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  Antifreeze is a liquid(液体)that is added to water to keep it from freezing.When water freezes and turns to ice, it expands(膨胀).The force of water expanding is so great that it will break the hardest metal.Water is used in car engines(发动机)to keep them cool while they run, and if this water is allowed to freeze in winter it can break the iron block of the engine.That is why antifreeze is necessary.

  Water freezes at 0℃;the usual kind of antifreeze will not freeze until the temperature is -40℃.A mixture(混合物)of five parts of water and four parts of antifreeze will prevent freezing at -18℃;four parts of water and five parts of antifreeze reduce this to -22℃.

  Alcohol is a kind of good antifreeze, but when the air is running it becomes hot and the alcohol boils away, so it must be changed very often.Most people use antifreeze that does not boil away when the engine is running.There are several chemicals that do this.One of the most popular is called ethylene glycol.


People use _________ to keep car engines cool.

[  ]








ethylene glycol


The usual kind of antifreeze freezes at _________.

[  ]










We use antifreeze in order to _________.

[  ]


keep alcohol in water


stop ice from becoming water


make the freezing point of water lower


raise the freezing point of water


Besides alcohol, _________ is another kind of popular antifreeze.

[  ]




ethylene glycol


any chemical


any mixture


The text is written to _________.

[  ]


tell us what antifreeze is


make people buy antifreeze


tell us that cars need antifreeze


show us how to protect car engines


科目:初中英语 来源:黄冈重点作业·初三英语(上) 题型:050


  Do you know which is the strongest animal in the world? It is so strong that it can lift 50 times its own weight(重量).

  Perhaps you may say that it's a lion, or the elephant. But can any of them lift a thing as heavy as I mentioned? No!

  Then what animal can lift 50 times its own weight? It's the ANT.

  Can that be true? An ant may be as small as 1/16 of an inch or as long as two inches, but it can carry up to 50 times its own weight. Then you may think that it must have a very strong backbone(脊骨). You are wrong again. The surprising thing is that an ant doesn't have any bones. Then how can it be a good weight-lifter? It has very strong teeth, with them it carries leaves, seeds, wood and even parts of larger animals, including crocodiles, lions and so on.

  You may be surprised to know that if a 175-pound man had the same strength (力气) as an ant, he would be able to lift 4, 000 kilograms with his teeth!

1.Which is the strongest animal?

[  ]

A.The lion.
B.The crocodile.
C.The elephant.
D.The ant.

2.The size of an ant is ________.

[  ]

A.as small as a baby animal
B.as long as a fish
C.between 1/16 and 2 inches
D.1/50 of a lion

3.An ant has ________.

[  ]

A.a very strong backbone
B.very strong teeth
C.greater strength than a man
D.the greatest strength of all animals

4.How do ants carry things?

[  ]

A.On their back.
B.With their teeth.
C.In small baskets.
D.One by one.

5.The best title for this passage is ________.

[  ]

C.Strange Things


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标初三上册练习 人教新课标 题型:050


  We are going to play against a team from a country school .They didn't come until the last minute .They looked worse than we had though .They were wearing dirty blue trousers and looked like farm boys .We sat down for a rest .We felt that we didn't need any practice against a team like that.

  The game began .One of us got the ball and he shot a long pass to our forward (前峰).From out of nowhere a boy in an old T-shirt stopped the ball and with beautiful style (姿势)he shot and got two points .Then another two points in a minute .Soon the game was all over .We were beaten by the country team.

  After that ,we thought a lot .We certainly learned that even though a team is very good ,there is usually another team better than yours .You can not be always the best .Ant the most important lesson we learned was :One another team better than yours .You can not be always the best .And the most important lesson we learned was : One can't judge (判断) a person ,or a team only by their clothes.

(1) The team from the country were in old clothes ,so the writer's team ________.

[  ]

A. looked down upon them

B. could win

C. didn't like the city boys

D. were afraid of them

(2) The country team arrived so late that _________.

[  ]

A. nobody saw them

B. the writer's team were angry

C. they had no time to warm up

D. they won the game

(3) The team from the country won because _________.

[  ]

A. they were in old boys

B. they were farm boys

C. they didn't practice before the game

D. the team was better than the writer's

(4) From the passage , we can guess the writer's team is __________.

[  ]

A. a basketball team from a country school

B. a football team from a school in the city

C. a basketball team from a school in the city

D. a football team from the country

(5) The writer's team learned a lot from the game .They got to know how to ______.

