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  Reading is an activity people enjoy a lot in their free time.

   Some like reading newspapers and o (1)       enjoy novels or comic (喜剧的) books. My f (2)       books are those about the lives of great people. Reading them always gives me a lot of ideas on how to make my o (3)       life better.

  Great people are remembered not because they were handsome or beautiful,but because they did not give up w (4)       their lives were difficult. They tried to use e (5)       chance to change their lives and make the world better.

  One good example is Orville and Wilbur Wright,the two brothers w (6)       invented the airplane. The plane has m (7)       the world into a small village. Hard work,not good luck,is the r (8)       why the Wright Brothers could invent this convenient (方便的) machine and become great people. Today we will remember them when we see planes i (9)       the sky.

  Whenever I read s (10)       about great people,I always learn a lot from them and they encourage me to march on.

1. o       2. f       3. o       4. w       5. e      

6. w       7.m        8. r      9. i      10. s       

1. others   2. favorite   3. own   4. when   5. every   6. who   7. made    8. reason   9. in   10. stories

题目来源:中考英语丢分题修订版 > 短文填词


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Saving money gives you freedom (自由) .If you have enough savings,you may be able to give up your job. I know a couple (夫妻) who saved up enough money so that they were able to leave their jobs for a year and travel across the country. You could see the wonderful experiences they had because they were able to enjoy that time together.

  Saving money is improving your future life. It is important to realize that by saving money now,you will be able to live as you like in your later years. You can retire early and spend time traveling around the world. By saving money now,you will be able to do as many things as you like and enjoy a good life.

  Saving money will bring you peace of mind. Every dollar that you have in the bank is a dollar which stands between you and disaster (灾难) .People who have savings are not worried when a car breaks down or they become sick. They know that they will be okay even if they lose their jobs and it takes time to find a new one.

  Saving money sets an example for your children. By teaching your children to save money and plan for the future,you leave them a priceless treasure. It may be one of the most important ideas that you teach your children.

(   ) 1. According to paragraph 1,if you want to give up your job       , .

   A. you can travel across the country

   B. you must have enough savings

   C. you can stay with your family

   D. you will have wonderful experiences

(   ) 2. Paragraph 2 tells us that by saving money,       .

   A. you can do more things in the future

   B. it is easier for you to retire whenever you wish to

   C. it will be possible for you to have a better future life

   D. you will never do the things you don't like

(   ) 3. Paragraph 3 mainly tells us         .

   A. not to lose a job if you don't have savings

   B. to put the money in the bank when you have savings

   C. not to worry if a car breaks down or someone is ill

   D. to save money if you want to have a peaceful mind

(   ) 4. Paragraph 4 mainly talks about         .

   A. the plan for future life

   B. the importance of children's education

   C. the influence of saving money on children

   D. the skills of saving money for children

(   ) 5. The best title (#11) for this passage may be      

   A. Money Saving Importance   B. Money Saving Purpose

   C. Money Saving Skills   D. Money Saving Experience


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  2004 is the International Year of Rice!This was decided by the UN in 2002. It was the first time the UN had made a special year to celebrate (庆祝) just one crop. What was the UN's purpose (目的) of this decision? The UN wants us to remember "Rice is life".

Rice was first grown 15,000 years ago in East and South Asia. Rice is more than three times as old as China. Today,almost half of the world's population eats this very old crop.

  Rice is the most important food in Asia. (1) 90% of the world's rice is grown in Asia. People in Africa now eat more rice than before.

(2) Nearly 1 billion (十亿) people around the world have jobs because of rice. But still,about 840 million people,including more than 200 million children,don't have enough food. So growing more rice would really help the hungry and poor people in this world.

A. 根据短文内容简要回答问题。

1. What decision was made by the UN in 2002 ?

2. Why should we grow more rice in the world?

B. 将短文中画线的两个句子译成汉语。



C. 请给此文拟一个适当的标题。



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Catherine and Martin met in England before they came to Australia. At that time,Martin was a minister (牧师) in a church,and it was three v (1)       away from Catherine's. One evening,they happened to have dinner t (2)       in a restaurant. They e (3)       their talk and laughed a lot. The young man soon won Catherine's h (4)       ,so she asked him whether he would marry her in church. The minister was very surprised and said that her q (5)       came quite unexpectedly. Catherine realized that he had not understood her c (6)       So she laughed and said, " What I m (7)       is,when I get married in church,will you be the minister who marries me and my husband?" They both laughed,and they had a nice evening.

However,their talk that evening put an idea into Martin's head. He realized that he had a        (8) fallen in love with Catherine and he wanted to marry her. So a few days later,he visited her and asked her to marry him. Catherine felt proud and pleased,and a        (9) it. Soon after they were married,they m (10)       to Australia.

1. v       2. t       3. e      4. h       5. q         6. c       7. m      8,a       9. a      10. m        


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 It's true that we need some f (1)       of recreation (娱乐) .If we are going to keep h (2)       and enjoy life,we can't work all the time. E (3)       has his own way of relaxing. Perhaps the most popular way js to take part in s (4)       . There are team sports,such as baseball,basketball and football. There are individual (个人的) sports,such as golf and swimming. Fishing,skiing and hiking are also great attractions for people.

Not everyone who e (5)       sporting events likes to take part in them. Many people p (6)       to be spectators (观众) ,either by watching them on TV,or 1 (7)       to them on the radio. When there is an i (8)       baseball game or boxing match on,it is almost i (9)       to get tickets to watch it on the spot (现场观看) .

  Chess,card playing and dancing are other forms of indoor recreation enjoyed by many people.

  It's important for everyone to r (10)       from time to time and enjoy some forms of recreation.

