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16.   A. play B. study C. fish D. swim

17.   A. prefer B. enjoyed          C. wanted D. would like

18.   A. because B. when            C. as D. while

19.   A. talk B. be C. teach D. make

20.   A. needn’t B. didn’t have to      C. need D. have to

21.   A. agree B. disagree C. agreement D. disagreement

22.   A. also B. as well           C. too D. either

23.   A. caught B. give C. gave D. catch

24.   A. At the beginning   B. In the middle C. At the end D. In the end

25.   A. little B. full C. empty D. lot of

26.   A. a fisherman B. a teacher C. an engineer D. a farmer

27.   A. another B. other C. the other D. others

28.   A. helpful B. successful        C. dangerous D. lonely

29.   A. fewer B. less             C. many D. more

30.   A. success B. money C. fish D. time


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:054



 The word Sandwich(三明治)is    1  English word. Sandwich    2  an Englishman. He    3  about two hundred years    4  . Sandwich had    5  of money. He was very    6  . But he liked    7  play cards for money. He often played    8  day and all night. One time, he played twenty   - four hours  9  stopping. He did not    10  the card table to eat. He asked his servant to    11  him some meat and    12  bread. He did not want to stop playing while he ate. He put the meat    13  two pieces    14 bread. In this way he could go on    15 cards.

From the name of this men, Sandwich, we have the word Sandwich today.


(1)  A.    the

B.      a

C.      an

D.      /

[  ]

(2)  A.    is

B.      are

C.      was

D.      were

[  ]

(3)  A.    was

B.      lived

C.      loved

D.      life

[  ]

(4)  A.    ago

B.      before 

C.      after

D.      since

[  ]

(5)  A.    much

B.      a lot of

C.      lot

D.      lots

[  ]

(6)  A.    rich

B.      poor

C.      kind

D.      bad

[  ]

(7)  A.    for

B.      with

C.      by

D.      to

[  ]

(8)  A.    both

B.      all

C.      every 

D.      only

[  ]

(9)  A.    with 

B.      don't 

C.      without 

D.      not

[  ]

(10)  A.    live

B.      leave

C.      go 

D.      come

[  ]

(11)  A.    take

B.      get

C.      fetch 

D.      bring

[  ]

(12)  A.    any

B.      some

C.      a piece

D.      a

[  ]

(13)  A.    among

B.      in

C.      between 

D.    on

[  ]

(14)  A.    for

B.    of

C.    on

D.    with

[  ]

(15)  A.    playing

B.    to play

C.    played 

D.    play

[  ]


科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054

Read and choose the right answers to complete the passage.(阅读短文,选择正确的答案完成短文。)

SDR-4X is a new robot. It acts like a human being. It talkssingsdances and it costs  1  a car.

In Tokyoa human-shaped robot will go on sale  2  this year from Sony Corp. It remembers people’s facesdances disco steps and  3   sings. But it’s an expensive toy. It will cost as much as a luxury car.

Sony  4  to say more about its sales plans for the silver round-eyed SDR-4X to reporters last week. “This robot was designed to live with people in  5  ”said Sony only.

“The SDR-4X has sensors on the bottoms of its  6  so it can walk on carpets and other uneven surfaces. It even knows  7  get back on its feet when it falls”Sony said.

The 58-centimetre-tall SDR-4X is equipped with two   8  allowing it to see better than its predecessor. It can  9  the difference between the edge of a table and patterns on the floor. The SDR-4X will be more expensive than the Ambo which  10  for 180 000 yenUS $1 400in Japan and US $1 500 in the US. The SDR-4X can carry on simple  11  It knows about 60 000 words.),and be taught to sing by inputting music. It can also recognize faces  12  and names.

Entertainment robots have grown into a fadand toy makers are coming out with  13 imitations. Mitsubishi company   14  two entertainment robots to a museum. They can talk with childrenplay simple games and draw pictures. Yashawa Electric Corp has developed a 13.8  15 yenUS $105 000bed-shaped robot that can help patients who need to strengthen their legs.

1.A.as many as       B.as much as          C.so many as          D.so much as

2.A.before            B.later              C.ago               D.after

3.A.ever             B.every              C.even             D.never

4.A.continued         B.used              C.forgot             D.refused

5.A.families          B.houses            C.homes             D.offices

6.A.hands             B.feet               C.arms             D.legs

7.A.when to          B.how to            C.what to                D.why to

8.A.umbrellas          B.bands              C.telephones         D.cameras

9.A.talk              B.speak              C.say               D.tell

10.A.sales           B.sells              C.buys             D.borrows

11.A.diaries           B.conversations       C.competitions        D.dialogues

12. A. noises         B.bodies             C.voices             D.entrances

13.A.cheap           B.cheaper           C.dear              D.more expensive

14.A.sold            B.have sold           C.has sold            D.will sell

15.A.hundred          B.thousand           C.million             D.billion



科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


  Fire can help people in many ways. But it can also be very harmful (有害的). Fire can keep your house ____1____, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things ____2____. Big fire can burn trees, houses, animals or people.

