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What did the boy's class do last week ?

A. . B. C. .

C 【解析】W: I heard that your class went on a trip last week . M: Yeah, our class climbed the mountain last week.

科目:初中英语 来源:2018年徐州市中考总复习九上Unit2单元过关测试(含答案) 题型:单选题

--Excuse me, can you help me fix my computer?

--But there is___________ with it.

A. something wrong

B. wrong something

C. nothing wrong

D. wrong nothing

C 【解析】句意:——打扰了,你能帮我修理我的电脑吗?——但是它没有故障。something wrong错误的事,用于肯定句;nothing wrong没有故障。形容词修饰不定代词时,位于不定代词的后面,故排除BD两项。根据but表示转折关系,第一个人要求对方帮他修饰电脑,第二个人说电脑没有毛病,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省东台市第四教育联盟2017-2018学年七年级下学期第三次月检英语试卷 题型:填空

We live a happy life. But at the same time, we are becoming busier and busier. We are busy with our work and can’t spend time on our sports. In fact, we should take part in some outdoor activities. Outdoor activities can make us both happy and healthy. The following are some outdoor activities.

First, jogging is a kind of outdoor activity. It is good for your health. You can go jogging at any time. The second is horse riding. If you want to have a try, you can go to Wujingdang Park. What activity is that? It’s skating. It is like dancing. Another one is cycling(骑自行车). It is a common(常见的)outdoor activity. It is a game too. I live in the country. When I was young, I often swam in the river by the house. Swimming can make us feel cool in summer. But now there are fewer clean rivers now. The last one is camping. Let’s suppose: How will you feel when you sleep on the green grass and enjoy the fresh air on one sunny afternoon? Of course, I will feel comfortable.

Dear friends, I talk about six kinds of outdoor activities. There are some more outdoor activities too. Which is your favourite? Why not join in them and make your life colourful?

Title: Six 1. activities

Most of us2. spend much time on them because we are too busy. In fact, they are good for our 3. and make us happy too.

Six kinds of outdoor activities

●You can go4. at any time.

●Why not try the5. riding in Wujingdang Park?

6. is like dancing.

●Cycling is a common outdoor activity. It is a / an7. too. ●Swimming can make us 8. cool in summer. But most rivers aren’t 9. now.

●Camping can make you feel 10. when you enjoy the fresh air.

1.outdoor 2.can’t 3.health 4.jogging 5.horse 6.Skating 7.game 8.feel 9.clean 10.comfortable 【解析】本文以目前人们越来越忙为背景,为读者介绍了几种户外运动的方式。 1.第一段“The following are some outdoor ac...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省东台市第四教育联盟2017-2018学年七年级下学期第三次月检英语试卷 题型:单选题

——Sandy, can you show me how to play the violin this afternoon?

—— __________ , dear.

A. Good idea B. No problem C. That's all right D. Thanks

B 【解析】 句意:---桑迪,今天下午你能给我展示如何拉小提琴吗?---没问题,亲爱的。选项A“好主意”,选项B“没问题”,选项C“不要紧,没关系”,选项D“谢谢”。对方在提出一个请求,如果接受的话答语应该是“没问题”。故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省东台市第四教育联盟2017-2018学年七年级下学期第三次月检英语试卷 题型:听短对话回答问题

What’s the problem with the girl's snowboard ?

A. It is a bit long. B. It is too short. C. It's broken.

B 【解析】W: I'm going to need a new snowboard , Dad. M: Why, Lily ? You haven't broken your old one , have you ? W: No, but it's too short . I'm taller now. I need a longer one.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市2018年中考英语阅读理解精练(选择型阅读理解) 题型:阅读单选

Babies born after 2017 may never need to take a driving lesson because of the development of self-driving cars. Some scientists say that self-driving or driverless cars(无人驾驶汽车) may hit the roads within 15 years, and it is possible that driving may become not necessary, or more relaxing and enjoyable.

Companies like Google, Baidu, Apple and Alibaba are working on driverless cars. If the tests are successful, these electric self-driving cars could be put into use very soon. This kind of cars may change the way we live in the future. All you have to do is typing in the address!

According to Baidu, driverless technology has the following four advantages. Firstly, driverless cars are actually safer. Secondly, driverless cars are more efficient(有效的) than manned cars. Thirdly, driverless cars follow the traffic rules. Therefore traffic control will be easier to achieve. At last, the cost of transportation will be reduced as the labor cost becomes less.

There are many different technologies needed to make a successful self-driving car. The most difficult technologies of all are environmental perception (感知), behavior prediction, planning control, HD mapping, and exact GPS.

1.According to some scientists, driverless cars may make driving become .

A. necessary B. difficult

C. enjoyable D. boring

2.Which of the following is NOT true about driverless cars?

