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14.David made adecision (决定)that he was going to study abroad.

分析 戴维决定要出国留学.

解答 答案:decision 考查翻译填空.根据题干:前面有不定冠词a,后面要用单数形式,决定用 decision

点评 考查翻译填空.解答此题的关键是根据语境推测要填内容表达的含义,然后用合适的词的形式完成句子.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.Have you ever thought,"Why do I have to learn math?I'm never going to use it!"Sometimes students think math is (66)justsomething to bore them,and that it has no practical
(67)valueat all.Is it true?
Math is the tool and language of economics,engineering and other sciences.It is (68)usedin almost every field of the world.When workers build buildings with perfectly square corners,the Pythagorean Theorem (勾股定理) is (69)helpful.When you want to know what scores you need to get on a final exam to become the top 10 percent of your grade,math can help you.Even your HDTV (高
清电视) relies on mathematics,too.
Moreover,math provides us (70)witha lot of skills in problem solving.When (71)solvinga math problem,we need to define the problem,think of ways and use a certain method to get the results.In this way,you (72)developyour ability to make complex (复杂的) decisions down the road.Besides,math teaches us logic (逻辑) and order.When we want to get a certain result in math,we must (73)followexact steps.The training of mind that children
achieve in math class can carry over into everyday life.?
(74)Throughmath,we can also learn some thinking skills.For example,when students are required to explain (75)howthey get to a way of a complex problem or to describe the ideas behind a formula,they are in fact using a way of thinking.
    You may never need to use the quadratic equation (二次方程) in your adult life,but the process of learning it may improve you in certain ways you may never think about.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.-Who can help_______?-I think    can,(  )
A.I:meB.me; IC.I; ID.me; me


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.Can you get to the hospital at 5:00p.m.?
There are many cars in the street.I can't ______ there on time.(  )
A.get toB.getC.arrive inD.arrive at


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.He can't speak French (法语),so he _____ speaks French.(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.Judy,don't put your keys here.___________,please.(  )
A.Put them awayB.Put away themC.Put it awayD.Put away it


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Blogs (博客) are the place where young people go to reveal(释放) their souls(灵魂).Many people enjoy the freedom in blogging.Some,however,find that putting one's life online can have a price.Some students in America got suspensions (暂停) because on their blogs they posted threatening words to their teachers.
Recent surveys found that nearly one fifth of teens who have access to the Web have their own blogs.And 38% of teens say they read other people's blogs.By comparison,about a tenth of adults have their own blogs and a quarter say they read other people's online journals.
With the development of the Internet,more and more people will be engaged in blogging.
In another survey,79% of teens agreed that people at their age aren't careful enough when giving out information about themselves online.Besides,careless blogging can also affect blog viewers.When you are angry or frustrated,your blog is the first place you turn to.The words you post then may not be rational which you may regret(后悔) later.To reduce the negative effect,change the permission setting and make such posts"private"so that only you can read them.
As long as you are careful with what you post,blogging is a great means of staying in touch with friends and displaying one's creative works.
71.A Blogs are the place where people go online to express themselves freely.
72.B The fact that some American students got suspensions is used to show that people should not put their life online.
73.A The underline word"rational"in the fifth paragraph probably means reasonable(合理的).
74.A The passage is mainly about advantages and disadvantages of blogs.
75.B Recent surveys found that over 50% of teens who have access to the Web have their  own blogs.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.The expression"go for it"comes from football.Not football as it played in most countries,but the kind of football in the Unites States and Canada.
American football is a difficult game to explain.But the basic idea is that each team tries to move the football across the goal line of the other team.One of the rules is that a team must move
the ball forward(向前)at least ten yards-a little less than ten meters-in four attempts.It loses the ball to the other team if if fails to move that far.
One of the most exciting times inn football comes when a  team has failed,after three attempts,to move the ball forward ten yards.Then the team must tale an important decision.
One choice is to try a fourth and final time.If the team succeeds,it keeps the ball.And continues to move forward.But if if fails,the other team gets the  ball at that place on the field.
The second choice is to kick the ball.The team gives up the ball if it makes this choice.But a good kick can put the other team at the far end of the field,making it more difficult for that team to score.
People watching a football game are certain to shout their advice.Some will shout,"Kick the ball!"But others will urge the team to take a chance,to live dangerously."Go for it!"they will shout.

56."Go for it!"is an expression which comes from a sports game that PictureCshows.

57.The second paragraph(段落)mainly tell us about theCof the game.
A.teams               B.fields            C.rules
58.A team hasAchoices after three unsuccessful attempts.
A.two                 B.three             C.four
59.After four attempts,if a team fails to move the ball forward ten yards,they"llBthe ball.
A.keep                B.lose              C.kick
60.When people shout,"Go for it!",they hope the team chooses toB.
A.kick the ball       B.try a fourth time     C.give up the ball.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

5.I am from Japan.(变一般疑问句,并作否定回答)
Are you from Japan?No,I'm not.

