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小题1:Mark is from       .
小题2:Linda has a      face and blond     .
小题3:        is 13.
小题4:Kumiko’s telephone number is      .
小题5:Linda’s favorite color is       .

小题2:small ,hair

试题分析:以上三篇短文分别介绍了三位学生的姓名、年龄不同、国籍不同、外貌、最喜欢的颜色和电话号码等信息。Mark 来自古巴,Linda来自美国,Kumiko来自日本。
小题1:根据第一篇的介绍可知: Mark 来自古巴:Cuba。      
小题2:根据第二篇的介绍可知:Linda 的外貌是小脸,金发,所以填small ,hair。
小题3:分析三个人物的年龄可知,Mark 13岁。
小题4:根据最后一篇的介绍可知,Kumiko 的电话号码是87067459。
小题5:根据第二篇的介绍可知:Linda 最喜欢的颜色是yellow。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A hare was very popular with the other animals who all said they were her friends.But one day she heard the hounds(猎犬)getting close and hoped to escape them by the aid of her many friends. So,she went to the horse,and asked him to carry her away from the hounds on his back.But he refused,because he had important work to do for his master. He felt sure that all her other friends would come to help her.
She then came to the bull,and hoped that he would repel the hounds with his horns (角).The bull replied,"I am very sorry,but I have an appointment with a lady;but I feel sure that our friend the goat will do what you want." The goat,however,feared that his back might do her some harm if he took her upon it.The sheep,he felt sure,was the proper friend to ask for help.
So she went to the sheep and told him the situation.The sheep replied,"Another time,my dear friend. I do not like to have anything to do with it,as hounds have been known to eat sheep as well as hares."
The hare then went,as a last hope,to the calf (小牛),who regretted that he was unable to help her,as he did not like to take the responsibility (责任) upon himself,as so many older persons than himself had refused the task.By this time the hounds were quite near,and the hare took to her heels and luckily escaped.
小题1:What do we know about the hare?
A.She was strong enough to face all the dangers.
B.She was friendly and all animals loved to help her.
C.She was ready to help other animals when necessary.
D.She got along well with other animals and had a lot of friends.
小题2:What happened to the hare one day?
A.The horse carried her away on his back.
B.Her enemy came near and she was in danger.
C.She had an argument with her friend,the bull.
D.The goat hurt her when taking her upon his back.
小题3:What does the underlined word "repel" mean in Chinese?
小题4:What do you think of the sheep?
小题5:What does the story want to tell us?
A.Don't judge a book by its cover.
B.One's mind works fast in time of danger.
C.Sometimes enemies can become good friends.
D.Having too many friends means no friends sometimes.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Have you seen the movie Changjiang 7(CJ7)?The story is about a boy called Dickey. He lives a poor life with his father. His father doesn’t have any money to buy toys for him. One day his father finds him a strange toy from a junkyard (垃圾堆). Dickey names it Changjiang 7 (CJ7). It is an alien dog. It can do many things that humans can not do. Dickey takes it to school to help him in many ways.
CJ7 is a popular movie. Xu Jiao,born on August 5,1997 in Ningbo,Zhejiang,plays Dickey. On April 21,the girl won Best New Performer (演员) at the Hong Kong Film Awards for her play in CJ7.Now Xu Jiao becomes a new film star. She is well-known especially among young kids. Many of them want to own such a helpful toy as CJ7.
Xu once said it was difficult to play a boy. “To get an idea of what a boy is like,” she said,“I watched boys and I also studied and played with them a lot.”
小题1:Xu Jiao’s birthday is on____________ .
A.April 5B.August 5 C.April 21D.August 21
小题2:____________ finds a toy from the junkyard.
A.DickeyB.Xu JiaoC.Dickey’s fatherD.Xu Jiao’s father
小题3:CJ7 is the name of____________ .
