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Making peace at lunchtime
     It was my first day at school. I felt nervous and went to all my classes with no friends.
     I listened carefully to all the lessons and waited for lunch. Then, finally, the bell rang. It was time to talk
and have fun.
     In the lunch line I met a new friend who wore a hijab (穆斯林女性) on her head, and though I am
Jewish (犹太人), we got along fine. I was so happy when she said: "Sit with us at our table." She pointed
to the table next to the door.
     So I agreed. I took my tray (餐盘) and was about to walk with her across the floor, when suddenly
someone touched my arm.  "Hey, I saw you on the bus," said a tail girl in a long skirt. "1 see your Jewish
star necklace. You should sit with us."
     At that moment I looked around, the Spanish only sat with other Spanish, the Russians always with the
Russians and never the Arabs (阿拉伯人) with the Jews.
      I saw how wars got started. Everyone sticks to (坚持) his or her own kind. The lunchroom was a
map of the world. Why was everyone so blind?
     And so I turned this girl down, and went with the first, and there was no enmity (敌意). I built a bridge
between two worlds when I sat with those different from me.
1. When do you think the story happened to the writer?
A. On her first day at school.    
B. During her first class at school.
C. After lunchtime at school.    
D. Before waiting in the lunch line.
2. The girl who wore a hijab on her head is _________.
A. the Spanish            
B the Arabs        
C. the Russians          
D. the Jews
3. The writer didn't know what the tall girl meant until she _________.
A. sat with her          
B. got a star necklace  
C. looked around        
D. walked across the floor
4. Which of the following can best explain why the lunchroom was a map of the world?
A. Suddenly someone touched my arm.
B. The Spanish only sat with other Spanish.
C. I listened carefully to all the lessons.
D. Everyone was so blind in the lunchroom.
5. The writer gives us a 9ood example in making peace because she      ____     .
A. realised how wars got started          
B. didn't get along well with others
C. pointed to the table next to the door      
D. built a bridge between two worlds

科目:初中英语 来源:江苏中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     Ma Hua graduated from Fudan University. He had a good career in IT and a great life in Shanghai,
but he felt there was something missing from his life. He wanted to help others to improve their lives, so
in March 2003 he gave up his job. Then he moved to south-west China to do voluntary work in a village
primary school.
     He soon became an important member of the local people. In his class, he painted pictures on the
walls to help students remember English words. He also spent his money building a playground for the
     Ma Hua quickly got used to his new life. He got great satisfaction from his work and felt very happy,
even though life there was hard---he had to melt(融化) ice for water and grow vegetables for food.
When he was free, he wrote poems describing the peace and beauty around him. Sometimes he would
go walking in the mountains and enjoy the beautiful view.
     Sadly Ma Hua was killed in a car accident in July 2004 at the age of 31. His death was a great loss
to all those who knew him, but it is a comfort to know that he lived happily, doing what he loved and
enriching the lives of others.
1. When did Ma Hua give up his job in Shanghai?
2. What did Ma Hua build for the primary school children?   
3. Did Ma Hua enjoy his life in the village?     
4. What did Ma Hua do in his free time? Give ONE example.  
5. What can we learn from Ma Hua?     


科目:初中英语 来源:湖北省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     Ten years ago, most Chinese teenagers chose politicians (政治家) as their idols. Who do they admire
today? According to a survey released by Beijing Normal University, their top three choices are their
father, their mother and Jay Chou.
     Who are Teens' readers' heroes? Let's have a look.
     Jiang Yiling, 14, Wuhan: My idol is my mom. When I was young I had a surgery (手术) on my leg
and couldn't walk for a long time. My mother left her job to take care of me. She carried me back and
walked up and down the stairs every day. My mother is a woman with a powerful heart.
     Lin Yijian, 12, Xiamen: I admire Arnold Schwarzenegger (阿诺德·施瓦辛格). I love his movies,
in which he often plays a good guy beating bad people. His muscles (肌肉) also add to his charm (魅力).
And then he became the governor of California. I hope to live a life like his.
     Ma Huilin, 14, Anshan: I appreciate Taiwanese singer Jimmy Lin (Lin Zhiying). He sings well and he
is also a funny guy. I admire my English teacher, too. She speaks very good English. My dear parents are
also my idols. My father is an excellent swimmer and my mother is good at math.
     Chen Shengsheng, 14, Shanghai: I admire Su Shi, a talented writer in ancient China. Reading Su's
poems and other writings, I see a person with a noble (高贵的) personality and brilliant talent. I
appreciate his attitude towards life. He suffered setbacks (挫折) but never gave up.
Name Age Idol Reason
Jiang Yiling Fourteen Her mom She is a woman     1    .
Lin Yijian     2             Arnold Schwarzenegge He likes his movies and his muscles.
Ma Huilin Fourteen Jimmy Lin, her English teacher and      3     They are each excellent in
different ways.
Chen Sheng
Fourteen Su Shi He is noble and brilliant, and he
has     4     towards life.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     This is my family photo. My grandfather's name is Henry Hand. My grandmother's name is Helen Hand. 
My. father's name is Frank Hand. My mother's name is Mary Hand. Frank and Mary are my parents. My 
name is Em- ma.I'm an English girl.I love my family very much.
1. What's Emma's last name? 
2. Is Frank Helen's son? 
3. Who is Emma's mother? 
4. Is Helen Emma's mother? 
5. Is Emma an English girl?