[  ]

A. learn from others

B. fight against the country boys

C. play against a weak team

D. judge a man or a team by clothes


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标初三上册练习 人教新课标 题型:050


  I will tell you the story of the ant and the grasshopper(蝗虫). It is a cold winter's day and an ant is bringing out some grains of corn (谷粒). He gathered (收集) them in the summer. He wants to dry them. The grasshopper is hungry. He sees the ant and says, “Give me a few grains corn; I am dying of hunger(饿死).”

  “But,” says the ant, “what did you do in the summer? Didn't you store up (贮藏) some corn?”

  “No,” says the grasshopper, “I was too busy.”

  “What did you do?” asks the ant.

  “I sang all day,” answers the grasshopper.

  “If you sang all summer,” says the ant, “you can dance all winter. ”

(1) The ant dries the grains of corn ________.

[  ]

A. in the summer

B. in the winter

C. on weekdays

D. when he is hungry

(2) The grasshopper is very hungry because he only ________ in the summer.

[  ]

A. danced
B. dried the grains
C. stored up corn
D. sang

(3) The ant gave the grasshopper________.

[  ]

A. some grains of corn

B. something to eat

C. nothing

D. some rice

(4) The title (题目) of the story may be ________.

[  ]

A. The Ant and The Grasshopper

B. The Ant Sings and Dances

C. The Busy Ant and The Happy Grasshopper

D. Store up Some Corn and You'll Be Hungry

(5) From the story we can know ________.

[  ]

A. the ant is our good friend

B. we must think before we do anything

C. people must help others

D. we must work hard for a good life


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  We are going to play against a team from a country school .They didn't come until the last minute .They looked worse than we had though .They were wearing dirty blue trousers and looked like farm boys .We sat down for a rest .We felt that we didn't need any practice against a team like that.

  The game began .One of us got the ball and he shot a long pass to our forward (前峰).From out of nowhere a boy in an old T-shirt stopped the ball and with beautiful style (姿势)he shot and got two points .Then another two points in a minute .Soon the game was all over .We were beaten by the country team.

  After that ,we thought a lot .We certainly learned that even though a team is very good ,there is usually another team better than yours .You can not be always the best .Ant the most important lesson we learned was :One another team better than yours .You can not be always the best .And the most important lesson we learned was : One can't judge (判断) a person ,or a team only by their clothes.

(1) The team from the country were in old clothes ,so the writer's team ________.

[  ]

A. looked down upon them

B. could win

C. didn't like the city boys

D. were afraid of them

(2) The country team arrived so late that _________.

[  ]

A. nobody saw them

B. the writer's team were angry

C. they had no time to warm up

D. they won the game

(3) The team from the country won because _________.

[  ]

A. they were in old boys

B. they were farm boys

C. they didn't practice before the game

D. the team was better than the writer's

(4) From the passage , we can guess the writer's team is __________.

[  ]

A. a basketball team from a country school

B. a football team from a school in the city

C. a basketball team from a school in the city

D. a football team from the country

(5) The writer's team learned a lot from the game .They got to know how to ______.

[  ]

A. learn from others

B. fight against the country boys

C. play against a weak team

D. judge a man or a team by clothes


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  I will tell you the story of the ant and the grasshopper(蝗虫). It is a cold winter's day and an ant is bringing out some grains of corn (谷粒). He gathered (收集) them in the summer. He wants to dry them. The grasshopper is hungry. He sees the ant and says, “Give me a few grains corn; I am dying of hunger(饿死).”

  “But,” says the ant, “what did you do in the summer? Didn't you store up (贮藏) some corn?”

  “No,” says the grasshopper, “I was too busy.”

  “What did you do?” asks the ant.

  “I sang all day,” answers the grasshopper.

  “If you sang all summer,” says the ant, “you can dance all winter. ”

(1) The ant dries the grains of corn ________.

[  ]

A. in the summer

B. in the winter

C. on weekdays

D. when he is hungry

(2) The grasshopper is very hungry because he only ________ in the summer.

[  ]

A. danced
B. dried the grains
C. stored up corn
D. sang

(3) The ant gave the grasshopper________.

[  ]

A. some grains of corn

B. something to eat

C. nothing

D. some rice

(4) The title (题目) of the story may be ________.

[  ]

A. The Ant and The Grasshopper

B. The Ant Sings and Dances

C. The Busy Ant and The Happy Grasshopper

D. Store up Some Corn and You'll Be Hungry

(5) From the story we can know ________.

[  ]

A. the ant is our good friend

B. we must think before we do anything

C. people must help others

D. we must work hard for a good life

