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It is cruel them  so.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4.The cartoon characters Toni and Jerry are lovely that all the students in our class  like them.

 A. very   B. so   C. too   D. quite 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Name;( also called American Dog)

Directors : Byron Howard and  Chris Williams.


Actors/Actresses:John Travolta,Miley Cyrus,Mark Walton, Chloe Moretz

Writer:Chris Sanders(wrote the story)

Type:Cartoon, Comedy,   Adventure

Company:Walt Disney   Pictures


Produced : In the USA in 2008

Cost: $150,000,000


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Plot(情节):Bolt,a famous dog,can do anything on his TV   shows,so he believes he has super   powers in his real life. On his way to Hollywood,he is separated from the   studio by accident. And he finds himself at a lonelv

place,so he has to walk back alone.   During his travel, he meets Mittens and a hamster(仓鼠)named Rhino. Along the way,he learns that he doesn’t have   super powers and...

36. Who are the directors?

A.Chris Sanders and Byron Howard. 

B.John Travolta and Byron Howard.

C.Miley Cyrus  and Chris Williams.

D. Byron Howard and Chris Williams.

37. The film is produced in.

A. America   B. France   C. England   D. Japan 

38. Bolt believes he has super powers because.

A.he overcomes all kinds of difficulties on his way back to Hollywood 

B.he can do anything on his TV shows 

C.he succeeds in finding his way back alone 

D.he is stronger than Mittens and Rhino 

39.What does the underlined word “separated” mean in Chi?nese?

A.可视的   B. 汇合的   C. 分开的   D. 需要的

40.Which of the following is not TRUE?

A.The film is produced by Walt Disney Pictures.

B.The film is also called American Dog.

C.Bolt knows he has super powers in the end.

D.The story is written by Chris Sanders.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   America 61( call) a democracy (民主国家) since its independence (独立) more than 200 years ago. However,at that time,only men 62 (allow) to vote. Women could not get a higher education or 63( hold) public office.The woman’s place 64( think ) to be the home. Working women were not common. They usually 65 (have) poor jobs and little respect.

   Slowly,however,the chances for women 66( in?crease) .In the early part of last century,American women were allowed to vote and universities 67( set) up for women. Since the Second World War,American women 68( become ) a large part of the American workforce (劳动力) .

   Today,many women in America hold important positions,but many women 69( not please ) with the current situation. They point out that in many cases women 70 ( pay ) less than men for the same work they do. So they demand (要求) that women should be paid as much as men for the same work.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


17.(动物的) 毛皮n.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2.Every player is under an ( obligate) to keep the rules.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4.Food production has already fallen behind the (人口) growth.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

population   adult   more   than   at   birth   instead of

1.Lily went shopping with her mother watching TV at home.

2.The old man was blind, but he knew everything around him.

3.Do you believe the young boy can run faster than an.

4.There are twenty students in a small bus. It is very dangerous for them.

5.The of old people is larger and larger in China,and China is going into a society of old people with big steps.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2.He ran fast enough ( catch) the thief.

