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Six years ago, Ann graduated(毕业)from college with a degree of Art. Now she is twenty-nine and works for a large computer company. She takes classes twice a week after work. She is learning to use the computer program PowerPoint. “I enjoyed the college, but my job doesn’t use the information I learned at college,” Ann says. “The course is helping me to do my job better.”
Ann’s sixty-year-old mother and father are taking courses in Art and Music. “We love these two subjects. Learning is so much fun,” they say happily. “It’s never too old to learn.”
小题1: Ann graduated from college when she was     .
小题2:The underlined word ‘degree’ means ‘   ’ in Chinese.
小题3: More people are taking training courses after work in order to     .
A.improve their working skillsB.enjoy Art and Music
C.study computer programsD.make more money
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Ann doesn’t want to use the information she learned at college.
B.People in the past usually stopped studying after graduating from college.
C.People can only get information from their teachers.
D.Ann’s parents are too old to learn Art and Music.


小题1:理解计算题。根据短文第一段,Six years ago, Ann graduated(毕业)from college with a degree of Art. Now she is twenty-nine and works for a large computer company.可知六年前毕业,现在29岁,故毕业时23岁。故选C。
小题2:词义猜测题。根据第一段Six years ago, Ann graduated(毕业)from college with a degree of Art.可知安在六年前取得了艺术学位从大学毕业。根据常识大学毕业时会给予学位。故选C。
小题4:是非判断题。根据第二段可知B项正确。根据第一段my job doesn’t use the information I learned at college,可知A错误。由第二段最后一句可知C不正确。由Ann’s sixty-year-old mother and father are taking courses in Art and Music可知D不正确。故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A little boy wanted to meet God, so he started his trip with some cakes and orange juice. On his way he saw an old woman        in the park. The boy sat down next to her. The old lady looked        , so he offered her a cake. She        it thankfully and smiled at him. Her smile was          pretty that the boy wanted to see it again, so he gave her a bottle of orange juice. Once again she smiled at him. The boy was very happy! They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling, but they never say a word. As it grew dark, the boy got up to leave.          he left, he gave her a kiss. She gave him her biggest smile ever.
When the boy         home, his mother saw the look of joy         his face. “She asked him,          made you so happy?” He replied, “I had lunch with God. She’s got the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen!” The old woman also returned to her home       . Her son asked, “Mother, why are you so happy?” She answered, “I ate cakes in the park with God. You know, he’s much         than I expected.”
小题1:A. sits                B. sitting                  C. to sit
小题2:A. hungry          B. angry                    C. thirsty
小题3:A. receives            B. gave                 C. accepted
小题4:A. very                B. too                  C. so
小题5:A. Before          B. After                    C. Since
小题6:A. got to          B. got                  C. reaches
小题7:A. in              B. with                 C. on
小题8:A. Which           B. Where                   C. What
小题9:A. happily         B. happy                    C. happiness
小题10:A. young          B. younger              C. the youngest


