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Many animals recognize their food because they see it. So do humans. When you see an apple or a piece of chocolate you know that these are things you can eat. You can also use other senses when you choose your food. You may like it because it smells good or because it tastes good. You may dislike some types of food because they do not look, smell or taste very nice. Different animals use different senses to find and choose their food. A few animals depend on only one of their senses, while most animals use more than one sense. 
Although there are many different types of food, some animals spend their lives eating only one type. The giant panda eats only one particular type of bamboo. Other animals eat only one type of food even when given the choice. A kind of white butterfly will stay on the leaves of a cabbage, even though there are plenty of other vegetables in the garden. However, most animals have a more varied diet. The bear eats fruits and fish. The fox eats small animals, birds and fruits. The diet of these animals will be different depending on the season. 
Humans have a very varied diet. We often eat food because we like it and not because it is good for us. In countries such as France and Britain, people eat foods with too much sugar. This makes them overweight, which is bad for their health. Eating too much red meat and animal products, such as butter, can also be bad for the health. Choosing the right food, therefore, has become an area of study in modern life.
【小题1】We can infer from the text that humans and animals _____.

A.Humans and animals eat entirely different food
B.Humans and animals are not satisfied with their food
C.Humans and animals choose food in similar ways
D.Humans and animals depend on one sense in choosing food
【小题2】 What does the underlined word “varied” mean?
A.各种各样的 B.丰富的 C.好吃的 D.时令的
【小题3】 Which of the following eats only one type of food?
A.The small bird . B.The bear. C.The white butterfly D.The fox.
【小题4】We can learn from the last paragraph that _______________.
A.some people have few choices of food
B.some people care little about healthy diet
C.French and British food is good
D.Modern people should spend a lot of time choosing their food
【小题5】What is the best title for this passage?
A.Like animals, like humans B.The more to choose, the more to eat
C.Good choice, healthy diet D.Good taste, good for health


【小题1】主旨大意题。根据文章的第一段Different animals use different senses to find and choose their food. A few animals depend on only one of their senses, while most animals use more than one sense可知,人和动物一样,都是依靠一种感觉来选择食物。而且不同的动物用不同的感觉,大多数动物不只依靠一种感觉。故选D。
【小题2】词义猜测题。根据文章第二段的内容可知一些动物只吃一种类型的食物,在文中有however 一词,我们可知接下来表述的内容和前面是相反的,即还有一些动物不只吃一种类型的食物,也就是吃各种各样的食物。故选A。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据文章的第二段A kind of white butterfly will stay on the leaves of a cabbage, even though there are plenty of other vegetables in the garden.可知,有一种蝴蝶只停在卷心菜上,即使花园里还有很多其他的蔬菜,所以这种白蝴蝶只吃这一种类型的食物。故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Last Vacation

When to go
Friday, September 30th
Saturday, October 1st
Saturday, October 1st
With whom
His parents
His friends
His cousin
What to do
went to the beach,
went swimming
went shopping,
ate nice food
visited the Great Wall,
climbed a mountain
How long
Five days
Until October 3rd
A week
By plane
By train
By train
【小题1】 Who went to the beach?
A. Jim                             B. Bill            C. Nobody
【小题2】What did Peter do on vacation?
A. Went swimming               B. Went shopping       C. Visited the Great Wall.
【小题3】 Who did Bill go with?
A. His parents.                    B. His friends.        C. His cousin.
【小题4】 How long did Peter stay in Beijing?
A. Three days.                     B. Five days.          C. Seven days.
【小题5】 Who took the train?
A. Bill and Peter.                     B. Jim and Bill.       C. Jim and Peter.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Basketball match: Changchun VS Shenyang
Day: Saturday
Time: in the morning (10:00)
Place:Changchun Stadium
Film: Superman
Day: Saturday
Time: in the afternoon and in the evening
(15:00-17:00; 18:00-20:00)
Price: adult 16 yuan; child half price
Telephone: 62603941
Swimming lesson
Day: Thursday
Time: in the morning (8:00)
Place: Great Swimming Pool
Day: Wednesday
Time: in the morning (10:30-12:00)
Place: People Theatre
Price: 35 yuan
【小题1】Where is the swimming lesson?
A.Changchun Stadium. B.Great Swimming pool.
C.People Theatre. D.Great Garden.
【小题2】When is the concert?
A.On Thursday18:00-20:00 B.On Saturday10:00
C.On Saturday15:00-17:00 D.On Wednesday10:30-12:00
【小题3】If you want to ask something about the basketball match, you can call_________.
A.62603941 B.70504266 C.58796324 D.99687241
【小题4】On Saturday, you can _______________.
A.watch the basketball match and have the swimming lesson.
B.See the film Superman and go to the concert.
C.Have the swimming lesson and go to the concert.
D.Watch the basketball match and see the film Superman.
【小题5】Two adults and one child will spend _______ seeing the film Superman.
A.87.5 yuan B.40 yuan C.8 yuan D.16 yuan