A.a toyB.a catC.a placeD.an award
小题4:To play Dickey,Xu Jiao did all the following things EXCEPT ____________  boys.
A.beatingB.watchingC.playing withD.studying with
小题5:What can we know about Xu Jiao from the passage?
A.She lives a poor life.B.She plays a boy in the movie.
C.She was born in Hong Kong.D.She said it was easy to act in CJ7.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was Christmas, and there was a big party in the house. Guests came and went, but the party went on. Then the bell rang. Several people shouted, "Come in!"and a small man opened the front door and came in. Nobody knew him. But the host went to meet him, and took him to the bar for a drink. The man sat there happily for an hour and a half and drank.Then suddenly he stopped and looked at the host. "Do you know," he said, "nobody invited me to this party. I don't know you, 'I don't know your wife, and I don't know any of your guests. My wife and I wanted to go out in our car, but one of your guests' cars was in front of our gate, so I came here to find him and my wife is waiting in our car for me to come back.
小题1:What’s the date that day ?
A. Monday . .B It’s December 25th .
C. It’s Novermber 25th   D. It’s January 1st
小题2:Which sentence is Not true about the party ?
A.All the guests stayed there until the party was over .
B.There were lots of people at the party .
C.There were some drinks at the party .
D.Not all the guests knew each other
小题3:How long did the small man stay at the party ?
A. For an hour .B.For half an hour .C.For 90 minutes .D.For a while
小题4:Why did the small man stay at the party ?
A.He was the host’s neighbor .
B.He was a friend of the host’s .
C.He wanted to say “Have fun ” to the people at the party
D.He wanted to look for the person whose car was in front of his gate .
小题5:The best title is ___.
A. A small ManB.A Strange GuestC.A Friendly HostD.A funny Man


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The happy Prince was blind﹙瞎﹚。The swallow﹙燕子﹚sat on his shoulder and told him many   __.
He told him about so many amazing places __  __ Nile River﹙尼罗河﹚,the desert in Africa and so on. The Happy Prince greatly enjoyed his stories. He wanted to know   __ was happening in the city, so he asked the swallow to fly over the city to have a look. The Swallow did as the Prince asked. He _  ___ through the sky. Below him, he saw rich people living __ __ in their homes. He saw poor people were in cold and hunger.__  __ one bridge, two boys shook their bodies t stay warm. The Swallow told the Prince everything. The Happy Prince became even __  _ and told the Swallow to take his gold to the cold and hungry people. Heavy snow fell off the sky on the city. Life for the swallow was becoming more difficult._  __ he still didn’t leave the Prince, he flew to the Prince’s shoulder fell dead at his feet. At the same time, there was a loud“Crack”and the Prince _  _  two halves, he might be very sad.The next morning, people in the city found them_  _ and took them out of the square. The angel found them and made them live forever in the city of gold.
A.such asB.at leastC.so farD.because of
A.brought outB.fell downC.made upD.broke into


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One Saturday afternoon, Kate went to buy something for her sister and herself.
As Kate was coming out of a____, a young lady walked towards her. She said she was Miss Green --- a good friend of Kate’s sister. Kate believe her. Then she called a taxi to send Kate home. She told the driver where she should go. Kate was _____ that it was not in the direction of her home.
“ Why?” Kate asked. The lady smiled.
When they came to a quiet road, a big rough man appeared on the road. He stopped the taxi driver, knocked him down, and threw him out of the taxi . At the same time, Miss Green took out of a knife and pointed it at Kate. She asked Kate to keep______. The man then started the taxi.
“ Oh, my God! I’m being kidnapped(绑架),” Kate said to herself.
She tried to escape , but not succeeded. Suddenly an idea came to her. She took out a lipstick(口红) from her pocket, wrote ‘_____’ on the window, and covered the word with her back.
A few minutes later, a police car ____and the policemen saw the sign. When the kidnappers saw the policemen, they stopped the taxi, jumped into the grass, and ran away.
