精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
More than 6000 languages are spoken on the earth today.Many of these languages are spoken by small groups of people,and over 200 languages are spoken by one million or more people.Chinese is a language spoken by the largest number of people in the world.But English is most widely spoken in the world
English is spoken by more than 400 million people as their first language.It is spoken by most people in the U.S.A.,Great Britain,Canada,Australia and New Zealand.And it is also used very widely in many other countries of the world.
Look at the back of your watch.You may see the English words  “Made in China”, “Made in Japan”,or “Made in Germany”.English is spoken as the first language in none of these countries.Why are English words written on it?That is because in the modern world English is widely used for business between different countries.
小题1:How many languages are spoken on the earth today?
小题2:Which language is spoken by the largest number of people in the world?
小题3:Is English spoken by more than 400 million people as their first language?
小题4:Do  Americans speak English ?
小题5:Why may English words be written on your watch?

小题1:More than 6000.
小题3:Yes,it is.
小题4:Yes,they do.
小题5:Because in the modern world English is widely used for business between different countries.

小题1:细节理解题。根据短文第一段More than 6000 languages are spoken on the earth today.今天地球上有六千多种语言被说,可知此题答案为:More than 6000.
小题2:细节理解题。根据短文第一段Chinese is a language spoken by the largest number of people in the world.汉语是被世界上最多的人所说的一门语言,故答案是:Chinese.
小题3:细节理解题。根据短文第二段English is spoken by more than 400 million people as their first language.英语是被四亿多人作为第一语言来说。所以这个一般疑问句的回答是肯定的:Yes,it is.
小题4:推理判断题。根据短文第二段It is spoken by most people in the U.S.A.,Great Britain,Canada,Australia and New Zealand.描述,美国等五个国家把英语作为第一语言来说,可知答案是肯定的:Yes,they do.
小题5:细节理解题。根据短文第三段Why are English words written on it?That is because in the modern world English is widely used for business between different countries.描述,那是因为在当今世界,英语被广泛应用于不同国家之间的商业事务中。所以答案为:Because in the modern world English is widely used for business between different countries.

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My name is Mary. I have a good friend Lily. In some ways,we look the same, and in some ways ,we look different. We both have big eyes and long black hair. I'm much taller than her. We both like sports, although Lily is more athletic than me. She's more outgoing(外向的)and I'm quieter. I like singing and she likes drawing. However, we both enjoy going to parties.
Information Card
in common
 They both have小题1:_______and long black hair.
They both like小题2:________.They both enjoy going to parties.
 Mary is much小题3:______than Lily.Lily is more outgoing and Mary is 小题4:______.Mary likes singing and Lily likes


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The Reading Club meets in the library after school. We read and talk a___小题1:____ English story books. It is a lot of fun. I tell the o____小题2:___ students about good books. Then, they tell me about their f____小题3:___ books. We also learn about new books and choose what we want to r____小题4:__ next. We can read books alone, or we can listen to storybooks on CDs. I like l____小题5:____ to stories on CD. I can hear many d___小题6:____ stories. This h___小题7:____ me speak and understand English.
S____小题8:_____ we read books in pairs. Students in Grade 9 help me read difficult books. They tell me what the words mean and help me understand. This is very i___小题9:____. I like to learn f____小题10:___ the older students.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hobbies are activities(活动), which we do in our free time. There are so many kinds of hobbies one can choose for his or her own. Some hobbies are really expensive, and some are even dangerous.
The most popular hobbies in our country are as follows:
Collecting hobbies  We can collect a lot of things. Usually people collect the stamps, postcards or coins. Some people collect unusual things like old cars, old motorbikes or other interesting things, which could be very expensive.
Art hobbies    Going to the theatre, concert(音乐会), opera; playing some instrument ( the most popular instrument is guitar ); painting, writing, poetry. There are many clubs—such as singing, dancing, etc.
Sports games  Everybody do some sport activities—sport can keep us fit. Many students are members of a sports club—basketball, volleyball or swimming.
The other popular hobby is watching TV or a video, playing computer or video games, but it is not so good for your eyes and your mind. Many people here like to spend their free time reading books, magazines and newspapers. Some people like listening to music better. Going out can be very expensive now.
Many students would like to make use of their hobbies in their future jobs, e.g. working with computer, but it is not so easy. Hobbies are very important for everybody. A man would be very poor without a hobby and would not be pleased.
 小题1: for Us to Choose From
There are many hobbies one can choose: expensive or dangerous.
 小题2: body
Collecting hobbies
Many people like  小题3: stamps, postcards or coins.
Some people like to collect   小题4: things, such as old cars, old motorbikes, etc.
Art hobbies
We can go to the theatre, concert or opera.
We can also learn to play some instrument.
Some have  小题5: painting, writing or poetry.
Going to   小题6: for entertainment(娱乐)is also very interesting.
Sports games
We can take part in some sports activities or  小题7:   sports clubs.
Other hobbies
Watching TV or a video and playing computer or video games are interesting things to do, but not too much, for they may be  小题8:
for our eyes and mind.
We can choose to  小题9: or enjoy music for pleasure.
For many students hobbies are  小题10: for their future jobs.
Hobbies are important for everyone, without which we would be poor and not pleased.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

