Yes, pleaseB.Of course not C.You are welcomeD.My pleasure


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Good afternoon, Miller!  小题1: ?
B: I’m drawing a horse.
A: A horse? Can you let me have a look?
B:    小题2:   . Here you are.
A: Oh, the horse looks very nice. Do you often draw in your free time?
B:      小题3:    .
A: Do you like drawing?
B: Yes. I like drawing very much.
A:       小题4:   ?
B: Because it’s very interesting. And my art teacher is very kind to me.
A:      小题5:    ?
B: I have an art lesson once a week.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Girl; Do you want to go to a movie, Edward?
Girl; What kind of movies do you like?
Boy: Well, I like comedies because they're funny. And I think thrillers are great.
Girl; 小题2:
Boy; No, documentaries are boring.小题3:
Girl; I don't like documentaries, either. And I don't like thrillers—they're scary.
Girl; Well, I like action movies.
Boy; 小题5:
Girl; Uh-huh. They're exciting. And I like Beijing Opera, too. It's very interesting. My father and I like it a lot.
A.No. Movies are always boring. B. So what kind of movies do you like?
C. How about you?D.Yes, that sounds good.
E. You do?                        F. How about documentaries?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Choose the best response from A to G in the box to complete the dialogue. Each choice should be used only once.
Tom: Excuse me. I’m from our school newspaper. My classmates and I would like to interview some students. Can I ask you a few personal questions?
Emily: Um …
Tom: 小题1:  _________. They’re not too difficult!
Emily: OK. What would you like to know?
Tom: Well, what does it feel like to be at school in China?
Emily: It’s great! 小题2:___.But people here are friendly, so 1 am never alone any more!
Tom: What do you think is the most difficult thing for a foreigner living in China?
Emily: 小题3: ________.  I’m learning it now, but it’s going to take a long time.
Tom:小题4:  _____________
Emily: My parents. But they’re coming over to visit me in a few months.
Tom: OK! Thank you!
Emily: 小题5:    ____________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---What does your brother look like ?
A.He is very kindB.He is very friendly
C.He is very tallD.He is funny


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Good afternoon, Tom. Where are you going?
B: 小题1: ________________________________________________________________________
A: Oh, to buy books? You are out! Why not go to the Readers’ Room?
B: The Readers’ Room? 小题2:_____________________________________
A: It is a place where students can exchange() their old books with Others.
B: That sounds great! 小题3: ______________________
A: It’s next to Renmin Hospital, across from City Park.
B: Oh, it’s a little far. 小题4: ____________________________________
A: You can take No. 7 bus.
B: How long does it take?
A: 小题5:________________________________________
B: Ten minutes isn’t a long time. OK, I will go there. Thanks!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A:Hello,Lucy! you look worried   小题1:  .
B:My mother is ill in hospital.
A:  小题2:  .Can I help you?
B:I’ll have to see her right now.  小题3: .
A:Bad luck!
B:  小题4:  .
A:Certainly.  小题5: .
B:Thank you.Goodbye.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A. He is proud of her.
B . How long will she stay there?
C What’s her job in the team?
D . I hope she will return safely.
E Working there as a nurse may be dangerous.
F I’m sorry to hear that.
A : Look! The report says that a medical team was sent to Heidi last week.
B: Yes, do you know my aunt was a member of it?
A: Really? (1)__________________
B: For about twenty days.
A: (2)_____________________
B: She is a nurse. She will help to cure the people who were hurt in the earthquake.
A: The work will be dangerous. The conditions in Heidi are terrible.
B: Yes. Heidi is in a mess(混乱). (3)____________________
A: Does your uncle agree to let her go there?
B: Yes. (4) ______________
A: They’re so great. (5) __________________-
B: I hope so. And our school will invite her to give us a speech then.