  Nobody knows how people began to use fire. But there are ____3____ interesting old stories about how a man or woman started a fire. One is ____4____ a man. The man ____5____ a very long time ago. He went up the sun and ____6____ fire down.

  Today people know how to make a fire with matches(火柴).Children sometimes ____7____ to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous. One match can burn a piece of paper. and ____8____ it could burn a house. A small fire can turn a big fire very quickly. So you ____9____ be careful with matches.

  Be careful with fire, and it will ____10____ you. But if you aren't careful with fire, it may hurt you.

( )1. A. warm          B. warmer                 C. cool                    D. cooler

( )2. A. also            B. too                   C. either                  D. neither

( )3. A. many          B. much                  C. little                   D. no

( )4. A. over            B. about                  C. a little                 D. no

( )5. A. worked         B. studied                 C. learned                 D. lived

( )6. A. bring           B. take                    C. brought                D. took

( )7. A. enjoy          B. like                   C. don't like                D. become

( )8. A. after           B. late                   C. yet                   D. then

( )9. A. can           B. man                    C. will                   D. must

( )10. A. help          B. do                     C. tell                    D. hope



科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054

Choose the right answers according to the following passage.(根据下列文章,选出正确答案。)

We live in the “computer age”. People  1  scientiststeacherswriters and even students use computers to do   2  work. But more than 30 years ago  3  couldn’t do much. They were very big and expensive. Very few people were interested in them and knew how to   4    them.

Today computers are smaller and cheaper. Since(因为)they can do  5  workmany people like to use them. Some people even have them at home.

Computers become very important  6  they can work faster than men and make fewer mistakes. Computers can   7  people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to write. Teachers use them to help teaching. Students use them to study and children use them to play games. Computers can also remember what you put   8  them. Computers are very   9  and helpful. They are our good friends.

Do you want to  10  a computer?

1. A. as              B. like              C. for               D. with

2. A. many of          B. very much          C. a lot             D. all kinds of

3. A. scientists           B. teachers           C. students           D. computers

4. A. sell             B. use              C. look             D. put

5. A. other            B. several                C. a lot of                D. many

6. A. or              B. but               C. and              D. because

7. A. help            B. make              C. use              D. stop

8. A. for             B. into              C. on               D. up

9. A. beautiful         B. careful                C. useful            D. heavy

10. A. pay           B. sell               C. lend             D. have



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Alice was a young woman who liked to exercise for her health . In fact , she walked five kilometers before____1___ every morning , and went swimming once a week at the swimming pool . She didn’t smoke and never  2   . She didn’t eat chocolate . She didn’t eat sweet and fatty food , ____3_____ . She weighed herself every day .

  Once Alice was on her daily walk when she saw a   4  sitting in a rocking chair under a tree . He looked very old and his hair was white . he looked thin and weak , and his hands were shaking ,   5  he looked very happy .

  He smiled at her and said , “Good morning , lovely day , isn’t it ?”

  He had a wide smile   6  his face , and his eyes shone with happiness . But Alice saw that he did not have teeth .

  “Good morning!” replied Alice . “Yes , it is a lovely day .”

  Alice thought he   7  very old and wise . She thought he must be at least 90 years old ! She decided to ask him about the   8 of a happy old age .

  “I hope you don’t  9  me asking ,” she said , “ but what is your secret for being so happy at your age ? I hope I can look as happy as you do  10 I am your age ”

The man in the rocking chair said , “My secret for   11  ? I smoke twenty packets of cigarettes every week , and drink three bottles of wine every day . I eat hamburgers and chocolates whenever I want . I never eat vegetables . I never walk anywhere and I never play sports . I sit at home every day . ”

Alice was  12  . She didn’t expect the man to give her an answer like that . She wondered how the man got to be so old when he did  13  wrong . She thought he should be   14   and unhappy . Perhaps she was wrong . Maybe , she thought , people could live a long happy life  15  eating well or doing lots of exercise .

“How old are you ?”she asked .

“It’s my birthday today ,” said the man , “I’m forty—seven !”

1.  A. lunch     B. breakfast      C. dinner        D. supper

2.  A. exercised   B. drank            C. worked       D. slept

3.  A. too       B. also          C. either            D. still

4.  A. man      B. woman       C. boy          D. girl

5.  A. so        B. but          C. and          D. or

6.  A. in        B. with         C. at           D. on

7.  A. saw      B. looked        C. listened       D. found

8.  A. secret     B. dream        C. plan         D. future

9.  A. stand      B. mind         C. allow         D. enjoy

10. A. when     B. since         C. though       D. for

11. A. health     B. success       C. happiness     D. life

12. A. surprised   B. worried       C. excited       D. relaxed

13. A. something B. anything      C. everything        D. nothing

14. A. angry     B. serious       C. quiet         D. sick

15. A. through    B. from         C. without       D. by

