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It’s Sunday evening. I’m at     birthday party. It is her birthday today. There   many friends at    house. Some stand beside the table and enjoy the food and drinks. I like the chocolate and the fruit    . Sandy sits on the sofa and talks     some friends there. She wears a new yellow T-shirt and ____blue jeans. She   so cool. Wow! The cake is really big. All her friends begin to   “Happy Birthday” to her. Then we share the big cake with her. Sandy is very   at the party. Everyone has a good _______ here.
A.Sandys B.Sandy’sC.SandyD.Sandys’
A.veryB.muchC.very muchD.a lot of
A.aB.oneC.a pair ofD.a pair
A.lookB.looksC.to lookD.looking


小题2:考查固定句型及语境的理解。在他的家里有许多的朋友。There be 有,表示某处有某人或物。如果出现多个名词,be 与离得较近的名词在数上保持一致,即就近原则。many friends,复数,故选A。
小题3:考查代词及语境的理结合,句意为:在他的家里有许多的朋友。结合下文可知Sandy 是女孩名,其形容词性的物主代词是her.。故选A。
小题4:考查副词及语境的理解。句意:我非常喜欢巧克力和水果。very 很,非常,修饰形容词原级;much,许多,修饰不可数名词;a lot of 许多,既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词,very much,很,非常,经常修饰副词,放在句子的最后面。结合句意故选C.
小题5:考查介词及语境的理解。句意:桑迪坐在沙发上和朋友们交谈。talk to/with sb. 和···交谈;talk about sth. 谈论。结合句意和句子结构,故选D.
小题6:考查量词及语境的理解。桑迪穿了一件新的黄色的T恤和一条牛仔裤。jeans,本身是复数。在表达量时经常用,一条,a pair of .故选C。
小题10:考查固定词组及语境的理解。在聚会中每一个人都过得很愉快。have a good time.过得愉快,玩得高兴。故选B.

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I was waiting for the bus when I met the woman. “You look     . Come and sit here,” she said. “     are you going?”
“I don’t know. I just want to catch a     and see what it will be like at the end.”
“I’m afraid you’ll see     there. Why don’t you enjoy the sights on the way?”
“How can I do that while my heart’s     ?” I asked sadly. My best friend had left me.
The woman seemed to understand my feeling. “Don’t cry, little girl. I’ve had a similar experience to you. Thirty-five     ago, my husband left our three children and me. I was deadly sad. I decided to kill myself and the children, so I took     to the sea.       , they seemed to know what would happen, so they     loudly. Their cry suddenly woke me     . How could I     my hope to live for one of life’s problems? After that, I worked hard to raise the children. Now they all live     and one of them has his own family.”
Then the woman gave me a     , “We should never wait for the door to     before us. We should find the key to the     or try to find another way.”
小题1:A、tired                   B、excited              C、happy
小题2:A、What                    B、How                  C、Where
小题3:A、train                   B、bus                  C、boat
小题4:A、nothing                B、everything               C、something
小题5:A、smiling                B、breaking             C、singing
小题6:A、days                    B、weeks                C、years
小题7:A、her                    B、them                 C、him
小题8:A、So                     B、Or                   C、However
小题9:A、laughed                B、talked               C、cried
小题10:A、in                    B、out                  C、up
小题11:A、give away              B、give up              C、get up
小题12:A、happily                   B、sadly                    C、badly
小题13:A、cry                    B、shout                    C、smile
小题14:A、open                   B、close                    C、lock
小题15:A、classroom              B、office                   C、door


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Ted and Susan are good friends. Last Saturday, Ted asked Susan to go with him to watch a movie or take a walk down by the lake. Susan really wanted to go, but she was really busy all Saturday. First, her mom asked her to help clean the house in the morning, and then she had to go to the dentist’s at 12:30. Two hours after that, she met Julia to help her with her science. Then she had to go to soccer practice with her brother at 4:30, and her mom asked her to cook dinner for the family at 5:30. Then, she had to do her history homework.
Ted knew that Susan was going to have a full day. So he asked her to watch a video at home. Susan thought that was great, but something was wrong with their video player. So they had to just play a game.
小题1:What did Susan have to do on Saturday morning?
A.Watch a movie.B.Clean the house.
C.Go to the dentist’s.D.Take a walk.
小题2:What was wrong with Susan?
A.She had a fever.B.She had a sore throat.
C.She had a toothache.D.She had a stomachache.
小题3:What time did Susan meet with Julia?
A.At 12:00 p.m.B.At 1:00 p.m.
C.At 2:00 p.m.D.At 2:30 p.m.
小题4:How many things did Susan have to do on Saturday?
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Susan couldn’t watch the video because the video player didn’t work.
B.Susan’s Saturday was not busy.
C.Susan can’t cook diner.
D.Ted couldn’t play a game with Susan in the evening.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Cara and Ben are twins(双胞胎). They are ten. This is their room. It’s a nice room. Two beds are in the room. The yellow bed is Cara’s and that green one is Ben’s. The twins have one desk and two chairs . Cara’s
English book is on his bed. Ben’s CD is on his chair. Their clock and pencil boxes are on the desk . Their schoolbags are on the chairs.
小题1: Cara and Ben are ______. 
小题2:______ are in their room. 
小题3: Cara’s _______ is yellow and Ben’s ______ is green. 
小题4:Cara’s English book is _______. 
小题5: What are on the desk? 