The policemen then picked Kate up and sent her home. When her parents knew what had happened, they were greatly surprised. But they were also happy because their daughter had finally come back safely.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I have known Ting for a long time. She was a friend of mine in high school. Ting used to see me as her best friend in my class because, as she said , it was easy to be friends with me . Therefore ,when we had time in school,she often came to me and we would talk about many things. Though I didn’t have special feelings about this friend, I was fine with this because I didn’t see the reason why I should say “no” to a friend I didn’t hate.
But there was a while when she came to me, and usually said nothing meaningful. I started to feel tired and then tried not to meet her. After that she never came to me. Though guilty, I started to feel free about my life and never thought of anything about her feeling.
After a month or two, I heard from other friends that Ting’s father had passed away six months before. I was so shocked! Then I suddenly realized why Ting had often come to me but said nothing special. She needed my company (陪伴). I felt so bad about myself that I went to find her the next day. But I only found that she had moved away to another place.
At that time, I found myself so selfish that I only thought of myself but didn’t even try to ask a friend what happened in her life.
小题1:“I was fine with this because ….” What does “this” mean here?
A.Ting’s coming to the writer.B.The things Ting said.
C.The writer’s own feeling.D.Ting is easy to be with.
小题2:What did the writer think of Ting in the beginning?
A.The writer didn’t like Ting.
B.The writer felt bored with Ting.
C.Ting was considered the best friend.
D.The writer had no special feelings about Ting.
小题3:What is the story about?
A.About happiness.B.About friends.
C.About the meaning of life.D.About how to be with friends.
小题4:Which is NOT true according to the passage?       
A.Ting is not the writer’s best friend.
B.Ting told the writer that her father died.
C.The writer didn’t care enough about her friend.
D.The writer is sorry for what she has done to her friend.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When George was thirty-five, he bought a small plane and learned to fly it. He soon became very good and made his plane do all kinds of tricks(特技).
George had a friend. His name was Mark. One day George invited Mark to take Mark up in his plane. Mark thought, "I've travelled in a big plane several times, but I've never been in a small one, so I'll go."
They went up, and George flew around for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks in the air.
When they came down again, Mark was very glad to be back safely, and he said to his friend in a shaking(颤抖)voice, "Well, George, thank you very much for those two trips in your plane."
George was very surprised and said, "Two trips?"
"Yes, my first and my last," answered Mark.
小题1:George was good at flying the plane.
小题2:George invited Mark to take his plane.
小题3:Mark didn’t want to take George’s plane.
小题4:Mark felt very happy when he was in the air.
小题5:Mark had two trips in George’s plane.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When Mr. Hunt woke up in the morning, he felt his bedroom was very bright. He thought he ___ to turn off the light again. He sat up and tried to do that. And now he __ it was the sunlight.
Mrs. Hunt went to see their daughter in the city two days ago. She cooked some food for him ____ she left. But Mr. Hunt hoped to have breakfast in a restaurant near the park. And then he could walk ___ the lake. He put on his clothes and went out. The sun was shining brightly in the sky and the ___ was fresh (清新的) . But people were busy and he could see only some old people and children. He went in the restaurant and sat down at a table, waiting for the ___.
“Hi, Peter!” someone called him and he saw it was his ____ Richard. “Hi, Richard. Glad to meet you here.” “Glad to meet you, too,” said Richard. “I’m sorry , but I __ my wallet at home . So could you lend fifty dollars to me, please?” “Sure, but I have only twenty five dollars in my _.” “It doesn’t matter ,” said Richard , “ then you’ll owe(欠) me twenty-five dollars and I’ll owe you __ dollars , too . That’ll be fair (公平的) .”
A.knewB.hoped C.forgotD.liked
A.guessedB.foundC.said D.told
A.inB.on C.under D.around
A.fruit B.cloudC.airD.water
A.fifteenB.twentyC.twenty-five D.thirty

