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某主题讨论会上,老师要求大家以"美丽的家乡" 为主题展开讨论,请你谈一谈对"家乡过去和现在的生活"的看法。词数:80词左右。

  One possible version: Life today is different from the one in the past. In the past,the traffic was poor,but the environ?ment was good. People used to go to work on foot or by bike. It's not easy for students to go to school. There wasn,t enough light at nights so the entertainment in the evening wasn't very good. There wasn't any traffic accident because of the poor transport.

Great changes have taken place in our daily life. Now,people go to work by car or bus instead of walking or cycling. Students can get free education from Grade 1 to Grade   9. Many people dance or sing together to keep healthy--- But at the same time,there are more and more pollution and traffic acci?dents. We must take action to prevent them.

Do you agree with me? What do you think about our life now and then?

题目来源:全品作业本九年级英语下册外研版 > 模块主题写作三


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Mobile phones are becoming more and more popular not only with grown ups but also with students. Meanwhile? they also 1       a problem for middle schools in the past few years. Some children have got mobile phones as Christmas or birthday gifts,and more will 2        want them.

Many like SMS because it is easy and 3       . Some parents felt happy because they could get in touch 4        their children. Some teachers said mo?bile phone use was a distraction (分心的事) to students during school hours and it also gave them much5      in their classrooms. Sometimes students 6        use phone messages to cheat (作弊) during exams. A new study found that some teenagers sending messages in class even hurt their fingers because they can't stop 7        SMS.

Many teachers suggested that students should not have phones at school,8        if there was a good reason,they could 9        their phones at school of- fice. Many people think they understand 10        par- ents would want their children to have them,but they agree school should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.

(   ) 1. A. became   B. had become

   C. have become   D. will become

(   ) 2. A. still   B. yet

   C. already   D. too

(   ) 3. A. quickly   B. quick

   C. hurry   D. sharp

(   ) 4. A. against   B. on

   C. with   D. to

(   ) 5. A. business   B. information

   C. things   D. trouble

(   ) 6. A. dare   B. have to

   C. should   D. might

(   ) 7. A. using   B. to use

   C. used   D. used to

(   ) 8. A. and   B. but

   C. though   D. however

(   ) 9. A. miss   B. leave

   C. lie   D. fetch

(   ) 10. A. whether   B. because

   C. why   D. since


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Lucy: Hi,Jane. Are you free this evening? 

Jane:Yes. 1.      

Lucy: I hear Titanicin 3D is on at Fuzhou Theatre this evening. 

Jane:Really? 2.      

Lucy: Would you like to go with me? 

Jane:3.       What time will it start?

Lucy: At 7:00. Let's go together. 

Jane:Great. 4.      

Lucy: At the gate of the theatre. 

Jane: 5.      

Lucy: All right. See you then. Jane: See you.

   A. Yes,I'd love to.

   B. Then let's make it 6:45.

   C. Sorry,I don't have time.

   D. What's up?

   E.What's wrong with you?

   F.Where shall we meet?

   G.Vmlooking forward to watching it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. If you want to keep fit,you'd better eat more vegetables and       (little) meat.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5. [2015 •重庆 ] He has        arms now and is able to pick the table up with one hand.

   A. weakest   B. weaker

   C. strongest   D. stronger


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 12. [2015 • 盐城]With the development of modern industry,there will be       living space for wild animals.

   A. fewer and fewer

   B. less and less

   C. more and more

   D. bigger and bigger


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5. His        son often goesto see him on Sunday.

   A. eldest   B. older

   C. the eldest   D. the older


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

As a volunteer teacher,I travelled a long way to a small village school in Long Zhou,Guangxi. On my way there,I thought about the village,the school? and the children there. However,my heart sank when I arrived there. It wasn't what I expect?ed. It didn't look like a school at all!The school had only three rooms? one for Grades1,2, and 3,and the other for Grades 4,5        and 6.        There was a third one for me.

The children welcomed me warmly on my first day. They asked me a lot of questions,and I told them stories about myself and my life in Shanghai. The next day,I gave them a test to find out their level. To my surprise,though the test was very easy,over half of the students failed it,yet they all wanted to learn new things. I knew they needed me.

I was busy preparing lessons,reading test papers every night. I enjoyed teaching these lovely and hard-working children,and I could see that they were making progress with my help. I have also learned a lot from them. I understand their lives bet?ter,and we are now good friends.

I have worked in Long Zhou for a year now. I'm very happy,and the experience has been very useful for me. I love the small village and the children. In fact,I would like to continue working here.

(   ) 21. The writer is a volunteer teacher who comes from.

   A. Guangxi   B. Xiamen

   C. Shanghai   D. Liaoning

(   ) 22. The writer found there were only rooms in that school.

   A. two   B. three   C. six   D. eight

(   ) 23. In the passage,   "my heart sank…” means that the writer .

   A. felt nervous   B. was happy

   C. got angry   D. was sad

(   ) 24. The writer found the students' level was she had expected after the first test.

   A. just as   B. higher than

   C. lower than   D. high than

(   ) 25. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

   A. Both the volunteer teacher and the students are working so hard.

   B. The volunteer teacher doesn't like to work there any longer.

    C. The students became better and bet?ter with the help of the volunteer teacher.

   D. The teacher is still in the school.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 2. [2014 • 广州]—Sorry,I'm late.

―        tell me the bus broke down again!

   A. Never to   B. Not

   C. Don't   D. No