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In junior high school in America, kids study English, writing, math, science, biology, music and art.
At 12 o’clock, the students eat lunch at school. They have meat, vegetables, fruit, bread and a drink, but they like hot dogs and hamburgers best. American kids like sugar (糖), and after the meal they can have a small piece of cake.
Students sleep (睡觉) for a short time after lunch. They begin classes at 1:30 in the afternoon. They go to school on weekdays and have classes for six hours every day and then return home.
Parents let their kids play or watch TV until dinner at 6:00 p. m. After dinner, they do their homework. Sometimes kids and their parents have a family activity after dinner.
小题1: What do the students like best for lunch at school?
A.Meat and fruit.B.Hot dogs and hamburgers.
C.Hot dogs and sugar.D.Bread and hamburgers.
小题2:In America, students go to school __________ days a week.
A.4B.5 C.6D.7
小题3:The American kids usually have dinner_____ in the evening.
A.at five o’clockB.at six thirty
C.at six o’clockD.at five thirty
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.American students like hot dogs and hamburgers best.
B.After lunch students sleep for a short time.
C.The classes begin at 2:00 p. m.
D.Sometimes students have a family activity with their parents.
小题5:The best title(标题)for the passage (短文) is ______.
A.Favorite foodB.Junior high school
C.Outdoor activitiesD.School life in America


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My grandfather is eighty years old now. He always complains about how fast things have changed, and he often says that life used to be better.
Families aren’t families they used to be. A lot of families have broken up. If husband and wife have problems with their marriage, they no longer stay together. And mothers used to stay at home and take care of their children, but now not any more. Everyone is busy working. Mother used to spend all day cooking in the kitchen. But now the family don’t eat home-cooked food any more.
And the cars! No one walks any more. More and more people drive. Students used to walk 5 miles to school every day, even in winter. But nowadays students don’t. And in school, children don’t have to think any more.. In math class, for example, they used to add, subtract, multiply and divide(加减乘除)in their heads. Instead, they use calculators.
And people today have TV and computers, and they don’t talk to each other any more. They are too busy to talk, too busy to eat, too busy to think.
Life used to be simple, but it isn’t any more.
小题1:What does my grandfather think of the life now?
A.He thinks the life now is very good.
B.He thinks the life now is worse than it used to be.
C.He thinks the life now is better than it used to be.
D.He thinks the life is the same as it used to be.
小题2:What does the underlined word “marriage” mean in Chinese?
小题3:What has happened these years according to the passage?
A.Children don’t have to think any more in school.
B.Students use calculators in math class.
C.Some used to walk to school, but now they don’t.
D.All of above.
小题4:What changes have happened to some families?
a. People have TV.  
b. People like to eat home-cooked food.
c. Lots of families have computers.
d. Lots of couples(夫妇)live apart because of unhappy problems.
A.a, b, dB.b, c, dC.a, b, cD.a, c, d
小题5:Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Life now is much simpler.
B.People have too much time to talk with each other now.
C.The writer’s grandfather only complains and pays no attention to better life now.
D.Lots of mothers stay at home and look after their children.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Today is September 1st. It is        day of school. Little Tommy is very         because he can see his friends again. He         wants to meet his new teachers.
He gets up very early. After having his        , he goes to       . At about 7:20, he gets to school. He        his friends on the playground. They talk with each other happily. Then it is time for class. Everyone          to the classroom.
Their new English teacher comes into the classroom. Her      is Linda Green. She is only twenty          old, but she teaches very well. They think she is a good teacher. They all         her.
A.oneB.firstC.the firstD.the one
A.goB.goesC.go toD.goes to
A.family nameB.first nameC.nameD.Chinese name
A.likesB.doesn’t likeC.likeD.don’t like


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The people of Chinatown want to invite you to celebrate Chinese New Year with us. We are a long way from our homes in China.San Francisco is our home now.We love our new city and we also love our country, we have made(使得) one small part of the city look like China.We think it is more famous(更出名) than Japan town or Korea town in San Francisco.
Please come to Chinatown to enjoy many different Chinese food . We have Beijing Duck, Nanjing Duck and Hong Kong Wonton soup. At New Year we will have dragon dancing and fireworks. 
So , we wish you a Happy New Year , and we hope the new year brings you luck and happiness !
小题1:Where is Chinatown?
A.In ChinaB.In the USAC.In EnglandD.In Japan
小题2:The people of Chinatown love ________.
A.San FranciscoB.ChinaC.A and BD.Japan town
小题3:Where do the people of Japan town come from?
小题4:What can you enjoy eating in Chinatown?
A. Hong Kong Wonton soup               B. Beijing Duck
C. Nanjing Duck                        D. A、B and C


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There are seabirds as well as land-birds. The most ordinary seabird is the seagull. It has a white body, a white head and a yellow beak. There is a very, very spot of red at the very end of the beak, underneath. All gulls have very strong wings so that they can fly far out to sea. If a gull flies out too far, so that it is too tired to fly back to the shore(岸边), it does not get frightened, for it can sit and rest upon the waves(波浪). A seagull’s wings do not get wet because all its feathers have a kind of oil over them, so that when the water gets on to the feathers, it just runs off again. Gulls can even sleep upon the waves.
Sailors(水手) know a lot about seagulls and they never kill them. When the gulls fly a long way out to sea, sailors say that it means fine weather is coming. When the gulls stay near the shore, sailors say they there will be much wind and rain, and perhaps a storm, for the gulls know more about the weather than sailors do.
小题1:The seagull is a kind of ________.
小题2: Every gull is able to fly far out to sea because it _________.
A.is very lightB.has very strong wings
C.always flies highD.is strong enough
小题3: A seagull does not get frightened even when it is far away from the shore and it is too tired to fly back because it can ____________.
A.swim under the seaB.stay under the sea
C.rest and sleep upon the wavesD.jump into the sea
小题4:The water can’t make the seagull’s feathers wet because the feathers are __________.
小题5:If seagulls stay near the shore, it will be ___________.
A.windy, rainy or stormyB.sunny and hot
C.fine and warmD.freezing cold

