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One day, a teacher was giving a speech to his students. He held up a glass of water and asked the class, "How heavy do you think this glass of water is?"
The students' answers ranged from 20 g to 500 g. "It does not matter on the weight itself. It depends on how long you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is OK. If I hold it for an hour, I will have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you will have to call an ambulance (救护车). It is exactly the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes. "
If we carry our burdens (负担) all the time, sooner or later, we will not be able to carry on, the burden becoming increasingly heavier. "
"What you have to do is to put the glass down, rest for a while before holding it up again.”
We have to put down the burden sometimes, so that we can be refreshed (使恢复) and are able to carry on.
So before you return home from work tonight, put the burden of work down. Don't carry it back home. You can pick it up tomorrow.
Whatever burdens you are having now on your shoulders, let it down for a moment if you can.
【小题1】“A glass of water”in this passage referred to (指)_________.

A.knowledge B.the burden 
C.the time D.the money 
【小题2】According to the teacher, you may feel_______ if you put down the burden sometimes.
A.more stressed B.much heavier 
C.more relaxed D.much happier 
【小题3】This was a lesson about____  _ .
A.how to relax oneself in life 
B.how to solve a physics problem 
C.how to keep fit by drinking water 
D.how to study well 
【小题4】 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.You could become heavier and heavier if you held a glass of water in your hand. 
B.All the students in the class knew what the weight of the glass of water exactly was. 
C.The teacher had a good way of making his lesson clear and easy to be understood. 
D.All the students can understand the teacher’s lesson. 


【小题1】细节理解题。根据文章第三段介绍If we carry our burdens (负担) all the time, sooner or later, we will not be able to carry on, the burden becoming increasingly heavier. "“如果我们一直承受负担,我们迟早会承受不住,负担就会变得越重。”可知作者将负担比喻成一杯水,故选B。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据文章第五段We have to put down the burden sometimes, so that we can be refreshed (使恢复) and are able to carry on.“我们有时必须要将负担放下来,以至于我们可以恢复能力继续承担。”可知,有时将负担放下来可以是我们放松。故选C。
【小题4】推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句It is exactly the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes. "可知水的重量是不变的,但是你拿的越久就会越累不是越重,所以A错误;根据文章第二段第一句The students' answers ranged from 20 g to 500 g.可知B错误;选项D文中没有提到;而选项C所述:老师用一杯水为例告诉大家要学会放松,这一方式通俗易懂。故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

______________! We will have an exam next week.

A.Listen up B.Listen to
C.Hear D.Hear to


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:翻译

Terry Fox was born on July 28th,1958 in Canada. When he was a kid, he took a great interest in sports. He was a good basketball player. However, Terry felt a sudden pain in his right   at the age of 18. His mother quickly took him to   and was told that Terry had got cancer and his right leg had to be cut off. In the hospital, Terry     many other cancer patients. When Terry left the hospital, he wished to live    life in a way that could help other cancer patients find courage (勇气).
In 1980, Terry planned to raise money for cancer research    running across his country. Running across Canada seemed impossible for Terry    he had one leg. However, he started it. Some people made songs and CBC even made programs for him. Terry became   day by day. Unluckily, something bad happened to him in 1980. He had to   running because the cancer had spread to his lungs (肺). His hope of running across the country    when he died on June 28th, 1981.
Terry totally ran 5,373 kilometers in 143 days, and raised over 24 million dollars. In honor of (为纪念) Terry, an activity called Terry Fox Run is held every year in many    all over the world, including China.

A.arm  B.hand C.leg D.foot 
A.home B.museum C.school D.hospital 
A.met B.cured C.beat D.liked 
A.his B.her C.your D.my 
A.in B.by C.for D.with 
A.and B.but C.so D.because 
A.worried B.ordinary  C.famous D.dangerous 
A.put up B.give up C.get up D.tidy up 
A.ended B.grew C.rose D.appeared 
A.cities B.villages C.towns D.countries 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

There is nothing wrong with being shy. In fact,       happy, successful people are shy. You can try to say goodbye to your shyness. Here’s how to do so.
1. Start Small. At home, practice       and saying hi while looking at yourself in the mirror. Then try this at school with kids you know well. Once that becomes a habit, try doing the same with kids you don’t know as well.
2.        Are Key. Once you         smiling and saying hi, it’s time to start a conversation. All you really have to do is to ask a question or two about a person’s       : What’s your favorite movie? Do you like playing tennis? Just be careful not to ask questions that are too personal __  might be hurtful.
3. Choose Face-to-face Time. Many shy girls say it’s easier for them to talk to people     . In a recent survey, nearly two out of every 10 shy girls said being online has made them even shyer in real life. So       your cell phone, step away from the computer, and put in some face-to-face time with the people in your life.
4. Star in Your Own Life. Looking people in the eye, saying hi with a smile, and starting conversations will probably feel strange at first, but every time you practice your new skills, it will become a little        .
you keep working at it, you will become more comfortable talking to other people.
【小题1】A. few                B. some     C. many
【小题2】A. crying             B. smiling     C. thinking
【小题3】A. Talks             B. Conversations    C. Questions
【小题4】A. are used as B. are used to  C. are used for
【小题5】A. questions      B. problems C. interests
【小题6】A. or B. and  C. but
【小题7】A. face to face    B. online   C. at home
【小题8】A. put down   B. take down   C. take out
【小题9】A. hard   B. easy C. easier
【小题10】A. When   B.As long as   C. Unless


