精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
1、at, is, home, , Smith, Mr,
2、house, that, one, this, is, bigger, than,
3、for, your, thanks, invitation,
4、far, it, from, is, how, your, to, school, your, home,
5、is, buying, he, food, the, shop, in,

1、Mr Smith is at home.
2、This house is bigger that one.
3、Thanks for your invitation.
4、How far is it from your home to your school?
5、Is he  buying food in the shop?

1、本题的含义为史密斯先生在家,at home表示在家的含义,用于句尾,故本句可连成为Mr Smith is at home.
2、本题的含义为这个房屋比那个大,be bigger than表示……比……大的含义,故本句可连成为This house is bigger that one.
3、本题的含义为谢谢你的邀请,thanks for表示因……而感谢的含义,故本句可连成为Thanks for your invitation.
4、本题的含义为从你的家到学校有多远,from……to表示从……到……的含义,how far用于句首表示多远的含义,故本句可连成为How far is it from your home to your school?
5、本题的含义为他正在购买商店里的食物吗,本题为一般疑问句,be动词is位于句首,in the shop位于句尾,故本句可连成为Is he buying food in the shop?

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

But、become、go、 and、wok、meet、wake、watch、copy、 wear、lie、do
Mr Beckman  小题1: ina company for nearly twenty years. His job is小题2:  all the documents the manger writes. His office is on the first floor and the light in it is always poor unless it’s fine. So his sight 小题3: shorter several years ago. He has to wear a pair of glasses when he’s working. Of course, it brought him a lot of trouble. He can’t see anything clearly without glasses. Sometimes he can’t recognize his wife when they 小题4: with each other in the street.
The man looked tired this evening. After supper he 小题5:to bed while his family 小题6:TV. Mrs. Beckman didn’t turn off the television until the interesting TV play was over. She came into their bedroom in the dark at half past ten. As soon as she小题7:_ down, there was a great noise under the bed. She understood a mouse came in again. She jumped off and had to turn on the light and tried to beat it with a stick. She made some noise and it made her husband 小题8:up.
“You have never worn glasses when you were sleeping before,” the woman said in surprise. “But why___you ____小题9:_ them this time?”
“Well,dear,” said the man. “I had a lot of dreams last night. I saw my late parents, but I couldn’t see them clearly. So I have  小题10: so!”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

take, bad, medicine, careful, nothing, come, month ,something, and, wrong
Mr. Shute lives in a village. He has got a big family and a strong dog. His farm is small   76  he is often free in winter. So he goes to a city and finds work there.
Once he stayed in a city for two   77  . When New Year was coming, he went back home to see his wife and his children. On his way home, something was   78  with his eyes. When he knocked on the door, his dog   79  out and was not friendly to him. His wife hurried to drive it away. The next morning he went to see a doctor. The doctor looked over his eyes   80 and gave him some   81 . Before he left, he told the doctor about his dog. When he heard this, the doctor began to laugh and said, “Maybe something is wrong with your dog’s eyes, too.”
When Mr. Shute got home, he told his wife about it. The woman said, “I’m afraid it’s true. If a thief comes into our house, it won’t see him and he’ll steal   82  here.”
Mr. Shute thought his wife was right. He then made his dog   83 his medicine instead.
小题1:____   ___ 小题2: __________ 小题3: ________  小题4: ___________   
小题5:__________ 小题6: __________ 小题7:___________ 小题8:___________


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A:Do you like animals?
A:   Let’s go to see the animals this afternoon.There’s a new zoo in our city.
B:     ___37_____
B:Because they are kind of smart. I like to see a dolphin show.
A: Well ,I like elephants.
B: Why do you like them?
A:__40____. They can do a lot of things with their noses.
A:Because they are interesting.
B.What animals do you like?
C.why do you like them?
D.That sounds good.
E.Yes,I do.
F.Why are they interesting.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

adult       child      free         push     hard         they              plan         end         start          do        teach         much
Now, lots of parents take their children from activity to activity. So, many 小题1:________ are under too much pressure. Teachers also complain about 小题2:________ tired kids in the classroom . 小题3:_______ parents are nothing new, but now parents seem to push their children a lot 小题4:________. In some families, competition 小题5:________ from a very young age. Parents see other children 小题6:________ a lot of things, and they feel their own children should do the same. Children say their parents are always comparing 小题7:________ with other children. They think parents shouldn’t push them so 小题8:________. They may find it hard 小题9:_______ for themselves when they are older. So please give children more 小题10:________ to relax.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

根据提示,用often, always, sometimes, seldom, usually, never填空(6分)
Names             Activities                       Times a week
Mike                go shopping                   ☆
Jane                 drink milk              ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Li Ming           play sports              ☆☆☆☆☆☆
Kangkang         watch animals         ☆☆☆☆
Mr. Zhou          do cooking
Maria               watch TV               ☆☆☆
1. Mike _____ goes shopping.
2. Jane _______ drinks milk.
3. Li Ming ______ plays sports.
4. Kangkang _______ watches animals.
5. Mr. Zhou ________ does cooking.
6. Maria _______ watches TV.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

 Busy      swim      hardly      three      ourselves
小题1:Father’s day is on the __________Sunday in June.
小题2:The traffic during the rush hour is much __________than usual
小题3:We must learn to look after __________ when we are alone at home.
小题4:_________is good or our health.
小题5:When I got to the top of the high mountain,I could__________ walk any more.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

you   cross   act   child   laugh
小题1:The boy wants to be an ________ just like Jackie Chan.
小题2:Tony, believe ________ and you are sure to succeed.
小题3:We couldn’t help ________ after we watched Zhao Benshan’s funny performance.
小题4: You are supposed to look around when you walk ________ the street.
小题5:Chocolate is usually the ________ favorite food.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

某英语报社以“China Dream, My Dream”为题,开展征文活动,请根据以下提示和要求用英语写一篇短文。
提示:1. 谈谈你的梦想及其理由;(to be, because)
2. 如何才能实现你的梦想;(achieve, work hard)
3. 只要每个人为梦想去努力,中国梦就能实现。(if, realize)
注意:1. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;
2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;
3. 词数80左右。文章的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。
China Dream, My Dream
Everyone has his own dream. My dream is _____________________________________

