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1. I'm sorry ,but  I  didn't do it ________ ________(故意).


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear editor,

  I'm writing to you to say something about the noise in my neighborhood. I've lived in this city for years. It used to be very 1 here. But now I have found that everyone and everything is loud. Loud dogs, loud music early in the morning and at night, parties all the time ...I don't 2 the last time I had peace of mind. It's so loud that I have to take sleeping pills to  3   Not sure what to do anymore. It

4 me very stressed out (心力交摔)and hopeless. One time I tried to complain to a neighbor 5 their noise and they threatened (威胁)me. The police don't do anything to help at all. There's nothing I can do to get out of this  6 .

  I don't think that we should just 7 noise pollution. Now I make sure that the people that I talk to understand the importance of reducing (减少)noise pollution.     I can't do  8  right now but I do what I can. People need to work together to    9  noise pollution. Of course it will not change over night, but 10 we can make the noise levels lower in our communities. If you are not part of the solution (解决办法)then you are part of the problem.

(   ) 1. A. small B. clean

        C. quiet D. crowded

(   ) 2. A. think B. care

         C. remember D. regard

(   ) 3. A. go    to work B. go    to sleep

           C. keep    fit D. feel    confident

(   ) 4. A. makes B. changes

          C. encourages D. forces

(   ) 5. A. for B. of

         C. with D. about

(   ) 6. A. problem B. questions

          C. period D. pain

(   ) 7. A. receive B. accept

         C. refuse D. produce

(   ) 8. A. something B. anything

     C. much D. many

(   ) 9. A. discuss B. finish

        C. develop D. prevent

(   ) 10. A. at    first B. at    least

        C. at    most D. at    last


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Our school  has  changed a lot. You'd
better ________ ________ ________ ________.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 According to a survey ,the number of poor people across Italy is growing. And also the of living is rising. So an Italian charity (慈善)organization called the Community of Sant' Egidio has published (出版)its newest book for the city's 2 people , Michelin Guide for the PooK《米其林穷人指南》).This is good    3     to the homeless people.

 The book is very 4 , and people can carry it in their pockets. There are 205 pages of and information for people living on the streets. It doesn't give people the names of places of interest, 6 it tells people where and how to get free food, a place to sleep and where to wash    7     for free.

According to Sant' Egidio, there are now over 7 ,000 homeless people    8     in the Italian capital , Rome. About 70% of them are foreigners (外国人). But the organization noticed that more Italians were joining the group 9 the economic crisis (经济危机). The Community of Sant' Egidio is 10 It has been nominated (提名)some times for the Nobel Peace Prize (诺贝尔和平奖;)for its charity work.

(   ) 1. A. price B. cost

      C. change D. condition

(   ) 2. A. rich B. kind

      C. homeless D. important

(   ) 3. A. idea B. time

      C. item D. news

(   ) 4. A. thin B. thick

      C. small D. heavy

(   ) 5. A. advice B. photos

      C. paintings D. phrases

(   ) 6. A. so B. or

      C.and D. but

(   ) 7. A. itself B. himself

      C. themselves D. herself

(   ) 8. A. living B. standing

      C. playing D. visiting

(   ) 9. A. thanks    to

          B . because of .

          C. according to

           D.in case of

(   ) 10. A. excellent B. necessary

          C. lucky D. popular


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


He'll   go   abroad to ______ ______ ______  after leaving school.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A:Hello, Tom!

B;Hi, Mike!     1    Where have you been? 

A ;Fve been to the countryside. 

B: 2

A :For a week. B:For what?

A :For the " hand-in hand" activity. We gave some money and school things to the children there to help them go to school.

B:   3     What else did you do?

A :We lived together with the children in their homes and made friends with them.

B:Great! 4

A:Though they live a hard life, they study

very hard. By the way , 5 

B :We just had our mid-term exams in our  school, and I have passed it. 

A :Congratulations ! 

B :Thank you.

A.What do you think of their life and study?

B.What's going on in your school?

C.I haven't seen you for a long time.

D.How long have you been there?

E.Good job !

F.Have you ever been there before?

G.Only a few weeks.

1. ________ 2.________  3.________

4.________  5.________


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


The company trains her________ ________ she can work well.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1.Listening, speaking, reading and writing are four b________ skills of learning English.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Yao Ming plays basketball well,  so he_________ _________ _________(被熟知)one of

the most famous basketball stars.