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Why do I want to go to college? No one has ever asked me _____ a question. But many times I have asked myself. I have___  _ many ideas. _______ important idea is that I want to be a better man.
Many things make human beings different _______ or better than or even superior (优越于)to animals. One of the most important things is ______. If I fail to receive higher education,  my education_____. As I want to be a fully _______ man, I must get a well-rounded education, which good colleges and universities are supposed to_________.
I know one can get educated in many ways, but colleges and universities are ______ the best places to teach me how to educate myself. Only when I am well-educated, will I be a better man and __  _  _ serve the people.

A.quite B.so C.such D.another
A.come up with B.agreed with C.been fed up with D.got on well with
A.Most B.The most C.More D.Much
A.to B.around C.between D.from
A.education B.weather C.temperature D.science
A.finished B.don’t finish C.will not finish D.has finished
A.develop B.developed C.developing D.experience
A.improve B.graduate C.hear D.provide
A.between B.among C.inside D.outside
A.can good B.may best C.be able to better D.be able to best


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Food is very important. Everyone needs to       well if he or she wants to be healthy. Our minds (头脑)       a kind of food, too. This kind of food is knowledge (知识). We began to get       when we were very young. Small children       very interested in everything around them. They learn everything while they are watching       listening. When they are getting older, they began to read       books, science books, and anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and       to find the answers.
What is the best       to get knowledge? If we learn by      , we’ll get the most knowledge. If we’re       getting answers from others and do not ask why, we’ll never learn well.

A.storiesB.storyC.a storyD.an story
A.yourselfB.themselves C.myselfD.ourselves


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

In learning English, one should first pay attention to listening and speaking. It is the groundwork (基础) of reading and writing. You’d better    your best to speak while you do much listening. Don’t be       of making mistakes. But be careful not to let them stop (阻止) you from improving your       . While you are doing this, a good        is to write or keep a diary, write notes or letters. Then if you can, ask some others to go through (浏览)        you have written and tell you where it is wrong. Many mistakes in your speaking will be        found when you write. Through correcting mistakes, you can do better in learning English.
If you are slow in speaking, don’t       about it. One of the helpful ways is reading, either aloud or to yourself. The important thing is to choose       interesting to read. It mustn’t be too difficult for you. When you are reading        this way, don’t stop to       the new words if you can guess their meanings when they have nothing to do with the sentences. You can do that some other time.

A.have B.send C.make D.try
A.sure B.proud C.afraid D.tired
A.English B.Chinese C.Japanese D.French
A.start B.idea C.time D.way
A.how B.when C.what D.why
A.happily B.easily C.really D.slowly
A.talk B.fear C.worry D.hurry
A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing
A.by B.on C.at D.in
A.look B.look for C.look up D.look over


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

It’s nice to have friends. Well, how can we have friends?
First, spend ______ time with people. If you want to make friends, you need to meet people. You can go to places ______coffee shops or clubs to meet people.
Then, ______your friend. Once(一旦)you ______to make friends with someone, you must care about him or her. “ A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.” ______it’s not necessary for you and your friend to be the same, you need to know him or her. You should help him or her when he or she has ______problems.
Next, be a good listener. It’s important to show that you’re interested in others. Listen ______to what people say and take time to learn more about ______
At last, encourage(鼓励)your friends. Good friends will ______both good and bad times. Never laugh at(嘲笑)your ______in front of others. If someone is laughing at your friend, you should stop him or her.

A.care aboutB.look atC.worry aboutD.ask for


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Nowadays more and more Chinese teenagers find life more difficult without their parents. Their parents help them do almost everything at home, so many of them don’t know how to do           . This is really a big problem.
Liu Jie is 14-year-old. One day her partens left home for another city for work, so she had to stay at home     . At first she thought she would be happy    her parents are not at home. She could do        she liked to do. But at about six o’clock in the afternoon, she felt   . “Oh, it's time to have supper. Where can I get my food?” She said to herself. Later she found some food in the fridge, but she         know how to cook. At that moment she         her mom very much. In the end, she could only go to the supermarket and         some food to eat.
Many of teenagers are        as Liu Jie. So I think they should learn some basic life skills, like cooking, cleaning their rooms or dressing themselves      . They shouldn’t depend too much on their partens.
【小题1】 A. their homework           B. some shopping          C. housework
【小题2】 A. lonely                     B. alone                     C. herself
【小题3】 A. so                      B. because                  C. but
【小题4】 A. that                     B. what                     C. where
【小题5】 A. hungry                   B. full                      C. excited
【小题6】 A. couldn’t                    B. didn’t                    C. might not
【小题7】 A. thought                 B. considered              C. missed
【小题8】 A. made                    B. bought                    C. gave
【小题9】 A. the same                    B. difficult                   C. different
【小题10】A. actually                  B. carelessly              C. properly

