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— Don’t ______ this old man. It’s not polite.
— Sorry, we won’t do that again.

A.end upB.laugh atC.make upD.give up


解析试题分析: 句意:不要嘲笑这位老人,不礼貌。end up结束, laugh at 嘲笑,make up 组成, give up放弃。根据语境可知是嘲笑老人是不礼貌的,故答案选D.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

Where do you plan_______ your holiday after you finish     the novel?

A.to spend; writing B.spending; writing 
C.spending; to write D.to spend; to write 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

I want to buy a dictionary .But I have ______my money .

A.used up B.given up C.run up. D.made up


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

Amy loves_______ every day. She thinks it is good for her health.

A.walks home B.walking home C.walks to home D.walking to home


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

We _______ a parent meeting next week.

A.plan to have B.hope have C.plan having D.hope you to have


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Which of your two hands do you use most? Very __ of us can use both of our hands equally(相等的) well. ___of us are right-handed. Only about five   _out of a hundred are left-handed. New-born babies can hold things __either of their hands, but__ about two years they usually like to use their right hands. Scientists don’t know _     this happens.They _    that we inherited(遗传) this from our animalvancestors(祖先)but this may not be _   .Monkeys are our closest relatives(亲戚)in the animal _   . Scientists have found that monkeys prefer to use one of their hands more than ___ --,but it can be __ hand. There are as many right-handed monkeys_   _ left-handed ones . Next time you visit the zoo, ___ the monkeys carefully. You’ll see that some of them will use their left hands. But most human beings use their right hands _   and this __    life difficult for the left-handed people.     We live in a right-handed world.

A.few B.a few C.little D.many 
A.Some B.any C.All D.Most 
A.person B.people C.man D.Woman 
A.by B.in C.with D.on 
A.in B.after C.bofore D.for 
A.when B.why C.that D.what 
A.hoped B.heard C.learned D.thought 
A.real B.true C.wrong D.good 
A.hand B.earth C.world D.country 
A.other B.others C.another D.the other 
A.either B.any C.every D.the other 
A.like B.as C.and D.while 
A.look B.see C.watch D.enjoy 
A.well B.better C.best D.the best 
A.lives B.brings C.makes D.Keeps 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】You can’t i_________ what life will be like in 50 years’ time?
【小题2】--The old man is so wise and he must read many different kinds of books.
---Yes, He knows everything and I think he is k_________.
【小题3】The young man was full of energy. And after having a short rest, he c_________ working.
【小题4】Parents must pay more a_________ to children. Also children should learn to thank their parents.
【小题5】Two years ago, Mr Green p_________food and clothes for his big family.
【小题6】When the ice is h_________,it turns into water.
【小题7】Sending m_________to your friends instead of writing to them helps save a lot of your time.
【小题8】Without my p________ , don’t touch my things.
【小题9】His parents were satisfied with him because he s_________ in passing the difficult exam.
【小题10】Both of the businessmen felt sorry as their talk b_________off without an agreement.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

We ___________ any oranges, so let’s get some.

A.has got B.hasn’t got C.haven’t got D.have got


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

_____that they haven’t known the news.

A.It seems B.It seemed C.They seem D.They seemed