1. f        2. h       3. E      4. s        5. e         

6. p       7. 1       8. l       9. i       10. r      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    According to the recent survey,only forty percent of children in our country feel happy. Why? Do you know what " happiness" m (1)      

  A lot of money? No homework every day? High marks or anything e (2)      

  In fact,happiness is always around you if you put your h (3)       into it. When you are in trouble in school,your friends will help you;when you study hard at your 1(4)       , your parents are always taking good care of your life and h (5)       ; when you get s (6)       ,your friends will say congratulations to you; when you do something wrong,people around you will help you c (7)       it. And when you do something good to others,you will feel happy,too. All these are called happiness. If you notice a bit of them,you can see that happiness is always around you. All these can't be b (8)       with money. It's a feeling of your heart. When you come a        (9) difficulties,you can say loudly you are very happy,because you have more chances to challenge yourself.

  As the saying goes,life is like a revolving (旋转的) door. When it closes,it also o (10)       . If you take every chance you get,you can be a happy and lucky person.

1. m        2. e       3. h       4. 1        5. h         

6. s       7. c       8. b       9. a        10. o       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 本周六是王红的生日,许多同学将去她家参加生日聚会;

2. 王红爱好广泛,为人友善,经常帮父母做家务;

3. 一些同学打算向父母要钱,买礼物送给她;

4. 你对同学们花钱买礼物一事的看法及理由。

要求:1. 不要逐句翻译;2. 字数60~80.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Three soldiers were on their way home from the war. They arrived at a small village;they were very tired and 1       ,but they had no food or money. The only thing they did have was a cooking pot (锅) .

  The soldiers built a small cooking fire,2       their pot on it,and poured in some water. When a few villagers asked what they were doing,one of the soldiers answered that he was making stone soup. A few more villagers walking by stopped to 3        what was going on when they heard about it.

  "Any soup needs salt and pepper ,”the first soldier said,4       some children ran to fetch salt and pepper.

  "Stones can be used to prepare good soup,but tomatoes would 5        it so much better," the second soldier added. One woman said, " Why,I think I have a tomato or two!" She ran to get the tomatoes.

  "Some cabbage would be a proper choice for a good stone soup!”said the third soldier. Another woman said, "I think I can probably find some cabbage, " and 6        she ran.

  "If only we hat a bit of beef and some potatoes,this soup would he fit for a rich man's 7       "The villagers thought it over,and then ran to fetch what they had in their homes. A rich man's soup,and all from a few stones!It seemed like 8       

  The soldiers said ," If only we had a little milk,this soup would be fit for a king!”So other villagers 9        to get some milk.

  "The soup is ready," said the cooks, "and we will 10        it,but first we need to set the tables. " Some of the villagers said," Such a great soup would be better 11       some bread and cakes. So they brought the 12        two things and the meal was 13        by all. Never had there been such a 14       meal. Never had the villagers had such delicious soup,and all made from stones!They ate and drank and danced well into the night.

  In the morning,the villagers gathered to say goodbye. " Many thanks to you”,they said, "for we shall 15        go hungry now that we have learned how to make soup from stones."

(   ) 1. A. hungry   B. bored   C. sleepy   D. sick

(   ) 2. A. drew   B. threw   C. left   D. placed

(   ) 3. A. see   B. tell   C. imagine   D. notice

(   ) 4. A. but   B. so   C. or   D. while

(   ) 5. A. cook   B. do   C. invent   D. make

(   ) 6. A. about   B. in   C. off   D. out

(   ) 7. A. health   B. money   C. dream   D. table

(   ) 8. A. art   B. magic   C. interest   D. supper

(   ) 9. A. tried   B. returned   C. managed   D. came

(   ) 10. A. want   B. buy   C. use   D. taste

(   ) 11. A. over   B. besides   C. with   D. like

(   ) 12. A. first   B. last   C. other   D. only

(   ) 13. A. enjoyed   B. given   C. needed   D. brought

(   ) 14. A. cheap   B. proper   C. special   D. public

(   ) 15. A. later   B. ever   C. sometimes   D. never


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

                       Wonderful Events

HORSE RACING   ALL YEAR ROUND Races Starting at   3 p. m. Every Sunday Racetrack Only 20 Miles Away   Lots of Free Parking Space Free Presents No Children Allowed

100 YEARS OF   PICTURES Then &Now (Photo Show) See   the Wuhan History From 1910〜2010 February 1〜April 30 City Art Museum 750 High Street Tuesday   to Sunday 10 a. m.〜5 p. m.

WEEKEND SALES   This Saturday 2〜6 p. m. Everything 20 -40% Off Visit Us at Block G. Grandview Mall   Realize Your Dreams , Save Time and Money Fall in Love with   Prices We Offer

DANCE PARTY   Celebrate a Special Date Bringing Your Sweet Heart Sunday Night, Country Club   Live Band from 9 p.m.〜1 a. m. $25 a couple(夫妇);$15 single person

(   ) 1. People can see the photo show at         .

   A. Grandview Mall

   B. City Art Museum

   C. Racetrack

   D. Country Club

(   ) 2. Who can NOT go to the horse race?

   A. A single person. B. A couple.

   C. Children. D. The sweet heart.

(   ) 3. What can you do if you only have time between 5 p. m. to 6 p. m. on Saturday?

   A. Go shopping.

   B. Go to see the photo show.

   C. Go to the dance with your sweet heart.

   D. Go to watch the horse race.

(   ) 4. How much will Mr. and Mrs. Smith pay if they want to go to the dance party?

   A. 15 dollars. B. 25 dollars.

   C. 20%〜40% off. D. For free.

(   ) 5. Where can you see the above advertisements?

   A. In a book. B. In a magazine.

   C. In a newspaper. D. On TV.