If a person behaves (举止) politely and helpful to others, we say that he or she has good manners. Everyone likes a person with good manners. What are good manners? Here are some examples.
When waiting for a bus, or in a post office, he (1) ___________________ and does not cut in line. On the bus, he always gives his seat to an old person or a lady with a baby. He does not talk or laugh loudly in public. When eating, he doesn’t speak with his mouth full.
Different countries have different manners. Before (2) going into a house in Japan, it is good manners to take off your shoes. In European countries, even though shoes sometimes become very dirty, this is not done. A guest (客人) in a Chinese house never finishes a drink. He leaves a little to show that he has had enough. While in England, a guest always finishes it to show that he has enjoyed it.
小题1:根据上下文补全 (1) 处所缺的单词或词组。
He never talks with others while he is eating something.
小题3:对 (2) 处进行同意词或词组转换。
Before _______________ a house in Japan, it is good manners to take off your shoes.
小题4:Is it good manners to finish a drink before a guest leaves in China?
小题5:What does this passage mainly tell us?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空


This Sunday is Mother’s Day. For Lucy and Andy, it’s the  小题1: important day. They _小题2:_to do something nice to make their   dear mother, Mrs. Green  小题3:.  Their mother has done a lot for both Lucy and Andy. She spends almost all her time doing housework and ___小题4:__ good care of them, She is not only a __小题5:_ , but also a teacher and a friend.
Mrs. Green _小题6:_ to go to evening classes two years ago, _小题7:_ she felt it was difficult for her to help her children with their school work. But these days she can’t see ___小题8:___ when she reads. Lucy says the best present for her mother is a pair of ___小题9:__. And Andy thinks that is a good  小题10:


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Andy lives in Sun City with his parents. He is fourteen. He has short blonde hair. Andy’s mother is a shop assistant in a market. Andy often helps his mother after school. Some boys often play near the market. They all have nice bikes. (A) So Ben wants a bike like theirs.
Last weekend, Andy went to help his mother as usual. On the way to the market, he saw those boys run down an old man with their bikes. The old man lay on the ground and couldn’t move, but the boys ran away. (B) 安迪过去帮忙,把老人送到了医院。In the hospital, the old man gave Andy a magic book. He told Andy to take it home, open the book and make a wish. He did as the old man said.
Do you know what Andy’s wish was and do you think his wish came true?
小题3:The underlined phrase “run down” means “___________” in Chinese.
小题4:Where does Andy’s mother work?
小题5: What did the old man give Andy?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

How can we students keep ourselves safe? Here are some t  小题1: .
On your way home or to school: W  小题2: for the green traffic light, and look left and right before you cross the road. If you see a car coming, don’t cross until it is really safe. Dress in bright colours, so the drivers can see you c 小题3: .
At school: When students around you begin to push, try to hold onto something, or stay in a safer corner. If you fall down in a crowded(拥挤的)place, cover your head with b 小题4:  hands.
When there’s a fire: Stay c  小题5: and leave quickly. Use a piece of wet cloth to cover your mouth and nose so that you don’t take in s  小题6: . If your clothes catch fire, please drop to the ground and roll from side to side to put out the fire.
For eating: Wash fruit like apples or g  小题7:carefully before you eat them. Check the expiration dates(保质期)and if your food looks or smells t 小题8: , don’t eat it.
For riding on the escalator(自动扶梯): Hold onto the handrails(扶手). It is d 小题9:  to run up and down on them. You may fall down because escalator steps(台阶)are not fit for
r  小题10: .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mr. Jackson says his favorite great book is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.  It was小题1: (写)by Mark Twain in the  19th 小题2:_____(世纪)   The  story  is about  a小题3:_____(活泼的)and clever young boy Tom and his friends.  They go looking for treasure(宝藏)on an 小题4:____(岛)in the middle of the Mississippi River.  Mr.  Jackson thinks his favorite scene in the book is when everyone thinks Tom is 小题5:_____(死的)and has a funeral(葬礼),but Tom 小题6:_____(躲藏)and watches,and then suddenly he appears.  The ending of the story really 小题7:_____(使'原奇)everyone.  The themes of the  story are to do with children growing up and becoming more serious.
At the same time,it talks about freedom,  social 小题8:_____(规则)  and how people are punished(惩罚)for bad behaviors.  Finally,  Mr. Jackson asks us to read the book. He is sure if we can put our 小题9:_____(心)into it, we can understand the story 小题10:_____( 容易) .

