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     7. 孩子们讨厌做太多的家庭作业。 Children hate                   homework.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     “Do the dishes. 1.        (打扫) the floor. Take out the rubbish. 2.       (叠) the clothes...” Do your parents say these things to you? Of course they do. Why? Well,someone has to do it. They are 3.        (家务)-small everyday duties. You may get money for doing a chore or you may not. Parents and other people don’t always give orders. Sometimes they ask.

    How do you ask politely? Well,in English,the word “4.        (能;可以) ” is often used for requests. When your mom says “Could you please 5.       (整理床

    铺) ?” she is asking you “politely” to do a chore.

    In fact,doing chores can help to develop children’s 6.        (独立) and teach them how to 7.        (照顾;照料) themselves. It can also help them to understand the idea of 8.       (公平) . After all,they can’t 9.        (依靠) their parents too much all the time.

    When asking for permission,you can also use the word “could”. For example,you can say “Could I borrow when you want 10.       (借)

    something from others.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 1. Our country is d             so fast.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. —Whose red coat is on the sofa?

—Oh,it is       (my) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 10. [2014 •云南]Keep on. Don’t stop.

The       you climb,the        you will see.

   A. highest;farthest   B. highly;farther

   C. high;far   D. higher;farther


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2.请你先倒垃圾好吗? Could you please             the       first?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 4. [2014 .巴中]—Could you please not run in the hallways?

   A. Sure. I’ll do it right away

   B. No,not at all

   C. Sorry. I won’t do it again


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

32. I don’t like scary movies. Insteac(相反地) ,I h       them.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A: What’s wrong,Jack? You look unhappy.

B: Well,I don’t get on well with my friend,Jane.

A : Really? 1.        B: I argued with her yesterday.

A: 2.        B: Because she wanted to copy my homework,but I didn’t let her do.

A : You are right. You can’t let her copy your homework. But Jane is a good student. 3.         

B: She said she went to the hospital to look after her mother.

A: Oh,I’m sorry to hear that.

B: 4.        A: Don’t worry,Jack. You are really good friends.

5.        B: Yes,I talked to her,but she didn’t answer me. A : I am sure she will talk with you tomorrow.

B: I hope so.


What should I do,Mom?


Did you give your homework to her?


Why did you argue with her?


Why didn’t she finish her homework

by herself?


What’s the matter?


Did you talk to her today?


What did you buy there?