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Ma Li: Do you get up early in the morning, Ellen?
Ellen: Yeah, I get up at six in the morning.  After that I run. Then I take
a shower and eat  breakfast at seven. What about you?
Ma Li: Me? I get up at nine o'clock.
Ellen: Nine o'clock?
Ma Li: Yes, I go to school in the afternoon.
Ellen: Well, what do you usually do in the evening?
Ma Li: I usually do my homework in the evening.
Ellen: Me, too. I do my homework at seven and I watch TV at nine.
Ma Li: Oh, I don't. I go to bed at nine in the evening.
1. Ellen____________.    
A. gets up at six    
B. gets up late      
C. gets up at ten      
D. gets up at nine
2. Ma Li goes to school____________.      
A. in the morning      
B. in the afternoon      
C. in the evening      
D. at night
3. Ellen _____________in the morning.    
A. runs    
B. does her homework      
C. watches TV    
D. plays games  
4. Ma Li_______ her homework in the morning.    
A.can't do    
B.often does    
C.is doing    
D.doesn't do 
5. Ma Li goes to bed_________.    
A.at six o'clock    
B.at seven o'clock    
C.at nine o'clock    
D.at five o'clock


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Ma Yan is not really a writer. But this 15-year-old girl has written a book that has moved many
people around the world. "Ma Yan's Diary" tells us about Ma's life. She lives in a poor village called
Zhangjiashu in Tongxin, Ningxia, and she has no money to go to school. But she is brave and has a
strong desire(欲望)to go to school.
     Her mother gave her diary to a French reporter, Pierre Haski when he went to Zhangjisshu in 2001.
Now, it has been published in France Italy, Germany, Japan and China.
     Ma is now a Junior Three student at Yuwang Middle School in Tongxin. Before this, she had to leave
school twice. When she had to stop going to school the first time, her mum told her there was no money
for her to go to school. She worked for 21 days and saved 13 yuan. With this money, she went back to
school. The second time, her family told her she had to leave school but her two brothers could stay.
     "I want to study," Ma wrote in her diary. "Why can boys study but girls can't? It would be wonderful
if I could stay at school forever."
     Ma loves school so much because she wants to have a better life.
     "My parents work hard in the fields but they are still poor. They have no knowledge. Most girls in my
village leave school early and get married young. I don't want that kind of life," Ma said.
     After her story became known, many French student sent money to her. Ma's dream is the same as
ever. She hopes to go to Tsinghua University and become a reporter. "Then , I can find poor kids like
me and help them, " she said.
1. Which of the following can describe Ma Yan's character(性格)best?       
A. Brave.  
B. Pretty.  
C. Lucky.  
D. Poor.                  
2. Now you can find "Ma Yan's Diary" in all the following countries except _________.
A. Germany  
B. Britain  
C. Japan  
D. France
3. Which of the following is the ain reason for Ma Yan's Diary to be published?
A. Her mother gave her enough money to publish the book.
B. She wrote about the poor life in her village.
C. She is very good at writing.
D. Her diary was read by a French reporter.
4. Which is the reason for her leaving school for the second time?
A. She had to help her mother do some housework.
B. Her brothers studied better than she did.
C. Girls were not equally treated(平等对待)in their village.
D. She didn't study hard.        
5. Ma Yan wants to study because she wants to __________.
A. teach her parents knowledge
B. get more money for her study in Tsinghua University
C. become more famous
D. get more knowledge to change her own life

