精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

—Shall I tell Sally about the story?

  —No, you _______. I’ve told her about it already.

A. shouldn’t            B. mustn’t             C. can’t                 D. needn’t


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

_________ weather it is?

A. What nice B. How nice C. What a nice D. How nice the


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Jack loves traveling by train. Traveling by train is very comfortable. Most of the trains are air-conditioned, warm in winter and cool in summer. Jack usually chooses a non-smoking section, taking a seat by the window so he can enjoy the outside views. If it is a night train, the experience can be more exciting. He just sleeps the whole night and the next day he will be in a new city. By the way, he never has to worry about his meals. The train provides food around the clock.

Traveling by train has another advantage(优点): you may meet some old friends or you can listen to people talking about something of your interest. Last week when he was on a train, for instance(例如), he ran into a primary school classmate. They didn’t expect(预期)that they could bump into(偶遇)each other that way. They talked about many things: the games they played, the jokes they made on their classmates and the funny things they had done.

Answer the following questions(根据短文内容,回答问题)

1. What does Jack love?

He loves traveling                    .

2. Why does Jack love traveling by train?

Because traveling by train                      .

3. What section does he usually choose?

He usually chooses a                 .

4. Does the train provides food all day and night?


5. Who did Jack run into last week?

A                           .

6. What do you think of Jack according to the passage?

He likes to travel              .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A: Hello, Li Ping, have you ever been to Hengtoushang  Park?
B: Not yet.
A: What a ___1___!  It’s famous for its  beautiful  senery..
B: Really? Could you tell me something_____2__ it?
A: OK, this place attracts lots of people to visit it is a 
beautiful place ____3__a long history.
B: How exiting it is!  I hope I will have a ____4__to visit it.
A: You are____5___. Our teacher lives near it, and he will go there this weekend.
B: Great! I will go to visit there, too. Goodbye.
A: Bye!

1._______ 2._______ 3.______ 4._______ 5._______


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 —Mum, I got the best marks in the English test this time.

  —Well done, dear! I’m very _______ of you.

   A. afraid                  B. tired                  C. proud                D. full


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


One afternoon, my son Adam asked me, “Are all people the same even though they are different in color?”

It was a serious question. I 1 for a while, and then said, “I’ll explain it sooner. Let’s go to a fruit shop. I have something interesting to show you.”

At the fruit shop, we bought some apples in different 2 —red, green and yellow ones. After we got home, I told Adam, “It’s time to 3 your question now.” I put one apple of each kind colour on the table. Adam 4 carefully. He had a 5 look on his face.

“People are like apples. They come in all different colors, shapes and sizes. On the 6 , some of the apples may not even look as delicious as 7 .” While I was talking, Adam was

8 each one carefully. Then, I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮) them, placing them back on the 9 , but in a different place.

“Okay, Adam, tell me which is which.”

He said, “I 10 tell. They all look the same now.”

“Take a 11 of each one. See if that helps you decide 12 one is which.”

He took big bites, and then a huge smile came across his face. “People are 13 like apples! They are all different, but once you take off the outside, they’re pretty much the 14 on the inside.”

He totally 15 it. I didn’t need to say or do anything else.

1. A. discussed B. waited C. answered D. thought

2. A. colours B. tastes C. sizes D. shapes

3. A. solve B. answer C. tell D. improve

4. A. listened B. found C. smelled D. watched

5. A. worried B. sad C. curious D. glad

6. A. outside B. upside C. beside D. inside

7. A. others B. the others C. the other D. another

8. A. checking B. listening C. drawing D. picking

9. A. sofa B. chair C. bedside table D. table

10. A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. needn’t

11. A. feel B. touch C. bite D. look

12. A. what B. which C. that D. who

13. A. just B. always C. only D. never

14. A. delicious B. kind C. different D. same

15. A. made B. took C. got D. did


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Alice's Birthday (A Short Play)

Time: One Sunday morning

Place: Alice's house

Characters: Alice-a girl Mike, Lina, Susan-Alice's friends

(Alice is putting a cake on the table, and her friends are knocking at herdoor.)

Alice: Come in, please.

Her friends: (Coming in, and talking together) Good morning, Alice. Many HappyReturns, Many Happy Returns, of your birthday!

Alice: Thank you everyone. Oh! What a lot of parcels! Shall I open them now?(Susan gave her the parcel.)

Lina: Yes, dear, you had better. Here, Alice, I will lend you my penknife to cut thestring.

Alice: Thanks, Lina. I want to know what's in the big parcel. Ah, what a lovely doll!What a beautiful doll! Thank you.

Mike: I thought you were too old for dolls, Alice, you'll be twelve next year-and stillplaying with dolls.

Susan: Mike, nonsense! I shall be thirteen, next year but I still love dolls. Can I playwith this one, Alice?

Alice: Oh, yes, you certainly can, look, her clothes come off and she can open and shuther eyes. We will dress her.

Lina: Open this little parcel next, Alice?

Alice: All right. I wonder what will be in it! Ah! It's a lovely silver pencil.

Lina: That's from me, Alice! With lots and lots of good wishes. It writes in fourcolours: black, blue, green and red. Do you like it?

Alice: It's just what I want. It is very, very kind of you to give it to me. Thanks.Mike: What's in the parcel? Won't you open it now?

Alice: Oh! Here is an interesting-looking one, square and flat. I think I know thewriting. Yes, here it is: "With love and good wishes, Mike." (Alice is holdingthe parcel and guessing what it is in it.) I guess it is a tape. Well, I'm right.Now listen to the recorder. (Alice is putting it into the recorder. The song is,"Happy birthday to you…". They all sing the song together.)

Note: 1.parcel 包裹、盒子  2.cut the string 割断绳子  3.doll 洋娃娃  4.nonsense 胡说  5.flat 扁平的

1.Lina sent Alice ________.

A.a doll          B.a penknife     C.a silver pencil

2.Susan sent Alice ________.

A.a doll          B.a book         C.a pencil

3.Mike sent Alice ________.

A.a card          B.a silver pencil  C.a tape

4.Which sentence is wrong? ________

A.Alice is twelve now.

B.Alice will be twelve next year.

C.Susan is twelve now.

5.Which sentence is right? ________

A.Alice and her friends love dolls.

B.Alice and Susan love dolls.

C.Lina and Mike don't love dolls.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

He is a person ______ is easy to get along with.

  A. who        B. which        C. whom       D. what