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If you have a brother or sister, you already know you are different from each other.You live together in the same house and have the same parents.小题1:________ Why is this? One possible reason is the way your parents treat you.
First-born children receive all the attention from their parents. Most families have twice as many photos of a first-born as any other child. Parents tend to give them more responsibility.小题2:_______ As a result, first-borns are often responsible, hard-working and serious. They often want to do well at school and work小题3:_______ For example, George W. Bush, George Washington, and Lyndon Baines Johnson are all first-borns.
When a second child arrives, parents are more relaxed. The second child is allowed to be more independent. But he also has to compete with the first-born for the parents’ attention and love. These children often choose different sports and hobbies to show independence.小题4:______ They are often adventurous, fun-loving, and outgoing, but can be jealous and get angry easily.
The youngest child tends to be the happiest. He has fewer responsibilities and more freedom. These children do not feel pressure to do well at school and work, but have to be creative to get their family’s attention.小题5:_______ So, many famous talk-show hosts and comedians were born last.
A.There are more first-born American Presidents than second or last-born children.
B.They are often friendly, humorous and calm.
C.But you have different personalities.
D.Their parents may probably love them more.
E.And they develop different personalities.
F.They depend on the first-borns to take care of younger brothers and sisters.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Anyone who has ever traveled with a teenager knows that the teenager can make the vacation good or bad for the entire family. As a travel agent, Lynda Maxwell said, “If teenagers are happy, everybody is happy.”
Teenagers are often interested in travelling, but their interests and schedules often aren’t the same as their parents’. It means that when the parents start to look for a place of interest in the early morning, their teenagers may be sleeping soundly!
The thing makes travelling with teenagers very difficult, but it isn’t impossible. The experts said, “The keys to success is what parents do before they travel.”
For many families, the hardest part may be finding a vacation time that is right for everyone. Be sure to sit down with everyone else in the family before setting a date.
“After setting a date, ask teenagers where they would choose to go,” suggested Maxwell. It is possible that they’d like nothing more than to sit on a beach for a week. “Maybe there’s a compromise(折中),” said Maxwell.
“Most teenagers like using the Internet now, so parents can ask them to think up the ideas about what to see and do,” said Brad Anderson. “I find teenagers are excellent at making great suggestions.”
小题1:The main problem of travelling with teenagers is that______.
A.they are always causing problems
B.there’s no way to make them happy
C.they don’t want to travel with their parents
D.their interests and schedules are different from their parents’
小题2:Maxwell thinks that     .
A.teenagers are good at making suggestions
B.parents should discuss the travel plan with their teenagers
C.parents should choose the places where teenagers like to go
D.teenagers should try their best to make their parents happy
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A.Teenagers often have some great ideas of travelling.
B.Teenagers always make their parents disappointed.
C.Most parents often look for travel information online.
D.Teenagers should learn how to get along with their parents.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Where Are We Going, Dad? is one of the most popular television shows in China now. Fathers now take an active part in their children's lives.
Five well-known fathers and their children travel around China, riding camels through the western deserts (沙漠), fishing in the east sea, and selling vegetables to get money back home in the southwestern Yunnan Province. One dad doesn’t know how to do his daughter’s hair, but he learns quickly and does it well now. Another one must stay with his son for three days in the desert, because he and his son don’t know how to cook, the two only eat instant (即食) noodles.
This show raises an important question for modern Chinese society (社会) —what is the role(角色)of fathers in today’s China? In the old days, children must obey parents’ wishes and look after them in their old age. But Chinese parents now think that discussing and respecting (尊重) their children’s choices may be a better way to prepare them for modern society. “As they raise their children, parents are growing up at the same time,” said Wang Renping.
小题1:From this passage, we know that Where Are We Going, Dad? is a _______.
A. movie    B. song C. TV show 
小题2:Which of the following things fathers didn’t do for their children?
A. Go fishing.          B. Sell vegetables.     C. Go skating.
小题3:One of the fathers has to eat instant noodles with his son because _______.
A. it’s delicious  B. he doesn’t know the way     C. he can’t cook
小题4:In this passage the underlined word choice means _______.
A. 差异 B. 选择 C. 个性
小题5:Which of the following is true?
A. In the old days, Chinese parents must obey their children’s wishes.
B. Now Chinese children don’t have to take care of their parents in their old age
C. Parents are growing up with their children in modern China.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Did you know that a new weblog is being created each second? Many of these bloggers are teenagers. While their parents wrote in a diary to express their emotions, or shared their interests by spending time with friends, teens are now using blogs instead. In fact, in the US, one in every five school-aged teens has a blog. Most of these are just chatter, some are funny or clever, but a few have become Internet success.
For example, Chloe Spencer’s blog ‘Neopets Fanatic’ gets around 300,000 hits per month. When Chloe was 15, she started the blog out of her strong liking for Neopets, a kind of pet website. One reason her blog has so many visitors is because she gives instructions and tips for the popular pet site.

Then there is Tavi Gevinson’s blog ‘Style Rookie’. It is said to get 1.5 million hits per month. Tavi, who started her blog when she was just 12, puts up her photos of her own clothes online as well as designers’ collections. Tavi’s blog has caught on because she knows a lot about style for someone so young, and she is not afraid to try out unusual clothes or see things in a different way.
Blogs like these are interesting, but they only become really popular after better-known websites link to them or they get noticed by the media(传媒). For example, Tavi’s blog became an overnight(一夜之间) success after being written about in The New York Times. Popular blogs can even earn money, usually from advertisements that companies pay to put up on the bloggers’ sites.
So for some, blogging is just a recreation(消遣), but for others, it can become a source of income and even a full-time job!
小题1: Teens nowadays ________ than their parents did.
A.have more ways of communication
B.share their feelings more
C.write in diaries more often
D.make more friends
小题2: In line 4, the underlined word ‘chatter’ means talk about ________ topics.
小题3:Chloe Spencer and Tavi Gevinson are both ________.
A.pet loversB.teenage bloggers
C.interested in fashionD.keen on taking photos
小题4: From the passage we know that Chloe Spencer is a person who ________.
A.visits many websitesB.loves pets
C.is easy to get angryD.rarely gives opinions
小题5: According to paragraph 4, Tavi Gevinson’s blog ________.
A.is not well-known yet
B.is written every night
C.became popular very quickly
D.got a lot of money from advertising
小题6:The best title for the passage might be ________.
A.How to be good teen bloggers
B.How teen bloggers attract the media
C.Keeping diaries or writing blogs
D.Teen bloggers mean business


