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He'll invite some friends and relatives ______ his sixtieth birthday party.

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A. for  B. on  C. with  D. to 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



Pick up one of these cubes and you probably won’t be able to put it down.How hard(1)_____ it be to rearrange(重新排列)the nine colored squares on each side of the cube? In fact,there are 43×1030 possibilities! It has been 31 years since the cubes were sold in stores around the world.Its(2) _____,however, began years earlier as a simple classroom example.In 1974,Dr.Erno Rubik(3) _____ the“Magic Cube”as he called it. He did this to help his students understand 3-D concepts.This classroom model was quickly changed into a (4) _____ toy.In 1979,Ideal Toys bought the rights(权利)(5) _____ sold it as“Rubik’s Cube”.The invention(6) _____ became a 1980s cultural icon

As time went(7) _____,the cube’s popularity became less,however,it made a comeback with the Internet.Now(8) _____ can go online and find many videos that show ways to solve the cube.Erik Akkersdijk of the Netherlands holds the present world record.He finished it in just 7.08 seconds l


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

specific, frustrate, different, magazine, practice
1. He finds the movie _______.
2. Your answer is right, but l want a more _______ answer.
3. Some people think grammar isn't important but I feel _______.
4. If  I meet a foreigner, I will          __  English with him.
5. I think reading English books and _______ is good.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Motor racing is a very exciting sport,but it is also very dangerous.Racing drivers go at 200 kilometers per hour and even faster.Sometimes the cars crash(撞车)and the drivers die.

    This is Kirsten Kolby.When she was a little girl,she and her brother learned to drive,and she became good at it.When she was l2,she was the best young driver in her country.Now she drives racing cars.

    Most racing drivers are men.Is this a problem for Kirsten?

    “Sometimes.”is her answer,“Some men don't like a woman driver in front of them. They get angry.”

    Is she afraid of crashing?

    “I had a bad crash two years ago.The car rolled over.I was under it and I couldn't move.There was a fire,and I couldn't get out.A man rushed through the fire and pulled me out.He was a very brave man.After I came out of hospital,I tried to race again, but I was too afraid of fire.So I stopped racing and got a different job.But l wasn't happy.I really wanted to race again.I wanted it very much.So now I'm racing again.I'm still afraid, but I'm stronger than my fear.’’



1.Are racing drivers safe?

2.What happened to Kirsten two years ago?




4.Kirsten became the best young driver in her country when she was           


5.After Kirsten came out of hospital,she        

A.tried to race again                                    B.gave up racing and changed a new job

    C.was unhappy                                             D.went on racing


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A.to  B.different  C.no  D.anything  E.next to  F.goes  G cooking

H.is like  I.same  J.on  K.nothing  L.clean M.likes

Li Lei is a middle school student.He is a good boy.Uncle Wu lives    1  him.Uncle Wu has

   2    children and he can’t see  3    .He works in the factory near Li Lei’s school.He goes to work at 7:30 in the morning and   4   home at 4:30 in the afternoon.

Li Lei goes to school at 8:00 in the morning and comes home at the    5  time as Uncle Wu in the afternoon.  6   weekdays Li Lei gets up early to take Uncle Wu  7  the factory.After school he takes Uncle Wu home.On Sundays Li Lei helps Uncle Wu  8  he house and do some  9  .Uncle Wu thanks Li Lei very much.He says,“Li Lei is a good boy.He   10  my son.”


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A.to  B.different  C.no  D.anything  E.next to  F.goes  G cooking

H.is like  I.same  J.on  K.nothing  L.clean M.likes

Li Lei is a middle school student.He is a good boy.Uncle Wu lives  1    him.Uncle Wu has

           2      children and he can’t see    3  .He works in the factory near Li Lei’s school.He goes to work at 7:30 in the morning and   4   home at 4:30 in the afternoon. Li Lei goes to school at 8:00 in the morning and comes home at the  5   time as Uncle Wu in the afternoon.6  weekdays Li Lei gets up early to take Uncle Wu  7  the factory.After school he takes Uncle Wu home.On Sundays Li Lei helps Uncle Wu 8   the house and do some  9   .Uncle Wu thanks Li Lei very much.He says,“Li Lei is a good boy.He   10   my son.”