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There are seabirds as well as land-birds. The most ordinary seabird is the seagull. It has a white body, a white head and a yellow beak. There is a very, very spot of red at the very end of the beak, underneath. All gulls have very strong wings so that they can fly far out to sea. If a gull flies out too far, so that it is too tired to fly back to the shore(岸边), it does not get frightened, for it can sit and rest upon the waves(波浪). A seagull’s wings do not get wet because all its feathers have a kind of oil over them, so that when the water gets on to the feathers, it just runs off again. Gulls can even sleep upon the waves.
Sailors(水手) know a lot about seagulls and they never kill them. When the gulls fly a long way out to sea, sailors say that it means fine weather is coming. When the gulls stay near the shore, sailors say they there will be much wind and rain, and perhaps a storm, for the gulls know more about the weather than sailors do.
【小题1】The seagull is a kind of ________.

A.fish B.land-bird C.seabird D.animal
【小题2】 Every gull is able to fly far out to sea because it _________.
A.is very light B.has very strong wings
C.always flies high D.is strong enough
【小题3】 A seagull does not get frightened even when it is far away from the shore and it is too tired to fly back because it can ____________.
A.swim under the sea B.stay under the sea
C.rest and sleep upon the waves D.jump into the sea
【小题4】The water can’t make the seagull’s feathers wet because the feathers are __________.
A.thick B.long C.light D.oily
【小题5】If seagulls stay near the shore, it will be ___________.
A.windy, rainy or stormy B.sunny and hot
C.fine and warm D.freezing cold


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


foreign外国的      doctor医生     language语言       taxi出租车
college学院       company公司     professor教授      driver司机
century世纪    computer电脑      center中心     manager经理
children’s hospital儿童医院

【小题1】 _______ can teach(教)us English.
A.Li Hong B.Zhao Bi
C.Xie Zhongqing D.Liu Huifang
【小题2】You should call _______ if your daughter(女儿)is ill(病).
A.Li Hong B.Zhao Bi
C.Xie Zhongqing D.Liu Huifang
【小题3】You call ______ when you want to take a taxi to New Century Computer Center.
A.199230163 B.13704358529
C.13902137285 D.127080370
【小题4】______ is a merchant(商人).
A.Li Hong B.Zhao Bi
C.Xie Zhongqing D.Liu Huifang
【小题5】We can’t send a fax to the ______.
A.professor B.manager
C.doctor D.driver


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Do your parents ever say, “act like a lady” or “be a gentleman” to you? But in the eyes of today’s teenagers(青少年), what should a lady or a gentleman be like? Let’s take a look.
What is a gentleman? The girls have their ideas:
Huang Xiaoyu of Guizhou: A gentleman doesn’t always get angry(生气的). He wants others to be well and happy. He is always ready to help. There is a boy in my class and I think he is a gentleman. If I don’t do well in the English exam, he will say, “You will do better next time.” That makes me feel happy.
Chen Tingting of Shenzhen: A gentleman always says, “Ladies first” When students clean up the classroom, he does the heavy work. He lets girls go into rooms first. There are no gentlemen in my class. When there is something to eat, the boys in my class always get them before girls!
What is a lady? Boys tell us what they think a lady is:
Wu Yifan of Dalian: A lady is quiet and kind, but she’s not shy(害羞) and she can talk about her ideas in front of others. To me, Dong Jie, a film star, is a lady. She is pretty and kind. She does a lot for others.
Wang Lichao of Tianjin: A lady is not just beautiful but clever. She never says bad words. She is quiet and kind to others. I don’t think there is a lady in my class. Most of the girls are “wild beauties”, I think.
【小题1】 A gentleman doesn’t ________.