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

English people have porridge for breakfast, too. But their porridge is made of oats(燕麦), not rice. Many English people put sugar in their porridge, but the Scottish always put salt in it.
English people always drink tea out of cups, not out of glasses. They usually drink tea with sugar and milk. When you go to an English family for tea, the host(男主人)or hostess(女主人)always asks you, “How many lumps(块)of sugar do you want in your tea?”
In ordinary(平常的) English families, the main meal is in the evening, because most of the families are away during the day. But on Sunday when everyone is at home, they make the midday(正午)meal, and in the evening they have a much lighter supper.
小题1:English people like eating porridge and only put sugar in their porridge..
小题2:All English people always drink tea with coffee and sugar.
小题3:Lunch is the main meal for English people.
小题4:Most English families aren’t at home during the daytime.
小题5:English people have the main meal in the evening on Sunday.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Parking has been a problem for drivers for a long time in Taizhou. The Transportation Department(交通部门) is mapping out a new plan for the city’s parking system. There are about 100 thousand cars on the road inTaizhou but only enough parking space to provide room for 15 percent of these vehicles. It is no wonder that local drivers get so worried trying to find a place to park.
The number of the private(私人的) car owners is becoming lager and larger. In March, the city sent out 1,000 private car licenses, the highest number of licenses ever sent out in a month. And prices rose to over 200 yuan, 500 more than in February. Industry experts(专家) say this suggests that local people have a strong, active interest in buying cars.
By the year 2020, the number of cars in Taizhou will probably reach 200 thousand. If one parking lot(停车场) is for each car, then a lot of parking space should be built for these vehicles. The center of Taizhou is most short of parking space. However, experts point out that simply building more parking lots in these areas is not practical and doesn’t solve the problem. The idea of “ Park & Ride” system has been suggested. This means that underground train and city train should be developed quickly. Drivers can leave their vehicles in car parks nearby subway(地铁) and bus stations and then they can ride public transport to go to the city center. Based on this idea, the city will cut down the number of parking lots in the city center and need higher parking fees(费用). But it will build more parking areas near main subway and bus stops.
小题1:The underlined phrase “ mapping out ” in the first paragraph means _____.
小题2:About _____ drivers can find places to park their cars in Taizhou now.
小题3:What can we infer from the second paragraph?
A.The city sent out more private licenses in February.
B.Less and less people bought cars in March.
C.The city sent out less private licenses in March.
D.More and more people are going to buy cars.
小题4:According to the idea of a “ Park & Ride ” system, the city will _____.
A.send out more private car licenses
B.build more parking lots near bus stops
C.encourage people to buy more cars
D.build more parking areas in the city center
小题5:This passage is mainly about_____.
A.parking problems B.heavy traffic
C.pollution in TaizhouD.building more parking lots in the city center


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Some years ago, Chinese high school students would show their new schoolbags , new clothes or new pens to their classmates when the new term started . Today, however , all have      . If you still come back to school      only these things , you are falling out-of-date(过时的) . Students in big cities like to bring the latest high-tech things to school, and feel happy and      to show off these things to      . Mobile phones, MP3 players , CD players , electronic dictionaries , the list is endless .
Young people think that , living in the 21st century , they must keep up with the      . They don't want to fall      . Besides, they think      they need to keep in touch with their classmates , so they need mobile phones . They also like to      the pop music , so they need CD players . They explain that,      like electronic dictionaries , these can be      in their study ,      . They think that their parents should understand      they want these things .
Foreign students will also bring some latest high-tech things when they      to school at the beginning of a new term.      , they often use the money which they made by themselves during the holiday to      these high-tech things that they want .
A.changedB.comeC.joined D.stopped
A.toB.from C.of D.with
A.right B.lucky C.nice D.pleased
A.other B.the other C.others D.the others
A.times B.days C.years D.date
A.down B.offC.behind D.back
A.that B.howC.if D.which
A.hear B.listen to C.read D.play
A.look B.just C.feelD.something
A.new B.modern C.latest D.useful
A.also B.tooC.either D.then
A.whereB.which C.what D.why
A.return B.return backC.reach D.arrive
A.But B.HoweverC.So D.Still
A.borrow B.buyC.lend D.take

