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We can often 1. s______ the street names and house numbers in America, Canada, England, but in some other 2.c____ we can't. If you take a3. t_____ to Tokyo, the capital city(首都)) of Japan, you will4. f_____ there are few street names and house numbers, but people are still very good at5. g______ directions. Let's look at 6.h_______ this lady gives direction!

"Well, you 7.t______ a walk to Shinjuku Station. Turn right and walk for three blocks. You can see a pay phone. Turn left and8. p_____ a hotel. Turn left9. a______ and walk one more block. Right in front of you, there is a small coffee shop. I will 10. m_____ you there."

Wow! That's really wonderful! Can you believe?


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江省杭州市拱墅区中考一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

–How did you go to school this morning, Susan?

--I ______ the school bus. Luckily, Ted’s father gave me a ride.

A. saw B. took C. caught D. missed


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东德州庆云第二中学七年级6月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子




China is ___________ ___________ china.


We are going to __________ you __________ our school next Sunday.


Tom __________ __________ the bag and rushed out of the house.


Don’t ___________ ___________ others, it’s not polite.

5. 昨天科学家们穿过了那片森林。

Yesterday the scientists ___________ ___________ the forest.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏苏州市八年级下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In most parts of the world,many students help their schools make less pollution.They join“environment clubs”.In an environment club,people work together to make our environment clean. Here are some things students often do.

●No-garbage (垃圾) lunches.How much do you throw away after lunch? Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used again.Every week they will choose the classes that make the least garbage and report them to the whole school!

●No-car day.On a no—car day, nobody comes to school in a car—not the students and not the teachers! Cars give pollution to our air, so remember:

Walk,jump,bike or run.

Use your legs! It’s lots of fun!

●Turn off the water! Did you know that some toilets can waste (浪费) twenty to forty tons of water an hour? In a year, that would fill a small river! In environment clubs,students mend those broken toilets.

We love our environment.Let’s work together to make it clean.

1.Environment clubs ask students

A.to run to school every day

B.to take exercise every day

C.not to forget to take cars

D.not to throw away lunch bags

2.On a no-car day, will take a car to schoo1.

A.both students and teachers B.only students

C.neither students nor teachers D.only teachers

3.After students mend toilets,they save

A.a small river B.a club

C.a lot of water D.a toilet

4.The writer wrote the passage to ask students to

A.clean schools B.make less pollution

C.join clubs D.help teachers


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏洪泽外国语中学七年级上第三次调查测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Shopping on Taobao

Where do you often go shopping ?

“Who needs a shopping mall ____ we have Taobao?” ____ Wang Lin. she is 28 ____ old . She is a writer in Beijing. Taobao is China’s largest online shopping website . shopping on Taobao is an important part of Wang Lin’s life . She spends lots of money _____ Taobao every day .

Now ____ people like Wang Lin find the joy of shopping online .Among(在。。之中)them , women are much more than ___, because they can seldom say beautiful clothes .

“Taobao ” means “ look for treasure ”in ____. People can find ____ they need on Taobao , _____ candies to DVD players.

Wang Lin says , “It is very cheap ”. If you don’t like the goods (商品), you can get your ____ back . I like shopping on Taobao.

1.A. When B. why C. where D. what

2.A.speaks B. talks C. says D. tells

3.A. months B. years C. weeks D. days

4.A. on B. at C. with D. beside

5.A. lot of B. a lot of C. a lot D. much

6.A. men B. boys C. children D. workers

7.A. French B. English C. German D. Japanese

8.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

9.A. from B.as C. like D. unlike

10.A. things B. ticket C. money D. change


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北武汉市七年级5月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Jim at a middle school.

A. study B. learn C. learns D. studies


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年北京房山周口店中学七年级下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子


One morning I got up late. I quickly jumped out of the bed, washed my face, then hurried to (匆忙地) the bus stop. As soon as I got on the bus, it started raining. Suddenly(突然地)the bus stopped. Something was wrong with it. 1. , so I ran to school.

I reached the classroom but I was all wet. The math teacher had already begun his lesson. 2. . All the students were a little afraid of him. I liked neither him nor his math lessons. 3. . “I'm very sorry, Mr. Smith. I'm late,” I said with a red face.

“It’s you, Jim,” Mr. Smith said angrily. "I've told you not to be late, but you…" he suddenly stopped and looked at my wet clothes. He turned to the class and said, "I'm very sorry, my boys and girls.” 4. . “Now take off your wet coat and put on this one or you'll catch a cold,” he said kindly.

I went to my seat with Mr. Smith's jacket on. 5. . I found, for the first time, math was so interesting and how well I could understand it!

A. It was Mr. Smith

B. I had no time to wait for the next bus

C. I stood for a moment and then opened the door

D. It was a bit large for me but I felt very warm in it

E. With these words he quickly took off his own jacket and handed it to me


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年人教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 5Section A练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My alarm didn’t________.So I woke up late.

A.put off

B.go off

C.take off

D.get off


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年安徽合肥市庐阳区九年级二模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Theodor Seuss Geisel was born in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1904. He was famous because of the books he wrote for children. They have funny words, pictures, and social opinion(观点). Dr Seuss wrote his first book for children in 1937. It is called And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street. Soon other successful books followed. Over the years, he wrote more than forty children’s books. They were fun to read. Yet his books sometimes dealt with serious subjects.

By the middle 1940s, Dr Seuss had become one of the best-loved and most successful writers of children’s books. He had a strong desire to help children. In 1954, Life magazine gave a report about school children who could not read. The report said many children’s books weren’t interesting. Dr Seuss decided to write books that were interesting and easy to read.

In 1957, Dr Seuss wrote The Cat in the Hat. He used less than 225 words to write the book. This was about the number of words a six-year-old should be able to read. The story was about a cat who tried to play with two children on a rainy day while their mother was away from home. The cat was very special and it could talk. The book was a great success. It was an interesting story and was easy to read. Children loved it. Their parents loved it, too. Today many adults(成年人) say it is still one of the stories they like best.

1.Theodor Seuss Geisel was famous for .

A. his funny words and pictures

B. his social opinion

C. his ideas on serious subjects

D. his books written for children

2.The underlined word desire in the passage probably means “ .”

A. 问题 B. 愿望 C. 感激 D. 标准

3.According to the passage we know that .

A. Dr Seuss wrote his first book for children at the age of 33

B. Dr Seuss wrote less than forty children’s books over the years

C. Life magazine gave a report about adults who could not read in 1954

D. And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street was loved by children and parents

4. Why do many adults like reading The Cat in the Hat today?

A. Because Dr Seuss used 225 words to write the book.

B. Because it was about a cat trying to play with two children.

C. Because it was an interesting story and was easy to read.

D. Because the cat was very special and it could talk with children.