A. Google, Baidu, Apple and Alibaba are working on driverless cars.

B. This kind of cars may change our living conditions in the future.

C. Driverless cars are safer than man-controlled cars.

D. Passengers don’t need to tell the cars where they want to go.

3.The third paragraph mainly talks about the of driverless cars.

A. instructions B. standards

C. advantages D. theories

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Driverless cars may not follow the traffic rules.

B. The technologies for driverless cars haven’t yet well developed.

C. The communication between the car and a man is perfect.

D. Driverless cars will have more accidents than man-controlled cars.

1.C 2.D 3.C 4.B 【解析】试题这篇说明文介绍了正在研发的无人驾驶汽车的特点、无人驾驶技术的优点和需要解决的技术难题。 1.题意:据一些科学家说,无人驾驶汽车可以使驾驶变得 。考查细节理解题。根据it is possible that driving may become not necessary, or more relaxing and enjoya...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市2018年中考英语阅读理解精练(选择型阅读理解) 题型:阅读单选

Kaitlin Riffel’s dream to end poverty(贫困)started when she was visiting her father, who worked for the homeless.

“I never realized there were people in the world who didn’t have a home or food before,” said Kaitlin, who is now sixteen. “I knew there was something I had to do about that.”

At age eight, she started raising money to build a playground. “It took me two years,” Kaitlin said. “We started small. We wanted to do something to make a difference.”

In 2014, when Kaitlin was thirteen, she visited Central America, and saw people going hungry and families living in houses made of cardboard. That year, she set Kids on a Mission, which has helped hundreds of people there.

“The rooms were smaller than my bedroom, but there would be eight people living in each one,” Kaitlin said. “We also got to see the dirty rivers that those people were drinking out of.”

Providing clean drinking water, food and clothes for people living in poverty is now an important task for Kids on a Mission. “This young lady is changing the hearts of people, and also changing the world,” said the headmaster of Kaitlin’s school.

1.The job of Kaitlin’s father was to .

A. sell foods

B. build playgrounds

C. visit schools

D. help homeless people

2.When did Kaitlin set Kids on a Mission?

A. In 2009. B. In 2011. C. In 2014. D. In 2017.

3.What was people’s life like in Central America according to Kaitlin?

A. They lived in strong houses.

B. Their drinking water was dirty.

C. Their bedrooms were very big.

D. They had enough food and clothes.

4.What might be the best title for the text?

A. School life in America

B. Gift from a headmaster

C. Father’s duty in the family

D. Girl’s dream to end poverty

1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】试题短文讲述的是美国女孩凯特琳为了生活在贫困中的人们结束贫困而做的个人努力,她为那里的孩子们提供干净的饮用水、食物和衣服。她不仅在改变人们的心,也改变着世界。 1.题意:凯特琳的父亲的工作是 。考查细节理解题。根据开头Kaitlin Riffel’s dream to end poverty started when she w...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市2018年中考英语阅读理解精练(选择型阅读理解) 题型:阅读单选

Still remember the following poems? Memories return every time I read or hear them.

Hush now, my little one.

Hush now, my sunshine.

Hush now, piece of my heart.

Go to sleep, my little one.

Go to sleep, my love.

Go to sleep, piece of my heart.

Sleep, my little one,

While I sing to you.

Sleep, my little one,

Who is already asleep.

My mama feeds me,

And washes my fur.

The first thing I see every morning is her.

The last thing I kiss every night is her face.

My mama is the very best one,

And sings like a bird,

And knows how I feel.

When I don’t say a word,

My mama is warm.

I can set the table.

I can sweep the floor.

I can wash my clothes

And count to forty-four.

I can wash dishes.

And clean my bedroom.

There is so much I can do.

Now ask you.

Notes: 1. hush v. 安静 2. fur n. 皮毛 3. sweep v. 打扫

1.The first poem is sung to _____.

A. babies B. mothers C. relatives D. friends

2.In the second poem, the last thing “I” will kiss at night is _____.

A. the fur B. mum’s face C. a bird D. mum’s bed

3.What do you think of “I” in the third poem?

A. Helpful. B. Lucky. C. Crazy. D. Shy.

4.What are the three poems mainly about?

A. Food and health. B. Hobbies and sports.

C. Family and love. D. Animals and humans.

1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】试题这篇短文主要介绍了三首诗歌:第一首诗歌是妈妈的摇篮歌,第二首描述的是孩子对妈妈的依恋及爱,第三首描述孩子长大了能帮助做家务了。 1. 2. 3. 4.


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋九年级英语冀教版:Unit 2过关测试 题型:单选题

The students ________ the great people and knew the meaning of life.

A. discuss B. discussed

C. will discuss D. are discussing

B 【解析】句意:学生们讨论了伟人,懂得了生活的意义。A. discuss动词,讨论; B. discussed动词过去式,讨论;C. will discuss一般将来时态,将会讨论;D. are discussing现在进行时态,正在讨论。根据后文and knew...可知,本句使用一般过去时态,所以谓语动词为过去式。故选:B。

