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(   ) 1. ―        have you been in the sports club?

     ―Since the first month I came to the school.(2013 •上海)

   A. How old   B. How long

   C. How much   D. How soon

1. B考查疑问副词用法。由答语可知,提问的是时间。应选 B.

题目来源:2015仁爱英语同步练测考八年级英语上册 > Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. my grandma,has,bad

2. Tom,fall off,yesterday

3. Amy,go , last week

4. we,shouldn't,too much,play

5. had better,foot,stay move,too much


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 3.        too many candies is bad        your teeth.

   A. Eat; to   B. Eating; to

   C. have; for   D. Having;for


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 In many western schools,sports day is a big event. Children take part in competitive (竞争性的) sports,trying to break school records and take the first place.

  Sports days,or sports meets,are usually held in the warmer seasons,at the beginning or the end of the school year. They are also called field days.

  Primary school sports days have great fun. They usually have activities such as the egg and the spoon race and the sack (麻袋) race. Other events include (包含) the skipping race (跳绳) and the threelegged race. In middle and high schools,sports days include many of the common track and field events (田径项目) .They are more serious (严肃的) and competitive than primary school ones.

  Students' parents also come to the school on sports days. They watch children play. Many schools in the west have "mothers and fathers" races for parents to take part in !

  Sports days are exciting,but they also have some problems. According to (根据) some reports in theU. S., sports days have become too competitive to be good for students. Some parents put too much pressure (压力) on the children. Some schools don't have "mothers and fathers" races any more as there is much fighting and cheating (作弊) .

(   ) 1. What do children try to do when they take part in the sports meets?

   A. Win the first place.

   B. Make for fun.

   C. Make sports more competitive.

   D. Make more friends.

(   ) 2. In which season are sports meets held?

   A. In the warmer season.

   B. In the cooler season.

   C. In the cold season.

   D. In the hot season.

(   ) 3. Which of the following is not mentioned (提及) in primary school sports meets?

   A. Skipping race.

   B. The sack race.

   C. The threelegged race.

   D. Swimming.

(   ) 4. Who can also take part in the sports on sports days?

   A. Students' cousins.

   B. Students' brothers.

   C. Students' parents.

   D. Students' grandparents.

(   ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. In western schools,sports days are very important to children.

   B. Primary school sports meets are more serious than high school ones.

   C. Parents will fight and cheat in school sports meets.

   D. People called western school sports days as field days.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. How do you feel today?(改为同义句) How        you        today?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 13. What did the boy eat for breakfast?

   A. Nothing.

   B. Some bread and milk.

   C. An egg and some milk.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. ―Do you know what c        the accident?

  ―Sorry,I don't know.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Mr. Johnson was very fat. " Being fat is not healthy. You should see a doctor," said his wife. "Ask him how to lose weight (重量) .""OK”,said Mr. Johnson. He went to see a doctor. The doctor weighed (称..... 重量) him. Then he said , " You're too heavy. You must lose about 30 kilos. Eat only fruit and vegetables. Run 5 kilometers a day for the next 100 days. Then call and tell me how much you weigh."

  Mr. Johnson went home and did as the doctor told him. One hundred days later,he called the doctor, "Bill Johnson here,doctor , ” he said ," I'm calling to tell you about my weight. You must be very happy. I lost 30 kilos. ”" Great !" said the doctor. " Yes,but there's a problem. ”Mr. Johnson said ," I'm 500 kilometers away from home now. I don't know how to go back !”


(   ) 1. What was Mr. Johnson's problem before he went to see a doctor?

   A. He had a stomachache.

   B. He was too short.

   C. He was too heavy.

   D. He didn't know the way home.

(   ) 2. What did Mrs. Johnson tell her husband to do?

   A. To eat less.

   B. To exercise more.

   C. To take some medicine.

   D. To see a doctor.

(   ) 3. The doctor thought Bill Johnson should         .

   A. run every day   B. stop smoking

   C. see him often   D. take a good rest

(   ) 4. The doctor let Mr. Johnson have only         .

   A. bread   B. fruit and vegetables

   C. fruit and water   D. bread and vegetables

(   ) 5. Why was Mr. Johnson far from his home when he was calling the doctor?

   A. Because the doctor asked him to do so.

   B. Because he didn't understand the doctor's words.

   C. Because he didn't want to stay at home.

   D. Because the doctor gave him some bad ideas.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. Don't play with        (火) .It's dangerous.