A.think about others B.always say “ladies first”
C.do the heavy work D.get angry easily
【小题2】What does Huang Xiaoyu think a gentleman will do if she doesn’t do well in the English exam?
A.He will say “You’ll do better next time”. B.He will get angry.
C.He will say “You’re so careless (粗心的).” D.He will laugh at her.
【小题3】Why does Wu Yifan think Dong Jie is a lady?
A.Because she is quiet. B.Because she likes expressing (表现) herself
C.Because she is pretty and kind. D.Because she is very shy.
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?
A.Wang Lichao thinks pretty-looking is enough for a lady.
B.Huang Xiaoyu thinks there is a gentleman in her class.
C.Chen Tingting thinks there is a gentleman in her class.
D.Wu Yufan thinks a lady can’t talk about her ideas in front of others.
【小题5】What does the underlined words “wild beauties” mean(意思是……) in this passage?
A.Beautiful and kind girls. B.Pretty but rude (粗鲁的) girls.
C.Gentle(温柔的)and shy girls. D.Clever girls.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I am a teenager. I want to use the Internet. I know that there are rules about what I should do online. I agree to follow these rules, and my parents agree to help me follow these rules:
1. I will not call or meet anyone alone that I meet online unless my parents say it’s okay.
2. I will not buy or order anything online without my parents’ permission.
3. I will not fill in any form online that asks me for any information about myself or my family without asking my parents first.
4. If someone sends me any pictures or any e-mails using bad language, I will tell my parents.
5. If someone asks me to do something that I am not supposed to do, I will tell my parents.
6. I know that my parents want to make sure I’m safe online, and I will listen to them when they ask me not to do something.

Rules for going online for teenagers
Things teenagers
Shouldn’t do
【小题1】Don’t go to call or meet anyone you have met online    .
【小题2】Although you want to buy something you like, you shouldn’t tell others information about         or your family such as your parents’ credit card(信用卡) number.
Things teenagers
Should do
【小题3】If someone sends you any pictures or any e-mails using ______ language, tell your parents.
【小题4】If others online tell you to do      that you are not supposed to do, tell your parents.
parents do
【小题5】If you break the rules, your parents will be unhappy because they want you to be         at all times.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A passenger(乘客)told an air hostess that he needed a cup of water to take his medicine when the plane just took off. She said to him that she would bring him the water in ten minutes.
The air hostess was kept so busy that she forgot to give him the water. As a result, the passenger was held up to take his medicine. Thirty minutes later, when the passenger’s ring for service sounded, the air hostess hurried over to him with a cup of water, but he refused it.
In the following hours on the plane, each time the air hostess passed the passenger, she would ask him with a smile whether he needed help or not. But the passenger never replied to her.
When the passenger was going to get off the plane, he asked the air hostess to hand him the passenger’s booklet. She knew that he would write down sharp words about her job, but with a smile she handed it to him.
Off the plane, the air hostess opened the booklet, and smiled because the passenger wrote, “On the flight, you asked me whether I needed help or not for twelve times in all. How can I refuse your twelve sincere smiles?”
【小题1】The passenger needed a cup of water because_________________.

A.He was thirsty.
B.He wanted to take his medicine.
C.He wanted to chat with the air hostess.
D.He felt bored
【小题2】At the end of the story, we know the passenger was __________ with the air hostess.
A.pleased B.unhappy C.angry D.bored
【小题3】The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refers to the ___________.
A.medicine B.water C.cup D.booklet


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


【小题1】When you need help with our homework, go to the library. You may find magazines, newspapers, and big dictionaries there. They can always help you.
A. Money isn’t Everything
【小题2】For families with children, an important problem is to get the children away from TV and let them do their homework.
B. American Films
【小题3】Even if you could buy the world, you couldn’t buy a happy family, good friends, or knowledge.
C. Farms in the future
【小题4】The Lost World is an exciting American film. People, especially school students, may like it.
D. Study Tools
【小题5】People will grow plants and vegetables in the sea in about 50 years.
E. Parents’ Trouble

