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Everyone may meet a person like this.He can eat more than his usual amount of beer,an Italian pizza,an ice cream,and a big sweet cookie.The next morning he remains to be there without putting on a pound in weight. A new study shows that people’s bodies act to the same food in very different ways.“Even if you give two people just the same diet(饮食),they won’t necessarily weigh the same.”says Dr.Judith Kroner,director at the Weight Control Center at Columbia University Medical Center.

Good genes(基因)work greatly.You think you eat the healthy diet,but you are still not happy with the way your body looks when you keep your healthy diet,that is because of your mom and dad.Dr.Kroner says your gene decides your weight first.If you try to change that weight,your body surely fights against it.

You may feel surprised that some people around you are thin,though they eat much.That’s because they’re eating less energy foods.It can look like someone’s eating a lot ,they have a big bowl in front of them, but the bowl may be full of vegetables,chicken,and no spices(调料).It looks like they’re just eating and eating and eating,but their foods are lower in energy

than you think.Now you see,when people say they eat whatever they want without putting on weight.They’re not lying.

So please remember,the best diet is always the one that works for you,not someone else’s plan.

1.What can you learn from Kroner’s words?

A. People should be given the same diet every day.

B. People should eat much more food than usual.

C. People put on different weights from the same food.

D. People will have the same weight with the same food.

2.Dr.Kroner thinks that decides your weight first.

A. your sports B. your sleep C. your diet D. your genes

3.Which of the following is True according to the passage?

A. The thin people are eating less in their real life.

B. The thin people like to use the big bowl for food.

C. Less energy food is the first choice for the thin people.

D. People surely put on weight after eating much food.


科目:初中英语 来源:2017秋外研版九年级英语 Test for Module 4 题型:单项填空

The maths problem looked________ but David took an hour to solve it.

A. serious B. simple

C. silly D. boring


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版2017年秋八年级英语上册Unit4单元测试卷 题型:选词填空

fly, good, live, hear, see, climb, bad, real, loud, jump, but, I

A dog was relaxing in a park. Then he saw a cat on the top of a high wall (墙). He thought, “It must be so nice to be high on the wall. But I can’t 1..” The dog felt so bad.

Then he2. a fish in the river. He thought, “It must be so nice to live in the water. But I can’t swim.” The dog felt 3. this time.

Just then he4. the fish say, “It looks so nice and warm on the grass. I 5. want to lie down (躺下) on it.”

Hearing the words, the dog felt surprised (惊讶的). He thought, “The fish 6. a great life, but she still feels bad.”

After some time, a bird 7. past. She saw the dog playing in the park. She said 8., “I really want to play the whole day like this dog. 9. I have to look for food for my kids and 10. every day.”

The dog heard the bird’s words. He knew it was important to enjoy his own (自己的) life.


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版2017年秋八年级英语上册Unit4单元测试卷 题型:单项填空

Mr. Black and Mr. Smith can both take this job, but I think Mr. Black is _______.

A. the most careful B. more careful

C. the most carefully D. more carefully


科目:初中英语 来源:陕西省西安市长安区2016-2017学年第二学期九年级第一次模拟考试 题型:补全对话

A:Someone is absent.1.?

B:Li Yuhang isn’t here.

A: 2.?

B:He is at home .He Can’t go to school this week.

A:3. ?

B:He hurt his leg when he was doing sports.

A:4..When did it happen?

B:This morning. We sent him to the hospital. The doctor asked him to have a good rest.

A:You did a good job.I hope he will be better soon.Pay more attention while playing sports next time.


A:Now,let’s begin our class.


科目:初中英语 来源:陕西省西安市长安区2016-2017学年第二学期九年级第一次模拟考试 题型:完形填空

Once upon a time,there was a king,Something was wrong with his eyes.He_________all the doctors in his country and tried every treatment they suggested,but his eyes continued to hurt,In desperation(走投无路),the king sent for________old wise man,who lived on top of the________mountain in the country.The wise man asked the king some questions and checked his eyes with a strange machine.

At last he smiled and said,“You’d better not see other colors_________green.You must only see green instead of any other color.I will come to see you again in a month to see______you are doing it.”The king immediately asked his men________all the boxes of green paint they could find.Then he directed them to paint green everything he could see.

When the wise man retumed a month later,the king’s man______and greeted him with boxes of green paint. They painted him from head to foot before he______to see the king.When the wise man leamed why he had been painted green,he laughed loudly and said:“If you had put on a pair of

_____With green lenses(镜片),you could save all the money that was used to paint everything green. ”

No one________paint all the world green,but you can see a green world by changing your glasses.The only way to change the world is to change your attitude(态度).By changing your attitude,you can change the world.

1.A. sees B. will see C. saw D. has seen

2.A. a B. an C. the D. /

3.A. higher B. highest C. heavier D. heaviest

4.A. except B. besides C. with D. through

5.A. why B. what C. where D. how

6.A. buy B. to buy C. bought D. buys

7.A. ended up B. put up C. took off D. ran out

8.A. allowed B. was allowed C. allows D. is allowed

9.A. sock B. socks C. glass D. glasses

10.A. may B. must C. can D. should


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省广州市天河区2016年中考英语一模试卷 题型:阅读理解

POSB(Post Office Saving Banks )PAssion Run for Kids 2016

Who are the kinds we're helping?

The PAssion Kids Fund aims to support the children in the community through different programmes.We are happy to partner People's Association this year to organize PAssion Run for Kids 2016to support the children in the community so that can have a happier childhood and a brighter future.

What can I do for the kinds?

You can make a difference in the lives of the children simple by running to support this cause!

You can also make a donation (捐款)to the POSB Passion Kids Fund


From 1 March to 30 April in 2016

1 June to 31 July 2016

Early Bird

POSB Credit card holders PAssion Card member



10km Men's open




10km Women's open

Family Walk﹣Non Competitive

Children (below 13yrs old )




Adult (13 yrs and above )





1 Participants (参与者)below 18 must get the permission of parents or guardianship.

2 All the running items will be held at weekends.

3 Volunteers (aged above 18)will be welcomed.

4 All the items will be cancelled in case of heavy rain.

5 For more information on POSB PAssion Run for Kids 2016,please contact us at 90108116(Mon﹣Fri,10am to 5pm )or email us at enquiries@runforkids.com.sg…

1.The purpose of the event is to

A. encourage a healthy lifestyle

B. help children in the community

C. make a difference in our lives

D. introduce the products of Sketcher

2.Tom's father is a PAassion Card member.He signed up for the 10km race in June.How much should he pay?

A. 25.

B. 40.

C. 45.

D. 50.

3.From the poster,we can know something about the event EXCEPT

A. the place

B. the time

C. the cost

D. the sponsor

4.From the Notes,we can know that

A. we can get further information by making a call

B. we can take part in the items in June every day

C. everybody can work as a volunteer in the event

D. the items will be held under any kind of weather

5.Which of the following about the activity is TRUE?

A. Participants must have a PAssion card or POSB credit card.

B. Women and children can only take part in the Family Walk.

C. People's Association is one of the organizers of the event.

D. Children are not allowed to take part in the events.


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省温州市2017届九年级10月月考英语试卷 题型:单项填空

— What did you see, Lingling? —I saw a lot of trees on ___ __ of the lake.

A. neither side B. both sides C. each sides D. all sides


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上英语同步练习2Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag第二课时 section A 题型:单项填空

—_________ the rulers?

—_________in the pencil box.

A. Where’s; They’re

B. Where’s; It’s

C. Where are; They are

D. Where are; It's

